Update: New Growth is looking good but one of the leaves tips has gone white, and the stem feels airy (as if it's not full) believe it's because the plant had soaked up all the water and has gone through a dry patch for a bit too long - maybe I'm not giving enough water? - any suggestions?


edit: After watering and waiting about an hour, the stem doesn't feel airy any more definitely believe this is the issue and to fix it I just need to ensure I'm watering slightly more as she grows.



once again, any suggestions please let me know it is much appreciated and as it will stop me panicking as much :p
Try filling your pot up to that inner lip.

filling it all the way with water do you mean or with soil?

edit 1: gave her some water and she has started to produce a stronger smell must be good :)

edit 2: the white tip has gone brown and is curling up as if it will fall off
Please could someone give me a bit of advice to what might be going on with these . it would be greatly appreciated I do have a thread on them but I'm not sure any people see it! Thanks in advance .

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wish my plant was that tall right now lol... - the leaves are looking pretty heavy on her how often are you watering and about how much? what temp is the room as well where she's growing?

if you're wondering how to start a new thread, here's a link for you to set up a journal and people will read/follow and provide tips :) People will view your thread there's no need to worry we all love to help one another out on here as it helps build a better community and become a better grower.

How to Make a Grow Journal
wish my plant was that tall right now lol... - the leaves are looking pretty heavy on her how often are you watering and about how much? what temp is the room as well where she's growing?

if you're wondering how to start a new thread, here's a link for you to set up a journal and people will read/follow and provide tips :) People will view your thread there's no need to worry we all love to help one another out on here as it helps build a better community and become a better grower.

How to Make a Grow Journal

Thanks dude, I do have a thread with all the info throughout but I put it into recently asked questions for some reason.. Is there any way I can move the existing one because it's pretty much a journal now just in the wrong place .

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update: just checked on her and her leaves are drooping - bare in mind the light is off... the soil is moist from watering this morning still which is good hopefully I haven't ended up running into another problem
I'm trying to water every other day or whenever the soil is dry - she's doing so much better than before though :) just hoping she pulls through ok and I soon have a healthy plant and get some buds
I'm trying to water every other day or whenever the soil is dry - she's doing so much better than before though :) just hoping she pulls through ok and I soon have a healthy plant and get some buds

Try to only water every 3-4 days otherwise you will be at risk of over watering. Also what temperature is it inside your set up?
I'm trying to water every other day or whenever the soil is dry - she's doing so much better than before though :) just hoping she pulls through ok and I soon have a healthy plant and get some buds
That young you should only be watering once every 6-7 days. As she gets bigger and establishes more roots the span in between waters will get shorter. If you keep your soil to wet all the time the roots will rot and your plant will die.
cheers guys I will do that from now on - Dirt Mcgurt, so if the soil is dry don't worry unless it has been 6 days since watering? so she has a dry period - just to clarify?

I'm going to transfer her into drier soil today so that should help her

temperature of my setup is at 28C at the moment.

feel like such an idiot :p but would rather learn from mistakes than not know what to do
yeah that's definitely the true cause Dirt Mcgurt because of the overwatering, her roots look a tiny bit brown because I am overwatering out of over kindness but not to the point where they look slimey/transparent and are rotting some do look white still- really need to get my game together with this...

here's a picture of the roots:


so I have filled the soil up to the inner lip like you said, just need to clarify me being the annoying newbie that I am (I do apologise):

- hold off watering for 6/7 days so (until Tuesday/Wednesday next week)
- check the surface of the soil, if it's still wet, don't water. if it's dry, water with a tiny amount.
- space watering periods with 6/7 days in between watering
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