Chief's 2nd Try: Kindsoil Round 2

It’s about 3 and a half feet tall from the soil. It’s a whole foot taller than the other one lol.
Really like how you grow your tall ones out. Possibly running a tried and true sativa soon depending on sex and prefer to do what you’re doing by letting them grow more natural with high shoots. Plants look great.
Ya they will most likely go longer but that was the expected date. I’m in no hurry to chop them but I do want to smoke them already lol.
Start taking a tester nug every couple days. That way you can find the age where you really like the smoke. I tend to take my testers in about 5 day increments. I usually take 3-5 samples so I have a 15-20 day window that I can select from. Generally I like to take them about 5 days before recommended harvest time....then every 4-5 days from there until the plant lets me know that is done. Sometimes I am surprised when I find what I like.
Really like how you grow your tall ones out. Possibly running a tried and true sativa soon depending on sex and prefer to do what you’re doing by letting them grow more natural with high shoots. Plants look great.

Thanks I mostly just try to keep them happy. They tend to grow big.
Start taking a tester nug every couple days. That way you can find the age where you really like the smoke. I tend to take my testers in about 5 day increments. I usually take 3-5 samples so I have a 15-20 day window that I can select from. Generally I like to take them about 5 days before recommended harvest time....then every 4-5 days from there until the plant lets me know that is done. Sometimes I am surprised when I find what I like.

Great idea I’m definitely going to have to start using that.

I’m about to start making my soil and kind of wanted to pick your brain on inputs. I was looking at the buildasoil recipes and was wondering if this is similar to how u make your soil.

Ratio 1:blushsmile:1
This means that there are 3 main components at 1 part each.
Example: To make 15 gallons of soil. 1 Part would be 5 gallons.
1 Part Sphagnum Peatmoss, Coco, Leaf-mold, etc.
1 Part Aeration material like lava rock, pumice, perlite, rice hulls etc.
1 Part Compost

With these amendments:

1/2 Cup per cubic foot the following:
* Karanja Cake (NPK, Micro Nutrients and reported Bug Defense all in one)
* Kelp Meal (NPK, Micro Nutrients, Growth Hormones and many other benefits)
* Crustacean Meal (Crab and/or Shrimp Meal) (Calcium, Nitrogen and Chitin along with other benefits) 4 Cups per cubic foot of a mineral mix:
• 2 Cup Basalt (Paramagnetic Rock Dust from lava flow that is high in micronutrients)
• 1 Cup Gypsum (Calcium and Sulfur)
• 1 Cup Oyster Shell Flour (Calcium Carbonate)
Veg box update:

The Stankberrys were transplanted yesterday one had a little shock from the defoliation and transplant but I think the leaves will perk up soon. I’m trying to see if I can just come in and bend the stems if this gets too tedious I will just tie them down. At the moment tho I haven’t had to do much training and they are taking shap2 nicely. You can definitely see one is a big stretcher already.

Looking great Chief. The Stankberries are growing just like the ones I have going.

As for the soil, the ratios you listed first is about the ratio I use. Regarding the amendments, I go with a lot more variety of inputs. I design it with slow release, medium, quickly available amendments and a use quite a variety of inputs. You can start with what you have and go from there....see how the plant reacts and alter it as necessary.

I can certainly offer up some additional things I would consider adding if you are interested.
Looking great Chief. The Stankberries are growing just like the ones I have going.

As for the soil, the ratios you listed first is about the ratio I use. Regarding the amendments, I go with a lot more variety of inputs. I design it with slow release, medium, quickly available amendments and a use quite a variety of inputs. You can start with what you have and go from there....see how the plant reacts and alter it as necessary.

I can certainly offer up some additional things I would consider adding if you are interested.

Yes if you can please. I want all the info I can get. There is just so much to learn when it comes to soil. I’m really trying to make a soil I can use from seed and just top dress and use ACTs.
Flower tent Update:

Titan OG #1 isn’t bulking up and most of the hairs are orange now. I think I’m going to chop it this week and just use most of it to make butteror oil to cook with. I didn’t take pictures of it but i will even though I hate the way it looks.

Titan OG #2 is looking good we are at about 56 days of 12/12. I like the mutant leaf and the smell is so great hard to explain but I will give it a better report later. The buds are bulking up and it’s pretty frosty. I kind of went trigger happy with the camera today.

The Bagseed is looking decent. I think the hairs look weird are are small but maybe there will just be golf balls everywhere. Idk it’s a Bagseed so old what to expect. It’s a little frosty. We are at 18 days of 12/12 so we still have a long way to go. I have 2 clones just in case the smoke is decent.

Veg Tent Update:

The Stankberrys are getting used to their 1 gallon pots nicely. I think next week they will get out in 3 gallons and I’ll flip them. I’m only going to put them in #3s because they might get too big. They both have good shapes and I really haven’t had to do much training. The Stankberry #2 smells so good just from a stem rub. Just from smell I hope the buds are nice cause it prob gonna be a keeper.

The Annunaki- Epoxy OG x Huckleberry Soda is doing well. It got up potted a couple days ago and here soon it will start to get a bit bigger. I’m hoping the buds are as nice as the one I had before. Buds were dense rocks and covered in frost.

Hey Chief....looks like those Stanks are growing well for you brother. They look great man. Glad they are performing well for you. Hope you get the Blueberry muffin smell!

Haha that’s exactly what it smells like! The other smells like it also but just not as strong.
Its an incredible smell once she is full on are going to dig it. Mine tested at almost 21% THC.....hope yours is around there. Mine was a perfectly balanced hybrid. The ATF side hit hard and fast, felt almost immediately on exhale and then over 20 min the Blueberry comes in to give a nice full body buzz but it doesn't overpower the Sativa of the ATF. And its great for pains.
Its an incredible smell once she is full on are going to dig it. Mine tested at almost 21% THC.....hope yours is around there. Mine was a perfectly balanced hybrid. The ATF side hit hard and fast, felt almost immediately on exhale and then over 20 min the Blueberry comes in to give a nice full body buzz but it doesn't overpower the Sativa of the ATF. And its great for pains.

:slide::slide: Getting excited. I think the Harlequin x Northern lights is next. What’s the cross in the kushberry Thunderfuck
The Kushberry TF is Blue Kush (Blueberry x OG kush) x ATF. @Morglie is currently growing one of them that is doing really well for him.

Idk why i said Hindu maybe I was thinking of the girls you have going now. I meant Harlequin. When you breed does the CBD trait also come to the offspring or is it hit and miss? I want to try a CBD strain soon.
Idk why i said Hindu maybe I was thinking of the girls you have going now. I meant Harlequin. When you breed does the CBD trait also come to the offspring or is it hit and miss? I want to try a CBD strain soon.
It can be hit or miss until you breed it to be true. You'll need to get the parental plants of the cross tested to see which to use for F2s. I haven't messed with them personally but I'm thinking it may take a couple generations to get it consistent.
Harvest update::slide:

The last Titan OG came down this morning before work. We had many Amber trichs so I went ahead chopped her. Still have some white hairs but most are orange on the overall plant. These pics are from a few day ago I forgot to take pics before I chopped her.

The first Titan OG came down on Sunday and has been in my 2x2 tent. I want to get at least a 10 day dry before jars but the first plant is pretty much dry and it’s only been 5 days. I turn the fan to a lower setting and hopefully this helps. The first Titan OG with be going into my herbal infuser. I only plan on keeping a 1/4 or so to smoke on.

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