First Grow Procyon 100 Lemon Skunk Big Bang

I can usually count on 100% success. IMO...Some kind of tent, or dome for humidity retention is crucial. Then you would never need to spray either. Spraying is only temporary. Although I have never tried them, there are products that you can spray on a plant's leaves to seal them so they don't dry up.
With the cloners you do not need a humidity dome or a tent... I mist mine once a day and have no problems usually have root sign in 4 days and roots in a week or so... Some will take longer , as some strains are tougher to clone then others.. Be patient and keep an eye on them... My clones will usually droop when I put them in the cloner, but will be standing straight up within an hour... Hang in there Happy... I am close to 100%, maybe 99 out of a 100 will root....:peace:
Pics of sad clones
Some are now looking a bit better. Some are looking like they are beyond helping.









Live! Live! Live! Live! *my clone chant*
You need to cut of half of each leave.. The clones can not support the weight of the leaves... Just snip them in half... just the leaves...
Why are my clones wilting?
With the cloners you do not need a humidity dome or a tent... I mist mine once a day and have no problems usually have root sign in 4 days and roots in a week or so... Some will take longer , as some strains are tougher to clone then others.. Be patient and keep an eye on them... My clones will usually droop when I put them in the cloner, but will be standing straight up within an hour... Hang in there Happy... I am close to 100%, maybe 99 out of a 100 will root....:peace:

With all due respect part of what defines a cloner is a chamber that increases humidity at the cutting's leaves. If you have no dome and require little/no spraying and your cuttings are in close proximity to your crops you Whether you are trying to root using aeroponics, rockwool, dirt, etc... , with low humidity, the leaves are transpiring moisture at a rate that is greater than the stem can take in. This is mitigated by increased humidity around the entire plant; not just the proposed rootzone. When this is the case leaves do not require spraying, partial trimming. If you are only spraying once a day and having good success that's great(Some trains can deal with this). However, if you add a dome you will have roots even sooner and you won't need to spray or do partial trimming. An aeroponic cloner without a dome is just a small aeroponics system. Also some plant sites in Aerocloners may not be receiving direct spray and can instead get air trapped in the stem:bongrip:.
Thanks everyone for all the quick response. Thanks Cigo, I am trying to fit all the newbie mistakes into one big expensive disaster of a grow :)

lol...The new photos show low humidity, or lack of turgor. Cut the dead leaves off completely and recut the scions diagonally. In your page 4 photos of the bases of the new cuttings it appears that you might want to cut a more pronounced angle. The pics are a bit fuzzy but the cuts seem to be straight across or perpendicular to the stem. You can increase the water absorbing surface by cutting at a rough 45 degree angle. This will likely increase your survival rate too as it will allow more water to be absorbed by increasing the absorbing surface. Remember cut diagonally not straight across. :yummy:
With all due respect part of what defines a cloner is a chamber that increases humidity at the cutting's leaves. If you have no dome and require little/no spraying and your cuttings are in close proximity to your crops you Whether you are trying to root using aeroponics, rockwool, dirt, etc... , with low humidity, the leaves are transpiring moisture at a rate that is greater than the stem can take in. This is mitigated by increased humidity around the entire plant; not just the proposed rootzone. When this is the case leaves do not require spraying, partial trimming. If you are only spraying once a day and having good success that's great(Some trains can deal with this). However, if you add a dome you will have roots even sooner and you won't need to spray or do partial trimming. An aeroponic cloner without a dome is just a small aeroponics system. Also some plant sites in Aerocloners may not be receiving direct spray and can instead get air trapped in the stem:bongrip:.

OOPS!:bongrip: The second sentence was chopped. Intention was to say:

If you have no dome and require little/no spraying and your cuttings are in close doing well and in close proximity to your crops you may have too much humidity in the rest of the standard growing area, or possibly a strain that is not as sensitive to humidity (or lack thereof).
ok. So i have taken 4 that had a straighter cut, and made a new more pronounced angle cut, more root gel, and then back in the cloner. so far, 5 of them are perked up a bit and looking like they are not "unhappy". 5 of them I would bet are dead, dead, dead. 8 of them have not decided yet, but i am really crossing my fingers here. I really am hoping to get 12. The mother plants do not seem worse for the wear, even though I basically butchered them. My first two cuttings I made, I accidently cut the biggest fan leaf of of bbp1 and lsp2. Either way, they seem really happy and are growing new clone sites for me already. I guess if I end up with 6, then I can try again in a week or two to get the other 6 and just have them spaced a little bit apart in time. I can just make use of the first two Deep Water Culture systems, and then add the second two once the second set of clones are done. I have a buddy who will donate 3 blueberry clones if I don't get enough of a survival rate on these, so I should be set.

Funny thing actually, I just went through and looked at all the clones. It seems like the ones that are doing best are the lemon skunk Pheno 2. Every single one of the 5 that are looking fantastic are from the same plant. I guess she is just stronger then the rest. Out of this batch, her clones are the only ones I will take future clones from to keep the strain alive. I think my next cycle, and I will keep that one pheno of Lemon Skunk, and then start some of my Strawberry haze seeds and see how they do. As far as getting a dome, the instructions and everything i can google say to not use a dome with this system. that being said, when i try my next batch of clones, I am gonna get a dome and see if that helps. I imagine that it can't hurt, at any rate! That will be awhile. Again, thanks everyone for your words of wisdom. You have no idea how much your guys' advise has helped. Yes, it may be a distaster, but its mine, and I think I will still get some good bud coming in about three months. I hope so at least, I really need this for the pain, and have no ready source around here.
So, day 4 on the clones. I am sure now that at least 4 of them are dead, dead dead. The others look ok, although their leaves are turning a little yellow. I am not sure if it is root sign or not (there are certainly no roots coming out of the stems yet), but above the bottom of the stem where I cut off leaves, they are scabbing up, and little hairs are growing out (or maybe roots?) Wierd that roots would grow out of the side of the stem though. Just not sure what to think. I had this grand vision that i would have roots by now, but maybe I just need to be patient. Pics to come later today.
With all due respect part of what defines a cloner is a chamber that increases humidity at the cutting's leaves. If you have no dome and require little/no spraying and your cuttings are in close proximity to your crops you Whether you are trying to root using aeroponics, rockwool, dirt, etc... , with low humidity, the leaves are transpiring moisture at a rate that is greater than the stem can take in. This is mitigated by increased humidity around the entire plant; not just the proposed rootzone. When this is the case leaves do not require spraying, partial trimming. If you are only spraying once a day and having good success that's great(Some trains can deal with this). However, if you add a dome you will have roots even sooner and you won't need to spray or do partial trimming. An aeroponic cloner without a dome is just a small aeroponics system. Also some plant sites in Aerocloners may not be receiving direct spray and can instead get air trapped in the stem:bongrip:.

Whatever you think.. I have taken hundreds of clones in a daisy cloner and an easy cloner. They are in a different room then the grow room, I am in colorado and my humidity in the house is between 20-30 %.. I have a 99 out of 100 success rate and the one, is usually caused me.. So, I guess whatever works for you... And I know about the domes with cubes, rockwool or whatever, but that is not what he is cloning in...
Well, being that this is my first attempt at cloning, I can not say much with any authority regarding the dome or not to dome on the SH Mystic Cloner System. What I can tell you is that at least 12 of the clones are looking pretty good. There is some yellowing of leaf, which I assume is normal. No roots as of yet (Day 6) but there is definate root signs and the ones that are going to survive have really perked up. I was at walmart yesterday, and decided I would buy a clear plastic dome for the cloner. I drilled some small holes in the top, and then misted the plants and the inside of the container. I checked in 1 hour, and the clones looked terrible, very droopy and falling down on the top of the cloner. I checked in 4 hours and they looked even worse. I took the dome off, and within an hour they looked happy again. Humidity is around 30 % currently. Maybe if I had started out with the dome on in the first place, I dunno, but they sure don't like it right now.
Ok, been awhile since pictures, so here you go... This is day 45 of the grow. Day 9 of the clones. Day 1 of flowering for the mother plants. The clones arent doing quite as bad as the pictures look. I stopped misting them as much, so they dried out a bit at the tips, but they are still alive. I now only have 16 out of the original 18 as two were definately dead. I think I might lose another 3 before all is said and done, which is fine by me, as long as I end up with twelve strong and vibrant girls at the end. 5 of the clones have roots that are visible starting to come out of the bottom, the others are "swelling" at the bottom and look about ready to pop a root or two. When I put these into the Deep Water Culture, I am planning on giving them just water at first, then 1/4 strength nutes at 1 week, and we will see how it goes from there. I don't wanna burn them up, they have had a rough cloning. I think I will do much better next time around on the cloning, I have learned a lot. Started the mother plants on 12/12 yesterday. You can see that about a week ago I topped one of them, has two pretty tops now. They are growing strong. They lost most of their bottom leaves to yellowing after I chopped at them for cloning. Not sure why, maybe it was just that they were in shock, and those bottom leaves were the easiest source of food for them to draw off of? Either way, they look healthy and strong. They are about 20"s each at the moment. I am still giving them veg nutes. I will water with just plain ph water twice now, and then they will start to get some bloom nutes. I have been thinking about where to draw the line with this grow and start a new journal, since it will kinda be never ending. I think that I will just keep it ongoing for a couple of cycles until i have ironed out all of the wrinkles, and then we will see. Time to smoke up! :bong:










Thanks MI-Grower! I am reading up on yours as we speak. The clones went into the Deep Water Culture system today. Down to 14/18 surived now. Looks like a couple more might not make it, but we will see. This Deep Water Culture system is certainly labor intensive to set up. i found myself envying pure soil grows. Hopefully the benifits will pay off in a quicker larger yield, but we will see. I know that they can work miracles, but I also know they are less forgiving of mistakes than soil. So, the mother plants are now in the closet under 12/12 and out of the tent. The clones are on 20/4. Mother plants under two procyon 100's and two 65 Watt CFL's. Clones under two 430 watt MH bulbs. I have the clones light about 3 feet above the system right now. I will lower it six inches every 2-3 days, hopefully giving the plants some time to strengthen their roots and get used to the brighter lights. The tent is so empty without the big soil pots of the moms. Lemon Skunk is still the winner is survival as far as the clones have been. Big Bang seems to be harder to clone by far. I think I recognize what mistakes I have made, and will make a better job of it next time. This site is nice for keeping track of things. I keep looking back to see what I did previosuly, or exactly what day I started something going. Hope everybody had a rockin Turkey day.
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