First Outdoor Grow

okeyyy, since the other plant died or murdered will be a more correct word, i this other plant will get some extra attention! and its grown a lot since the last pictures. The sprouts on the first node have taken off! and today its sunny as fu*ck and its LST so exited too look at her tonight!:) also i have a question for you guys, do you think this would be a good time to top the plant? its on her 5th node
hey guys, got some fun/wierd news today! The first time when we transplanted the plants we did not have enough containers to put them in so we desided to plant one in the ground (month ago or so) and all the leaves was eaten up the next day so we just gave a da*n about it.. now, one month later actually 3 days ago i saw it started develoop new leaves and was quiet suprised anyways, today i saw 9 new weed like plants growing around. Is this even possible? (picture on buttom of this post.
Now over to our girl here. so i watered her today and havent checked up on her in 2 days now so was fun to see she made some changes by the LST (that i removed today btw) and she is really looking good! any tips for me for the weeks to come? leave your comments below:) seeya!
Lst looking good sir.
Plants are phenomenal things. :) Its my understanding that any green what-so-ever can produce photosythensis and thus grow leaves. Thats why when you mow your grass and try to kill a big weed, if anything is left to see sunlight it grows back. The opposite end of this is cloning. Plants also can produce roots basically anywhere.
Amazing things plants... :green_heart:
Lst looking good sir.
Plants are phenomenal things. :) Its my understanding that any green what-so-ever can produce photosythensis and thus grow leaves. Thats why when you mow your grass and try to kill a big weed, if anything is left to see sunlight it grows back. The opposite end of this is cloning. Plants also can produce roots basically anywhere.
Amazing things plants... :green_heart:
Yeah i was so suprised when i saw it.. appreciate u following this journal simp! You really helpt me:)
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