GHS WW & WRhino by Flyfishinrock

Today I was pleased with the progress the lil ones are making, they are still pretty funky looking. lol The ww#2 isnt as fast growing as the #1 or the MIS #1, but it does seem to be much more resilient to abuse.

If this is pot porn, its like hairybacked-midget-hermaphradite pot porn. Not too appealing to me. lol but here it is.........

WW#1 interior view


WW#2 some newer growth


MIS#1 some of the burnt "new" growth



Really hoping they are on the road to recovery.

Heres a pic of some grape ape a few days from harvest, it was severely affected by the whole ph thing for the last five weeks of flower. :( still should be good but hardly any quantity.

thanks for the input everyone, hope to get them healthy quick so I can clone/flower em; get this show on the road. :peace:
Where has the grape ape been? No journal for it? it looks nice and frosty, should still be a good smoke, make sure to flush well, it definitely makes the difference in hydro. Smoke report soooooon for it too, and do you have the ability to get macro pics up?? I could always lend you my camera if we happen to run into each other downtown... haha.
Sorry Doc, this is the last of the Grape Apes. Well not really, between you and me I have 2 flowering @ about 5 weeks now but they were nailed by the same woes as the rest so theyre a bit small. They were young enough that I think they'll mostly recover and I will get a good turn out. Its gonna be my X-MAS bud, along with some sshaze if its ready. Then both strains are lost to me. I will Give you a smoke report though, maybe even a doobie, gonna pull the apes tomorrow morn as theyre bout 50% amber.

Getting a fair amount of new growth on all the plants, thank goodness. Time for sleep.
Hi my friend,glad your plants are starting to look better i know what its like to struggle.At the moment most my time when not working is spent researching organic pest controle and soil structures,I think its anoying the wife a bit but damn it im haveing fun regardless as its all good learning and hopefully i can share the information ive learnt and future grows will benefit from it.On another note i wish i could lean on into the PC and bite that Grape Ape bud mate :grinjoint: it does look damn nice.
Best regards..creamm :peace:
lol creamm, yeah when I was married she hated it when Id go upstairs to visit with the girls. :yummy: women.....:smokin:
Thanks for the support all; nice to know when the growin gets tough, ya'll are there to help a brother out. Thank you.

I tried a little breeding experiment with some ssHaze/grape ape and some Thai Haze/grape ape. I cant tell if the Thai male worked its majic yet, but there are some seeds forming from the sshaze "female banannas". :allgood: None of them are true breeding strains so the offspring should show alot of differnt traits, should be fun too see what pops.

Gotta get ready for work now, puff a bowl for me.
Seed projects are fun, we should go around and sow some around downtown come spring! Cannabis plants popin up all around downtown Portland that would be rich. Or ya could pass some my way!jk
I recently read where someone recomended putting the rockwool into small containers of soil letting them fill it with roots then putting it into the volcano rock.This allows the roots less stress when they are first inserted into the pots.Any one else ever heard any thing like this.It makes a certain amount of sense to me.

Yes....putting them in there over night with nute added to the water is exactly what my grow shop told me to do. It does the "less stress" thing.
:passitleft: :hippy:
A seed sowing spree huh doc? would be fun!! We'll have to hook up some time and maybe trade a few clones or something.:yummy:

Last night I topped all the plants. Today I took some clones from each plant, 4 from each except mis #3 I only took 1 from it as it didnt have much branching yet. I am trying rapid rooters for the first time, then also going to try the 4x4x4 Coco Tek organic cubes instead of rockwool when its time to transplant.
They are getting better every day, I will post some pics tonight or tomorrow.

As far as a smoke report goes, the grape ape is still one of my favorites. The stone is strong, gets you toasted if not careful. :ganjamon:

Very sweet tasting, sort of like grape jolly rancher candies but not quite; even without curing or properly drying. Seems to be a good mix of sat and indica, though more indica I believe. The med effects seem to be good for depression (irritability), pain, stomach aches. I mention the depression cause the ss Haze seems to make me a bit irritable where the grape dosent. Good in the day with some moderation, great at night when you want to get zombie-fied.

Gotta get to checking the ph and should go to the grow store for some goodies, I'll catch up on ya'lls journals in a bit. :peace:
Ya know i could use some grape ape for my depression. Today was a pretty hard day...
sorry to hear that doc, I'll bet kicking it on some sunny beach with doobie's blazin would chear ya up. :passitleft:
Winter in Portland can be a tough place for people with depression. :(

The young-uns are doing well, I decided to give the fox farms a try again; as it was time for a res change last night.
2tsp/gal grow big, 1 tbsp/gal Big Bloom
794 ppm 6.0 ph

I got some pics but have to get to work so I'll have to upload this evening. till then :peace: all
Work on a sunday? Thats too bad, hope the ladies are doin better with some fresh green growth.
yeah, should have been watching football!! I really want to finish the remodel before x-mas, so I'm puttin the petal to the metal. lol

Just got some cinnamon toast actually :)

Things are deffinately looking up in the fishin garden today, glad I wasnt just foolin myself.

here are some updates 5 weeks from seed today:




MIS#3 (its got new growth too I just wanted to show this cause its funky)

clones in rapid rooter plugs


the grow cube I'll transplant the clones into


in a week or two if all goes well and they continue to recover I'll switch em over to the flower room; I want them to be totally over the issues though and to get more branching as most of the early branches were burned off by the acidic ph.

I am exited again, for a while this was really a lot of hard, depressing work. :clap:
"yeah, should have been watching football!! I really want to finish the remodel before x-mas, so I'm puttin the petal to the metal. lol"

Thats what i was doing.

All the hardwork and love pays off, like everything. Amazing how a little plant teaches you about everything.
got a bit of a problem starting up, it appears the ww can take more nutes than the sharif, so I'm over ferting a touch. Also they are starting to become crowded in my 2x2 trey. Tonight after work I gotta give them a quick flush and separate the two strains into two 2x2 treys. Progressing well though, I just need to back off a lil bit on the nutes; its tough to really tell whats going on as they are still in the recovery process. New branching is coming along nicely.
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