Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

I sure hope we get to see a pic of that GG mom this fall. I am sure where she grows out there will be a new giant greenwood marked on the map. Foliar for her will have to be mixed in a firetruck.
If they don’t come get it soon it will be too big to transport. LOL! I’ll need to fire up the chainsaw to defol... :cheesygrinsmiley:

This morning I completed another upper body workout —Same Shit-Different Day—tore some muscle fibers up! It was difficult this morning...I’m still way sore from Wednesday’s lower body and yesterday’s cardio session...but the soreness is different than when I first started working out again. I look forward to this “pain...” :cheesygrinsmiley:

“Whip me, beat me, I love pain.
Hit me in the face with a rusty chain...
High-heeled shoes with a pointed toe...
Kick me in the face, and bust my nose.
Whip me, beat me, I love pain.”

LMAO! I just devoured massive amounts of healthy food and water. Now it’s time to shower and relax...and when Grandpa says “relax,” he means RELAX! Have a great day!
Good for you GT showing us all up keep it up man I need to keep as healthy as you do and will be able to keep working for many years to come, I hope you have a great weekend mine is full of chores both family and garden
If they don’t come get it soon it will be too big to transport. LOL! I’ll need to fire up the chainsaw to defol... :cheesygrinsmiley:

This morning I completed another upper body workout —Same Shit-Different Day—tore some muscle fibers up! It was difficult this morning...I’m still way sore from Wednesday’s lower body and yesterday’s cardio session...but the soreness is different than when I first started working out again. I look forward to this “pain...” :cheesygrinsmiley:

“Whip me, beat me, I love pain.
Hit me in the face with a rusty chain...
High-heeled shoes with a pointed toe...
Kick me in the face, and bust my nose.
Whip me, beat me, I love pain.”

LMAO! I just devoured massive amounts of healthy food and water. Now it’s time to shower and relax...and when Grandpa says “relax,” he means RELAX! Have a great day!
And definitely a worthy reward for the effort
Fuck me! Woke up to no electricity!!! Not ideal conditions for indoor gardening!!! Especially with a dwc garden!!! Apparently, the power has been out for two hours and they don’t know how long it will be before it’s restored.

I have to use my phone for internet...doh!!! No electricity means no heat, no light, no air pumps, and Grandpa panicking... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thank goodness my torch still works...cheers!
I use a UPS in my tent and have the fans hooked up to it. If I lose the power I can run the fans to keep air moving. My thought is you could do the same with your air pump. Some can provide power for up to 3 hours before getting way out of hand on costs, but if the pump doesn't draw much current you could probably find one that lasts a couple of hours relatively cheap.
It only buys you time until the power comes back on.
I use a UPS in my tent and have the fans hooked up to it. If I lose the power I can run the fans to keep air moving. My thought is you could do the same with your air pump. Some can provide power for up to 3 hours before getting way out of hand on costs, but if the pump doesn't draw much current you could probably find one that lasts a couple of hours relatively cheap.
It only buys you time until the power comes back on.

Man, you are all over it! Like a fat-boy on a cookie! What’s the really sad part? I have two small UPS that are just for my air pumps and fans...did I have them on and operational? Why I did not. :( One of these days I’m going to get my shit together—like you. :cheesygrinsmiley:

...but, all is well. The power came back on about 30 minutes ago. I’m not worried, although the temps got down to 59F because my little heater was out. They’ll just have to adapt and overcome...they whined a little but I told them to, “deal wit it beeyotch!”

LMAO! My real problem is I got all stoned this morning and didn’t do my workout. That shit will steal your ambition! LOL! Have a good day!
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