Corytheghost's Soil Bubba Kush Grow Journal: Oct 2020

Looks great man.
What is the current RH inside or outside/room? Really dont think you need the humidifierat all, plus it will save you buying distilled water all the time.
How far away is your seedling to the light?
I have no clue on Celcius bro, if youre are familiar with degrees, nothing really in the 90s, too hot.
I would recommend using distilled/RO water for your plants, especially at this age.
The wet rag is to increase the humidity and it works well. Between the dome/inverted cup and wet rag you should be in the zone.
Your light wattage is fine from the stem is shorter (good thing) compared to stretch one reaching for the light.
We will narrow it down bro.
In my whole apartment my RH is 25-40%

I was running the humidifier outside the tent with great success.

Seedling is 16" away at 30-40% intensity. It was at 18" at same intensity. I really don't think my plant was stretching that bad. We will see how the humidity domes work.

Here's current temp in f°
cory your light intensity is high for seedling stage. I use a 5600k led light bulb for my seedling stages.
drop the intensity of the light to 20 or 25%. Also, is your reading from inside the tent or from the dome you made?
you can spray some water inside the plastic cup and then put it back up on it. That will help with humidity, but turning that light lower intensity will also help
cory your light intensity is high for seedling stage. I use a 5600k led light bulb for my seedling stages.
drop the intensity of the light to 20 or 25%. Also, is your reading from inside the tent or from the dome you made?
you can spray some water inside the plastic cup and then put it back up on it. That will help with humidity, but turning that light lower intensity will also help
Agree, too much light maybe why she bent over. Tryin to get away..Make sense.
I always put my light near the top of the tent.putting it on 50%. Ablut 3ft away from my seedlings, many variables though
This is a huge
I show you my little setup:

This is my 4x2x5 veg vent- about 3 or 4 weeks in veg, i will throw the into bigger containers (10gals) in my flowering 4x2 tents ( i have two 4x2 tents) and veg another couple weeks before flowering them.
My veg lights are 30inches away from the top of plants exactly. Only about 175/200 watts from the wall. I only run two plants per 4x2 flowering tent. Clone is on the right but i like to pick the best 2 out of the 3 plants.

Heres my bubble bucket. I run tap water through my Berkey water filter which brings down my ppms to low 30s. I bubble my nutrients for about 24 hours at least before feedings. Cheap little aquarium pump from Walmart works wonders

Heres my current two flowering 4x2s
My two pollinated og's

Gorillabop 2.5 weeks in flower-each tent averages about 14 zips

So planting the other seed today Cory was a great thing.
I'm really bummed it looks like my seedling is dying. Other seed will hopefully be better directly planted in soil. Only time will tell I suppose. Turned my light intensity down.
Yeah, im really bummed out too bro. Everything looks perfect, just remember without that humidifier she probably going to dry out faster. Just keep a eye out for the new seed. Spray her on the top of the soil maybe once every 2 days, give or take. 40% isnt bad in the tent with the cups on them.
I would roll with that brother.
And when you spray with the water on top (RO water) dont go crazy bro
Sounds good. I always loved the taste water from one of those 5 gallon water coolers.. I'll have to look into some cheaper water equipment and maybe start buying those Reverse Osmosis 5 gallon transparent blue water jugs. Thanks for the suggestion.

Ah it's hard to restrain my trigger hand when I'm spraying mist. I usually get 5-10 pumps in before I'm satisfied. I wonder if I have some sort of fungus going on. Maybe I need to buy a little hydrogen peroxide.
Sounds good. I always loved the taste water from one of those 5 gallon water coolers.. I'll have to look into some cheaper water equipment and maybe start buying those Reverse Osmosis 5 gallon transparent blue water jugs. Thanks for the suggestion.

Ah it's hard to restrain my trigger hand when I'm spraying mist. I usually get 5-10 pumps in before I'm satisfied. I wonder if I have some sort of fungus going on. Maybe I need to buy a little hydrogen peroxide.
I wouldn't us hydrogen peroxide. With the cups on top they might get a little fungus on top. If that happens barely scrap the top soil and leave off the cup domes for a couple of hours and put back on.
I would check your water ph, I was super mistaken on mine at first. googled my towns PH and texted. Our water was ph'd at 8.0 in only 2-4 feedings my soil ph was creeping up to 6.8-7.0, I'm using promix hp and gaia green organics as my nutrients with CALiMAGic mixed in to help with calmag, then ph'd down to roughly 6.0-6.5 PH. I noticed quite the improvement on all my plants within a few days of using ph'd water.
I would check your water ph, I was super mistaken on mine at first. googled my towns PH and texted. Our water was ph'd at 8.0 in only 2-4 feedings my soil ph was creeping up to 6.8-7.0, Im using promix hp and gaia green organics as my nutrients with CALiMAGic mixed in to help with calmag, then ph'd down to roughly 6.0-6.5 PH. I noticed quite the improvement on all my plants within a few days of using ph'd water.

I still haven't tried out my PH pen.. I think ill do that right now. Just rinse between tests with distilled water right? I have the storage solution I'm going to squirt in the cap too.

Thanks for joining us @albertagrower stoked to have your support brother.
With humidifier I'm seeing the most progress. Doesn't mean i should run it, but comparatively to my previous 4 seeds it's doing better. I am worried about the things in my tap water though.. I really need to buy more distilled water. A gallon runs out so quick :(
Hello sir I have the same issue in my little tent because the air is so dry where I live the humidifier causes so much calcium build up , if you get a jug of bottle water the humidifier runs better,,, to be honest I just gave up on the humidifier and I seem to be ok ..... I vegged at a rh of 20
Wow your plants look so good!!

I just rh'd the water I've been using in my spray bottle. 7.8 pH!!!!

I pH'd my distilled water from Walmart and it was like 5.4 pH

I think the meter I bought is garbage :/
did you calibrate your ph pen?

promix organic soil has lime in it which self adjusts the ph so that the nutrients can be taken by the plant.
You can check that with a slurry method. Here is how you can test your soil. Don't do it to the plant as im showing in the video. My stage of plant was in veg already and i wanted to see what my ppm was, but you could easily check the ph instead.
Wow your plants look so good!!

I just rh'd the water I've been using in my spray bottle. 7.8 pH!!!!

I pH'd my distilled water from Walmart and it was like 5.4 pH

I think the meter I bought is garbage :/
I learned that if you mix nutrients and let them sit for a day the ph will go up , just ph before each watering, some times I will water at 5.5 and after a slurry test it will be 7 ,,,,,, slurry test let's you know what ph is in the pot ,,,, I learned this on a forum here
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