Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I love Beth Hart when she is playing with Joe Bonamassa... Obviously I am partial to the Blues and her voice and his guitar give me goose bumps....:circle-of-love:
This morning I was listening to Jimmy Hendrix's live version of Purple Haze at Woodstock for the first time again (Every time is like the first time on that one) on my way to work on an over crowded rush hour train. Closed my eyes & could swear I was actually on stage with him! When it comes to plucking strings that was the greatest thing ever recorded.
Question on Auto's and LED lighting:

When you are growing Autos with LED lights in the vegetative stage, do you still keep the "veg mode" lighting switch only on, or do you use them at full flower power? My understanding is that they are going to do their own thing on their own schedule regardless of the lighting schedule or strength.
Looking forward to learning on that.
I'd have to say it depends on what lamp. Our TOPLED Reflector veggies better with both switches on while our Diamond series Advanced Led lamp veggies better with the Veg control on full & the Bloom control on half power.

Thanxx for that great piece of info on controlling stretch Partner.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!


We did get some more rain yesterday and it appears the kids loved it. I do see growth on them, especially the smallest seedlings.
The cages are working well, I did not see any sign of chipmunk digging or mole holes anywhere in two days now.


This is the girl that got uprooted. She is doing great!


And this is the biggest seedling, I just think she's purty:


One of the leaves on this plant had been rolled up. I know that sign, there's a critter done rolled itself in there for a cocoon or protection.


I unrolled it and found a tiny white worm, who has now gone to tiny white worm heaven.

I probably won't worry so much about things like that as the plants get bigger, but I want to be sure they get sufficiently rooted and acquire nice firm stalks and foliage during this early time.

And just for recording purposes, the window Buddha sprout is 1 1/2 inches tall as of today. I want to see how much she grows this week being in the window.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Looking awesome but tell me that's not one of your girls in the background.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Looking awesome but tell me that's not one of your girls in the background.

LOL, nope. That is some spring garlic I had in a glass of water in my refrigerator. I decided to just replant the danged things, cuz I'm never home long enough to do any cooking lately. They had wilted a bit in the fridge. Hoping they "spring" back up.
If not, at least there's some smelly's in the soil to keep the critters at bay.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I think they are all purty. :blushsmile:

I would not have known a worm had rolled that leaf up. I learned something. Not that Ill be able to grow outside in my lifetime. lol
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I think the light cycle is what doesnt affect them. Different kinds of light, like sunlight versus LED, might give the jumpstart, rather than the length of time she under the light source.

Thats how I think of it anyway.

This was such an interesting way to think of it. I like that perspective.

It might burn up guys. I know if you take new seedling into sunlight it dies in about 15 mins. So will most plants. I think

I tossed her out there and she survived the night and into the evening today. After I left the house we got hit with a serious rainstorm, so when I get home tomorrow we shall see.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Of course they made it silly. I put a good juju on them.

That's mighty neighborly of you Cajun. :circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

That's mighty neighborly of you Cajun. :circle-of-love:

Well merci bon femme (thanx)!
Let me know if us need some gris gris for your plants too.
It takes some of my soul each time, but y'all are worth it.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well merci bon femme (thanx)!
Let me know if us need some gris gris for your plants too.
It takes some of my soul each time, but y'all are worth it.

I will keep that in my drawer of "potential good luck voodoo needs".......:cheesygrinsmiley:

So far so good, no signs of 4 legged critters. I think I'll be using those little cages again real soon. We got more rain last night, that has really helped all of the plants in the Haven.
Going to be a busy weekend with plants. No more overtime for a couple of weeks. I'm going to try a stab at mixing my own soil with whatever I can find available here.
SweetLeef's post about the Soil Food Web got me thinking. Very interesting read and a video, if any of you have some time to check it out:

You Cant Grow Organic Without The Soil Food Web

The main reason.....right now I don't have spare funds to go out and buy any of the soil I've been using from the grow shop. This could be the thing that gets me to making a nice version of my own.
The indoor plants are going to be ready for transplanting shortly, probably shouldn't wait more than a hoping to just get it done this weekend.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well pull out that juju you have stashed away and with you amazing skills... I'm pretty sure you got this....:circle-of-love:

Well, I have no shortage of good dirt...peat moss...composted wood chips and sawdust...composted leaves....dried chicken poo....dolomite (rock dust for phosphurus)
so far, my recipe is doing well. Gonna keep researching. LOL
I'll hook up the mini hauling trailer to my lawn mower and mix it right in there. Let it bake in the sunshine a few days, stirring every now and then?

Oh, I guess I better screen it first too. Already have a set up to do that....what d' ya know. LOL

I've been reading up on perlite, and from what I can see as long as it's horticulture type perlite it is good to use it.
Vermiculite, however...that one I'm not so sure of. I know it soaks up and retains moisture, But I'm not so sure it can be considered organic? I'm a total noob in the organic world. The only really bad thing I read was a long time ago a vermiculite mine was discovered to have had asbestos fibers mixed in it. Big boo boo...

Any organic soil people have thoughts on the vermiculite?
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well, I have no shortage of good dirt...peat moss...composted wood chips and sawdust...composted leaves....dried chicken poo....dolomite (rock dust for phosphurus)
so far, my recipe is doing well. Gonna keep researching. LOL
I'll hook up the mini hauling trailer to my lawn mower and mix it right in there. Let it bake in the sunshine a few days, stirring every now and then?

Oh, I guess I better screen it first too. Already have a set up to do that....what d' ya know. LOL

I've been reading up on perlite, and from what I can see as long as it's horticulture type perlite it is good to use it.
Vermiculite, however...that one I'm not so sure of. I know it soaks up and retains moisture, But I'm not so sure it can be considered organic? I'm a total noob in the organic world. The only really bad thing I read was a long time ago a vermiculite mine was discovered to have had asbestos fibers mixed in it. Big boo boo...

Any organic soil people have thoughts on the vermiculite?

The big concern with vermiculite is it's water retention ability, which interferes with that quick drain thing we want with organic soil mixes. Perlite, pumice, lava rock (the chunky landscaping stuff works well), rice hulls - all these are acceptable aeration components. Vermiculite holds too much water.

Kuddos on building your own soil. Have you checked out the soil discussion thread in my signature? Lots of ideas popping up there. I'd consult Mr. Teddy too. He mixes up a mean soil from local sources and I'm sure he'd have some advice for you Canna.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Vermiculite is OK but just don't add too much to your soil mix. It retains the feed but releases it as the roots ask for it. If you use too much it'll clog up your soil meaning you'll have clunks of soil.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I will keep that in my drawer of "potential good luck voodoo needs".......:cheesygrinsmiley:

So far so good, no signs of 4 legged critters. I think I'll be using those little cages again real soon. We got more rain last night, that has really helped all of the plants in the Haven.
Going to be a busy weekend with plants. No more overtime for a couple of weeks. I'm going to try a stab at mixing my own soil with whatever I can find available here.
SweetLeef's post about the Soil Food Web got me thinking. Very interesting read and a video, if any of you have some time to check it out:

You Cant Grow Organic Without The Soil Food Web

The main reason.....right now I don't have spare funds to go out and buy any of the soil I've been using from the grow shop. This could be the thing that gets me to making a nice version of my own.
The indoor plants are going to be ready for transplanting shortly, probably shouldn't wait more than a hoping to just get it done this weekend.


I think I posted about organic commercial grows...somewhere. The growers I met only water, the soil is set up for the entire grow. They add a few secret amendments.
I'm going this route too. It's easy cheaper as ya mentioned.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I think I posted about organic commercial grows...somewhere. The growers I met only water, the soil is set up for the entire grow. They add a few secret amendments.
I'm going this route too. It's easy cheaper as ya mentioned.

If you set it up as a no-till it's the last soil you need for that pot. Then it becomes even more cost-effective.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I have several bags of Yum-Yum if ya need it... I have PJ organic soil mix recipe too and I bet you could kinda do the Canna thing you do to it and make it work for ya if I sent you some Yum-Yum and it only has to be watered through the whole grow.... 4 of my girls in the last grow were in it originally... the purple #1 was horrible but that was me not the soil and the Blue Dream, Crazy Miss Hyde and Blue Monster Holk were in it and I did spray them with the Ultra Snow Storm a few times but other than that just water and all 3 of them are amazing herb... Actually the Blue Monster Holk IMO is the best I have ever grown in potency..... It is a 1 hit wonder and do not plan on moving off the couch except when you float into the kitchen to eat the refrigerator... it doesn't give you the munchies that make you kinda get up and go get a bag of popcorn or something.... it carries you to the kitchen and forces you to eat everything in sight.... 7 says it is too strong... I won't go so far as to say that but it is a easy 9 on Broke As's chart... It stops me in my tracks...:)....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

What is Yum Yum mix. Never heard of it. Must be pretty damn good with that name.
Can you buy it?
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I use it in the PJ organic soil mix... it comes in a 5 lb bag and it says "feeds the soil that feeds your plants" Yum Yum Mix earth food... natural and organic 2-1-1

it is an all purpose fertilizer and soil conditioner. It is a premium blend of organic and natural alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, greensand, kelp meal, rock dust, rock phosphate, humate and dry molasses which keeps Yum Yum mix a rich source of major and minor nutrient elements. Earthworms and soil micro organisms also respond to available nutes for you plants. It is natural, organic and comletely safe for family pets wildlife and everything you grow. It is also free of animal products petrochemicals and sewage sludge. Vegetarian approved... No blood no bones... Your plants will say Yum Yum
Needless to say I retyped that from the bag...:)....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well, nice to know you are going the mix your own route too Cajun. We can learn together. LOL
Thanks for all the advice on the vermiculite, I'm kind of thinking on leaving it out....or use some very sparingly. I read there are issues with it causing problems in land fills too. Not sure if that's accurate, but it's in the back of my mind now.

Dennise, I would LOVE PeeJay's soil recipe if you could send that. If you can't post it, please PM me if possible. :)
I appreciate the offer of the Yum Yum, but save that for your future grows my friend. I'm going to see if the nursery near my house has it in the small shaker container. Shouldn't be too expensive, and from what I've read on it a little goes a long way.

I ran into an article on Mineral nutrients, Micronutrients and Macronutrients that I posted to my blog yesterday, if any of you are interested in checking it:

420 Magazine ® - Cannafan's Other Place - Blogs

Gotta run, have to go down to the spider den (basement) and get some growing stuff.
Funny, I moved everything down there last everything is coming back upstairs. Vicious circle. LOL
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