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Hey everyone. Sorry for falling off the face of the planet...

Had a bit of a nasty fall. I'm ok...just older and harder to recover than my younger days. Blessings to you all that have been chatting it up here.

The less stress to an auto
Yeah, I get what you're saying.
How many gallons is the tub?
1.5 cf of soil (roughly)
I don't think there's any question that damaging roots is always a bad thing.
I agree. It damages them for sure. No doubt about it. That's the point. To get ramifications which ultimately does the same as topping a plant. Whether it will hinder vigor and results at this early of its stage is what has my curiosity going every which way. I have been lifting them out of the soil twice everyday. I'll have to get some pics but they have indeed produced many ramifications.
Then I came to 420 and I see everyone starting autos in smaller pots and transplanting.
RIGHT?!? I still thought it was frowned upon to uppot until recently.
BTW, pineapple is fine on pizza as long as it is cut small enough ;)
Ignore her!!! I saw your sad face on the LKA post '82. Don't deny it! :rofl:
OK ok...maybe on a GRILLED CHICKEN PIZZA W BBBQ SAUCE AND RED ONIONS AND CHEDDAR AND CILANTRO for some bite...Maybe then you would see tiny little bit sized pieces of pineapple on my pizza...maybe
CONVERTED!!! Thank you for being a part of our religious community '82. You are accepted now with open arms. Before...not so much.
My thought is that it's fine for photos (or tomatoes), when you have all the time in the world for the plant to recover, but with autos you're on a race against the flowering clock.
I agree. Photos and tomatoes have a different growth pattern. I definitely have to consider these factors. I am seeing extensive ramifications in the past couple days. I have lifted them off the soil surface twice a day and they are loaded with many more roots. They seem to be ready to be transplanted. I'm not sure that I'm ready for it...still hurting pretty bad.
Why risk it when it's entirely unnecessary?
Yeah...I get that Shed. I may not be necessary but it is a horticultural practice in many other plant propogating that encourages root development and concentrates hormones to the root zone. Again...with autos that is supposed to be different because of their growth hormones and time clock. Understood. Hmmm...
Even if I don't need to cut I will still "tickle" the bottom of the roots to just loosen them super carefully.
I almost always do some sort of root "tickling" with just about any plant I'm transplanting.
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm going on at you baked I promise I'm not I'm just explaining myself to renaissance.
Not at all Moony. I love these discussions. I'm a dodo and sometimes get hair brained ideas. Sometimes I think my logic is good. Other times, not so much. I am being a bit stubborn with this because of seeing these practices succeed with other plants. The autos aspect could definitely be a factor. I'm with you on the separate containers thing. I want to go that route. After my latest accident, I may just take the easy route and just get them all in the single container. Otherwise I'll have to carry a couple containers full of soil into the garage. Not sure I'm up for that right now. But they need to get transplanted I think.
Sorry to hear you had a fall baked :( hope you feel better soon.

On the transplant front is there no one that can help you? If you can get the soil near the plants you can use a cup and move the soil bit by bit hehe. Don't over stretch yourself and do more harm though :)

Hopefully some nice smoke will help ease your pain buddy!
Got pics early Wed morning. I missed yesterday. NOT a good day. Sucks because I didn't want to miss one day. So I'm feeling very bummed of falling short of that simple goal.

Here they are today in the afternoon. I keep bending them but I may need to rethink my training. What am I doing and why?! I don't think I have that clear in my head. I feel that is something that will come with more experience. I'm just a bit all over the place in my head so I need to make a decision and go!

Sorry to hear you fell, Baked. I hope you feel better soon.

I think that you're too hard on yourself. I think you need to cut yourself some slack. You may want to post everyday but is that really realistic? I mean life happens and sometimes you just have to take a day or two away.

I also think that part of the reason you get confused/stressed on your grows is because you're doing too many different experiments at the same time. Why don't you just pick one or two training methods and just stick to them for the entire grow? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you fell, Baked. I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks. Today is better. I'll need to be more careful and just keep stretching to loosen things up.
I think that you're too hard on yourself. I think you need to cut yourself some slack. You may want to post everyday but is that really realistic? I mean life happens and sometimes you just have to take a day or two away.
Yeah...it was a personal goal for this grow. I did not necessarily need to post everyday. I just wanted a picture(s) every day. I have other goals to focus on now.
I also think that part of the reason you get confused/stressed on your grows is because you're doing too many different experiments at the same time. Why don't you just pick one or two training methods and just stick to them for the entire grow? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yeah. I definitely make things harder than they need to be. A bit of my personality on display. I need to plan better and stick to it. That is where I need to improve for sure! A lot of it comes from ignorance too.
Had a bit of a nasty fall.

The more Baked you are the better you bounce. (Muffins as a metaphor for life).

Glad you made a comeback.

Getting caught up the perennial pineapple on pizza thing caught my eye. While I wouldn’t dream of putting an anchovy on the same toothpick as a slice of pineapple somehow they exist together in the egalitarian pizzaverse.

Anyway. Best pizza ever. The G.A.S.P.
Artichoke heart (it comes in a can)
Sun dried tomato

Use Romano cheese.
Enjoy :snowboating:
The more Baked you are the better you bounce. (Muffins as a metaphor for life).

Glad you made a comeback.

Getting caught up the perennial pineapple on pizza thing caught my eye. While I wouldn’t dream of putting an anchovy on the same toothpick as a slice of pineapple somehow they exist together in the egalitarian pizzaverse.

Anyway. Best pizza ever. The G.A.S.P.
Artichoke heart (it comes in a can)
Sun dried tomato

Use Romano cheese.
Enjoy :snowboating:
Love it!!! I live near the artichoke capital of the world. Well it used to be known as the capital. I also live near the garlic capital of the US. Amazing pizza recipe. May need to try that in the grill and pizza stone.
If you're near there I should definitely drop off the CA legal amount of cannabis for you and say
next time I drive my son up to school.
Sorry to hear about the fall Baked, but I hope each day is a little bit better than the day before.
Thanks Shed. Just had a nice dinner on the wharf in Monterey with family from out of town. Good vibes are good for healing.

The plants are still looking happy!
I would say so too!
I'd say that's the only factor. Anything else and I don't think it would be worth more than a single mention.
Yeah, you're right.
In flower!

In flower by Sunday!
They are getting transplanted tonight or tomorrow.
If you're near there I should definitely drop off the CA legal amount of cannabis for you and say
next time I drive my son up to school.
That would be amazing! I would love to send you home with some (don't have much) to have tested and get some constructive criticism. Nowhere near your level of dankness dude but I'm striving and slowly getting there. Maybe less experimentation would get me to that level faster?!
That would be amazing! I would love to send you home with some (don't have much) to have tested and get some constructive criticism. Nowhere near your level of dankness dude but I'm striving and slowly getting there. Maybe less experimentation would get me to that level faster?!
Like HG mentioned, one experiment at a time would definitely be prudent. :) And I wouldn't want to deplete your stash by much, but I'd love set you up with enough to keep you from going dankrupt between grows, and see you squish some of mine!
Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well. Slowly feeling better...still in some pain but that is every day so needed to just get moving. I pushed through and got these babies transplanted tonight!

The containers were full of roots! Lots of ramifications. The orchid pots did exactly what they were supposed to and produced lots of air pruning.

I decided to put #3 into its own container. It was showing the most I'm using a 7 gallon self-watering pot. I'm reusing this from my last grow. Amended it with 3 oz of @GeoFlora Nutrients 'Veg' and 4 oz of 'Bloom' . Only thing left is to add mulch and more worms. The next topdress in 2 weeks will be all Bloom.

I put #1 nearest the watering tube and #2 on the other side. Also, forgot to mention that they all got a healthy dose of @DYNOMYCO during the transplant. The garden box also got 12 oz of GF. 4oz of Veg and 8oz of Bloom. Should I feed extra since there are two plants? Double or just feed based on the gallons of soil? Hmmm...

Congrats on the transplants and I'm glad you're feeling better! And I would feed based on the amount of soil rather than the number of plants.
The orchid pots did exactly what they were supposed to and produced lots of air pruning.
I'm going to be Johnny One Note here and say I think the last thing you want to do on a plant you are going to transplant is air prune, particularly an auto for the reasons we've talked about. For next time obviously. :cheesygrinsmiley:
and say I think the last thing you want to do on a plant you are going to transplant is air prune,
Wait, so you think air pruning is a bad thing for plants to be transplanted?
particularly an auto for the reasons we've talked about. For next time obviously. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I would think that air pruning produces better feeder root system. Not good for autos too? In general, is it common practice to not use these types of pots for autos? I understand the reservations communicated about stressed roots. Do you think by using these pots, it has slowed their growth because of the air pruning?
Got to stay on your feet, man! Hope you un-sore soon. :Rasta:

At least if things go south on this grow (and I don't anticipate that happening) you can say you were unable to focus after you fell and bumped your head! :laughtwo:
Got to stay on your feet, man! Hope you un-sore soon. :Rasta:

At least if things go south on this grow (and I don't anticipate that happening) you can say you were unable to focus after you fell and bumped your head! :laughtwo:
Thanks man. Well, technically bumped head lots of times throughout life. So lots of moments of no focus!!! :laugh: Constant struggle in my life.
Wait, so you think air pruning is a bad thing for plants to be transplanted?
I would think that air pruning produces better feeder root system. Not good for autos too? In general, is it common practice to not use these types of pots for autos? I understand the reservations communicated about stressed roots. Do you think by using these pots, it has slowed their growth because of the air pruning?
I haven't done a detailed dive into air pruning, but my take is that you want the roots as undisturbed as possible as the autoflower plant grows. Air pruning does produce a better feeder root system, but having a root air pruned must be sending a signal to the plant to send out more roots from the tap, which that takes time...time that is not in your control with an auto.

Also, I don't think you want to pack your small pot with feeder roots. You want the main roots growing as long as possible so they can send feeder roots out even down at the bottom of the final pot. Air pruning is great to delay plants from getting root bound in their final container, but we try to make sure to transplant before that happens.
which that takes time...time that is not in your control with an auto
Yeah...I see what you're saying about time. I did create some dense root balls but it seems it caused a problem in that it didn't give me more energy in the canopy growth. Makes sense.
I don't think you want to pack your small pot with feeder roots. You want the main roots growing as long as possible so they can send feeder roots out even down at the bottom of the final pot.
I disagree there. I would want more feeder roots with any plant (except maybe autos it seems) so that I can create a better root mass in any container it is going to be in. Main roots don't stop growing unless they have to. In nature, as I understand it, the vigor/purpose of the arterial roots are to drive down into the soil. Through multiple layers of nutrients. Branches of roots start to go through the layers of nutrients with feeder roots. In containers and conventional farming practices, the medium is distributed with nutrients, with a goal of saturating the root zone with anything and everything it needs. More feeder roots more growth. That's my logic on how I was approaching this.

I do acknowledge for sure that may be counterintuitive to the way autos grow. I was thinking I would be giving them a boost or nudge with faster root ramification growth but could have/probably caused them more harm with a week or two of extra root growth it didn't need. That was a long ass last sentence. Sorry but I'm not going back to edit it. Haaa haaa.

Thanks for the back and forth as always Shed. I love figuring things out and playing/experimenting. To my detriment too. Urgh...
except maybe autos it seems
More feeder roots more growth.
True, but artificially creating more feeder roots might not be the best way to grow autos.
I was thinking I would be giving them a boost or nudge with faster root ramification growth but could have/probably caused them more harm with a week or two of extra root growth it didn't need.
I think un-manipulated roots grow fastest.
Thanks for the back and forth as always Shed. I love figuring things out and playing/experimenting. To my detriment too. Urgh...
Every grow is a set of lessons for the next one! You think I'll be flipping in October of next year? Hell no!
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