CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Operation "Blast Furnace" has been a success! We have running water in all locations as of this evening!

Two updates of note...
The uppotted Headbands are looking great!

The Candy Dawg has suddenly started to grow.... Surely it is from the recent feeding...
Our Candy Dawg is really starting to grow quickly now and water usage has only increased by a little bit. I moved a few of the training hoops to widen her out a bit more. The two top nodes after the topping are spreading themselves out without any additional coaching.
In a bucket??? What the ....?


Looking good as always Em! :thumb:
In a bucket??? What the ....?


Looking good as always Em! :thumb:
Yep, with 2 sections of 4" drain pipe laying horizontal, with two soil wick feet packed in around them.

Today I re-topped our Candy Dawg, since the two main colas were threatening to get ridiculous. Look what she is starting to do finally... the leaves are starting to rise up and she will be in full prayer soon. The training is going well and she is going to develop into quite a bush before she is out of veg. Water use is steadily, but slowly increasing, girth of the trunk and diameter of the branches is increasing, and she has good color. The SNS-209 is keeping the bugs away for the most part, and anytime I even suspect that there is a gnat or other invader around, I spray them with some SNS-203. If you were to visit my veg rooms, you would notice the sweet smell of rosemary and without any doubt, the bugs smell it too.

The headbands probably will need their first proper watering in the 1 gallon containers, tomorrow. This evening I could still feel water weight, so I let it ride. These have about 8 more days before they will need to be fed again, and by that time the roots should be well on their way to filling these containers. Unless something unforeseen happens, they will probably be moved to their final 7 gallon containers at that time and moved over to Veg Room #2 to sit in the dual 17g SIP tubs sitting in there to complete veg.

The 6 plants in Veg 2 right now, the 3 O. Gelatos and 3 Critical Kush, will be moved over to the Bloom Room in the next couple of days and they will get their first dose of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM.

I will next be planting some autos. I have been delaying them so that I don't get too busy in case I need to deal with any power blackouts because of winter. We seem to have survived this first blast, but I am being careful. Have I told you that by heating the attic on a cold day and with the moisture up there from the grow op, that I can make it rain in there? It's not pretty... I just don't know yet how big of a problem it is going to be long term. So I am going slow. I may even shut down for a couple of months during the worst of the cold... I just don't know yet.

So this journal will be ending soon. It was intended to run for a year, highlighting my multi room continual harvest. For the most part, the plan worked, this journal earned some recognition as a GJOTM and I certainly learned how to be flexible when problems presented themselves. I will finish out the plants I have already introduced to you, but I am not going to add any more plants to this journal. Surely I will start a new journal when I start my autos but I intend to take a little time off to concentrate on some other projects that need my full attention, and I want to relax and enjoy some of your journals without having my own daily deadline to meet and pictures to take.

To all of my readers, thank you. It has been fun having you along on this project. There will of course be many more posts here as we finish up what we started, but I just wanted to let you all know where I was going with this. As I wrap up this year, I also wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year, with the fervent wish that '23 ends up being a much better year than '22 has been. Everyone please stay safe, and may all your resolutions come true.

Sense Emilya Green :party:
Thanks for sharing your perpetual grow with us, Emilya. It's always a pleasure following your journals as you are very knowledgeable and generous with your advice.

Happy New Year to you and your family, Emilya! May 2023 be wonderful for all of us.

Candy Dawg is now 8 days into the feeding and today she got watered from the top and in the reservoir. I am changing my method to continue using @GeoFlora as I have been, but making sure that I do a second top watering in the middle of the two week time between feedings.

I have retopped the top two branches to give me four main colas and have kept moving the training hoops outward to spread her out as much as possible. Many of the lower branches are now going to have to start growing upwards as we have run out of real estate and I expect by the time we're ready to move to bloom she is going to be quite a large bush.

She seems to now be coming out of her funk and using more water and certainly the growth is only accelerating, so I would say that it took a good 3 weeks to get used to the sip idea. Whether or not this was wasted time that could be recovered by starting in the sip, I don't know because I see a fairly large plant sitting here already.
5 inches of water in the new sips
This initial design proved the concept of the electric dip stick, but the circuit was as simple as it could get. The more LEDs that lit up, the dimmer they all got, so much that it's almost impossible to see them under the bright lights. They also are not all the same brightness.
By adding 8 transistors and resistors, I can fix this. The parts are on the way and Electric Dipstick 2.0 should be assembled next weekend.
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