Dusty's Closet

Dusty your girls look nice and green. reps ordered your way bro.

Congrats! :bravo:

Congratulations on your harvest!

Congrats dude!
Looks good to me, I'd smoke the hell out of it.

Nice! Well done, love to know how they smoke, Dusty!

Gratz Dusty :bravo:
Thank everybody means a lot that yall stop by. Now if we could just all get together in a teepee and share everyones hard work. What a smokeout that would be.
Congrats Dusty...
Those are some amazing looking buds! I am late as hell, but clearly no where near the end of the show! dont mind if i pull up a seat and take a puff or two while i follow along :lot-o-toke:
Happy fouth everybody. Updates tomorrow, but jokes today.
A young boy goes to spend the summer with his grandparents. One afternoon the granpa is out on the front lawn having a beer, and the boy says that looks refreshing can I have one? The granpa replies does your wiener touch your butt? No the kid answers, well then your too young for beer.
The next day the old man is enjoying his pipe, same thing granpa can I have some, the old man replies does your weiner touch your butt, no the kid says, well your to young.
The next day the boy is on the front porch swing with a big plate of fresh cookies the grandma made, the granpa walks up and says those look delecious can I have some? The boy replies well does your wiener touch your butt, well yes it does says the granpa,the boy replies good then you can go fck yourself.
Its just another friday for me up here in Canada.. We just celebrated Canada day 3 days ago tho so Yay! Happy Independence day to all my fellow American grower friends!!

Great joke by the way Dusty. Looking forward to the picture update.. I might do the same tomorrow
Bubs day 14 of 12/12

Kera/skunk day 28
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