Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Some strange mutations going on with Loretta. More evidence that the problems are not due to a brief burst of light during lights out, etc. Any clones should be snuffed out, for sure.

I'm really thinking that's the case. It's a shame, but oh well. It's been fun to document, and I'll know what to watch out for in the future, for sure. Going to have a farewell ceremony for the two clones tonight. :rollingeyes:

Did last nights sample live up to expectations ?

The sample was marrrrvelous :lot-o-toke:

It's a little more bittersweet now that I've tested it out and can see a sliver of what she would have become with a more time.

Hi trichomes.. My grow is auto feminised... Might help ya :Namaste:

Yes, I highly recommend Bud's journal - simple organics with a beautiful outcome :)

Awesome close up photos Dres!! Sorry to hear Loretta is testing your patience....thin ice there for sure. Ya gotta watch these plants like kids....every second. LOL
Heartiest congrats on the MOTM nomination too! :thumb:

Thanks, Canna :)

And isn't it the truth about having to watch them? I never thought I'd be 'babysitting' a house plant, but that's essentially what I'm doing. :rofl:

I don't know how you guys do it with those big families of yours... 2-3 might be my max unless I cut the veg time down significantly.

:cheer: thanks guys, once again the Global circlefolk have lead another soul out of the darkness :adore: the :circle-of-love:

Glad you found some resources. :high-five:

Hi Dres, well spotted :battingeyelashes: Do you take flash photos after lights out?

Thanks, Rico :battingeyelashes:

Nope, no flash here. The couple of times I've taken after-HPS shots, I had a CFL lamp that I plugged in a few minutes before the HPS would go out. I take photos with my phone with no flash.

I'm not too broken up about Loretta. Her buds are really beautiful, and her foliage is still really healthy. She already has more bud on her than I expected to get from both my plants this first grow.

I'm sure Pascalle has gotten at least a small bit of pollen on her somewhere. I just can't see how it couldn't have happened by now. But to prevent any further pollination, I've decided to take Loretta down. After more searching, I found several additional banana-hammocks, and it's just too much.

I know a lot more now than when I started, and I'm ready to move on and put that to use with a more reliable plant.

Whisper Loretta's name with one of your exhales today.

I'll take photos as I go along.
Yes, Loretta has performed well, despite her gender bender ways late in the fall :p

I agree with the others, don't bother to grow out her clones. It's a shame, she's a real beaut! But whatcha gonna do? These plants can be fickle sometimes.

Now you'll have room to try something else! And you'll definitely get a lot of kind, sticky goodness from LO!

That's such a shame Dres.

Both you and Dennise having similar problems.

Like you say though it's been a great learning experience.

For sure, you've provided us with a wonderful and fun account of your grow.

The best bit is this is only the start, we look forward to the next chapter.

Well done Dres. :circle-of-love:

Well, the work has begun.

One last picture update before she gets the axe.

I've pulled a ton of leaves off her already. Getting ready to snip branches now :)


They would have been so nice in a week or two.

Even just one more week! Gah!

She looks like a constellation... spacey. :tokin:

She was getting there...

Next time, Gadget... next time!
Great job Dresney, beautiful plant, awesome harvest.:goodjob: :adore:

I only hope my girl looks like yours when she is done (minus the balls of course) I have learned a lot from you and Loretta. :welldone:

Thank you for sharing the journey. :thanks:
So if I top the Dresney clone, and do a bit of LST

Do you think I might end up with something like that ?

Thanks, BB. I'm not sure. I've never topped a plant. I just can't muster the courage. :laughtwo:

I'm pleased with the way my plants turned out though, so I'm not sure if I will top any plants soon.

I'm sure any plant you grow will be just beautiful though. :)

The drafting desk blotter is a nice touch!

I got it when I thought I was going to teach myself how to make quilts. I have to admit I haven't used it much. Glad it's not just sitting in the corner now ;)

Thanks for the compliments, Peejay :high-five:

Great job Dresney, beautiful plant, awesome harvest.:goodjob: :adore:

I only hope my girl looks like yours when she is done (minus the balls of course) I have learned a lot from you and Loretta. :welldone:

Thank you for sharing the journey. :thanks:

I'm really glad that you enjoy my story. :partyboy:

Loretta just had a savage streak and couldn't be domesticated... her heart was in the wild. :dreamy:

I look forward to watching your Trainwreck blossom to see how she should have looked when harvested ;)

Holy Effin' Colas! So sticky! I'd be very stoked with that, especially on your first run out.

Thanks, CannaMeds :ciao:

I am very pleased! Of course it wasn't the best outcome, but it was nearly there. No complaints from me.

And I already have other ideas turning! :icon_cool

Congratulations on your harvest!

Thanks, KJC! I'm really happy with how everything has turned out so far, and I'm sure that some knowledge I garnered from your posts contributed to my grow's success, so thanks for all the time you put in here!

Enjoy ....nice crystals. Cheers Pat.

Thanks, Pat. It's so nice to see you here! :passitleft:

Beautiful pics Dresney!...Nice harvest, congratulations :high-five:...I have taken a bunch of plants early because of balls and been very pleasantly surprised...I'm sure you will be happy...Nice yield...please accept some reps and a thumbs-up for a job well done :) :thumb:

:ciao: Heya, Jay. Balls are such a bummer! Breakers of dreams! :rolleyes3 At the rate I was finding them, I couldn't imagine trying to pluck them out for the next 1-2 weeks, which is a real shame. Maybe someday I'll make it back around to this strain, but there are so many other strains higher on the list now.

Thanks for the kind words and reps. You're the bee's knees :headbanger:

I haven't executed the Loretta-clones yet, but I did rearrange the vegging plants and removed them from the light scheme last night. They'll be sleeping with the fishes come nightfall.

Today is day 48 of 12/12 for Pascalle. She's dry and ready for food. I think she'll get her last meal today, just 1-8-7.

I'm assuming the breeder flower-duration estimates are determined by counting the first signs of flower as day one. Is that correct?

It's been about 7 weeks since the 12/12 flip, 6 weeks since flowers showed up. So I'm guessing she has anywhere from 1-3 weeks to go. I'm going to check her trichomes later, but I doubt they've changed much in these past two days.

Hope you're all having a fun day!... I'm going to go work on my taxes. :lot-o-toke:
Hi Dresney:byebye:
Wow awesome harvest and pics! The tric pics looked mostly cloudy so she sure was getting close- I'm sure it will be excellent smoke and a lot of it based on your pics. Reps!
And i just read about the nomination! That's wonderful! You deserve it- I see you everywhere helping out and encouraging folks. Congrats!:thumb:
I'm not too broken up about Loretta.
I am. Congrats on your harvest & nomination partner. It seems like 1/3 of my inner circle has been nominated for MOTM this month. I'd like to consider all of us winners & I'll be voting for someone other than myself.
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