Cut last weekend, humidity has been hovering around 80-90 for last week


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking i'm going to lose this grow (just 2 plants) to mold
Hasn't started yet, but certainly not drying out at all.
i dont really want to speed dry it, have been going slow for the last 3, and people who smoke it dont cough, so must be doing it right.
i can jar it with boveda packs, but when i tried that yesterday, the bottle got all steamy.
tried hanging outside in shade and wind, but did not dry at all (too humid)
i think its now going in the fridge vegetable crisper, cause thats all i got.
wifey says oven, preheated then turned off, and put it in overnight
no to oven

fridge is a good fall back.

will take forever but will work. put in paper bags and fold the ends shut. the cooler temps resist mold. jar up when they hit 62%.
Had a small fan , but no difference
Don’t have a humidifier, and no real place to use one
We just sweat it out for the few days a year it’s this humid
Have thought of the salt option, but will test it later, just to see
Guess its going to be fridge
I’d rather have it slow than not at all.
I’m feeling better, i’ll let you know in a week or less.
(fingers crossed)
Good airflow +1.
I slow dry in winter, can take up to 3 weeks, just as long as there is,clean air they will be fine.
those damp boxes you put in cupboards to absorb moisture work well as cheap way to dehumidify.
Good air flow can go a long way to saving buds from mold. But only so far. If your RH is 80 or 90 then your bud can only dry to 80 or 90. It’s just not possible to go lower. What you want is close to 60.
Solutions are a dehumidifier or DIY options, or finding/creating a drier space.
Boveda packs can’t turn wet bud into dry bud.
I’ve heard of people using rice balls. There’s a thread on it here somewhere. Any other sort of desiccant could also work I imagine.
ok then
its now in the fridge, so it'll be a while, but i dint lose it, phew.
Thanks all, i'm going to try the salt and the rice ball.
i don't like rushing it, but a week of 80+ humidity got me quite worried.
i'll update when its out of the fridge, regarding harshness if nothing else
if you run out of room in the fridge: cardboard wardrobe boxes for moving will work in a pinch with the higher humidity. the cardboard works as a dessicant. the down side is you really have to keep a close eye on it.

i used one out of desperation but it did not work too well. my rh at the time was relatively low and the box dried it out too fast. i was hoping to hang dry it in the box for a week, but it raced to dry in about 3 days. a long cure in the jars after has helped somewhat.

truth is the fridge works better if you have the room.
@Emilya is it you with the fridge drying method?
its Dr Ziggys Low and Slow method, thread started by sweetsue.method im using.

made my own rack lol
that makes perfect sense, falstaffo
how long do you leave it in the fridge, on the average?
that makes perfect sense, falstaffo
how long do you leave it in the fridge, on the average?
so this was my first harvest recently, one plant was in there 3weeks, another 3weeks3days, thats dried enough to come out into jars to burp to 62%, last couple days so far, almost there.
the two currently spread over those shelves are 2weeks and a day. i expect il start jar tests next week. i had a lot of bud and started in just paper bags, too much in each bag really but i had filled 2 fridges.. i couldnt spread over more bags as no more space without starting to cram them in. managed to space the last two out better when the first two came out the other days, but made that rack yesterday and now have both remaining in the one fridge lol
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