Group Grow - Autos Only - Seeds Must Be In Soil By The 25/07/2017 Latest

One of the girls is flowering super-fast right now.... Sweet!
Looking nice preston .. my bigger critical looking very similar to your just a different strain obviously haha.. will post a update in the morning.

Mr Gibbs - Thats just growing bud, every grow has its own set of challenges but you learn from each one and it helps better your future grows. Stop using the flowergro because its ment for plants that are in flower, iv never used it on plants that are in veg. And I stick to organics teas etc now. Let the soil dry out and then just feed with ph'd water until the plant gets stronger, if its not a drainage problem it might be the nutes being too strong.
Come on guys , help with this diagnoses haha.. am I the only 1 going to help mr Gibbs out here :)
I'm keeping off the flowergro until I switch over to flower in a few weeks.

I'm getting a veg feed soon, so hopefully that'll sort out my nute problems.
One of the girls is flowering super-fast right now.... Sweet!
That is looking so good right now!
Not enough nitrogen by the looks leafs r startin to die might be wrong though mate
Yah I added some slow release nitrogen ground up and:

Not sure if it was the added nitrogen, putting more distance on the lights or soil drying out, but they actually look a lot better today.







They haven't clawed more, so I'm guessing the Nitrogen isn't affecting it badly.. yet.. it's slow release so I'm giving it a few more days to scope out.
Hope everyone's grows are smooth sailing and the 1's that aren't look to be coming round :)

Here's a quick update on a couple of my girls in my tent..

Bigger critical

Mamba (busy flushing at the moment)

Sour grape

Green Goblin Sativa Hybrid(medicinal strain)


And as for my 2 babies in the Bush

Durban Poison x Jack harer bonsai


OG kush


Don't panic all my shits organic :) haha and have a awesome day/night further wherever you are in the world !!
Went down to the site again today and was shocked at the growth .. The pics I posted yesterday were taken on Monday.. We had a day of good rain (wasn't cold tho) and and 2 days of good sun which these babies definitely loved .. this is what I walked into :)

My OG kush before LST

After LST


DP x Jack - she's going to flourish naturally


Very happy with the progress on these babies.. I mean they survived the winter :) these babies were destined for greatness
Not cool buddy.. Those things are terrible and can really fuck shit up. Excuse the French haha :)
My organic mix with the garlic and cinnamon works like a bomb , just mix along with your regular feeding schedule.

Do yourselves a favor, do some research on making organic compost, molasses teas and organic ways of getting rid of pests etc.
Growing organically is truelly an amazing experience , knowing that I have a living and breathing soil thats like its own factory helping build my babies to their best potential really makes my clock tick haha :cheer:

Its changed my way and thought of growing totally.. Maybe it could do the same for you :high-five:

Every1's grows going well ? its been a very quite week
Iv also been thinking of changing the thread/journals name to something more suitable to what we are haha :)
Please post any ideas you may have..
Spider-mites are eradicated for now... I did a thorough sweep of the grow room & plants. Killed 4 total spiders.
I'll be treating with that garlic/cinnamon today.. Thanks! Looks like damage was minimal (couple of tiny spots on fan leaves). That shit surprised me because of how fast they moved in. Because of my disaster grow back in April, I'm in that grow room every few hours to monitor temps. I look those plants over 5+ times every day. Somehow I missed them little gypsy bastards...
I love having this group as a sounding board whenever SHTF in my barn.

I was able to snap this pretty bad-ass picture while cleaning the grow room.

Starting to get a bit frosty.

Buds are filling out more & more everyday.
Who's actually still subbed/following/part of the journal ??
Its been super quite on here haha or is it just me ? Feels like its been the same few people posting haha:)
Who's actually still subbed/following/part of the journal ??
Its been super quite on here haha or is it just me ? Feels like its been the same few people posting haha:)
I'm on here all the time... Noticed the silence too
Who's actually still subbed/following/part of the journal ??
Its been super quite on here haha or is it just me ? Feels like its been the same few people posting haha:)

I'm still subscribed and following along. Things have been a little crazy here. I currently only have two auto-flowering plants (waiting on more to join the fun, lol) growing.

One was accidentally topped at the ankles when I missed the stand I was trying to set it on and it landed upside-down on the floor. The other is a Crop King Seeds strain, Train Wreck Auto. It spent WAY too much time in a little 18-ounce Solo cup. That has surely stunted its growth, but that's no big deal I guess. Here she is:

I transplanted it to a larger container a few days ago - a two-liter bottle. I don't have any pictures of it in that, yet. Looks like it might be ever so slightly larger, maybe a tiny bit more flower development more than any stretching (which I seem to have skipped due to root-space restriction). When I did the up-pot, I stuck it under a new light (the one that I'll be using in my journal). I ignored it for a day, then took a look just before lights-out... It seems to have suddenly become "greasy" :thumb:; I do not expect greatness, but I'm actually starting to hope that goodness isn't out of the question. In other words, I don't expect to see much in the way of yield, but the yield ought to be reasonably decent in terms of quality.

I was tempted to leave it in the Solo cup just to see what ended up being produced, but I wanted to do the transplant so that I could mix a very small amount of Osmocote Plus into the media (75% Fox Farms Happy Frog / 25% perlite). Besides, I need the cup to start the next (soil) auto-flower, lol. The bottle of Osmocote Plus states one (large) capful per two gallons of soil. I wasn't about to count up how many O+ prills that would be and then divide by four :icon_roll . So I just poured a few into the lid at a time until there was ONE layer of prills in it, and that's what I mixed in. I'm guessing it's a little low - and I hope so, because this plant is already established and the clock has been ticking... Also, if it is underfed, it gives me the option of adding some sort of flowering nutrient and/or supplement.

I'm growing mostly for other people. This plant will be given away, but I do hope the recipient will either leave me a bowl or share one with me. I've not had the opportunity to try one of CKS' auto-flowering strains. So far, I am not displeased; it germinated, then sprouted, grew, and began to flower. If I had been much quicker at up-potting it into a larger container - two-gallon capacity, perhaps, instead of two-liter - or had initially planted it in a larger container, I'd expect it to be larger. However, considering both the initial container size, the length of time it spent in it, and the size of its final container... its current size is not surprising.

I chose a green two-liter bottle so that I did not have to paint/tape it. I don't expect algae growth, because the bottle will block non-green light. And this allows me to observe the root growth/condition. I looked yesterday and saw one healthy white root. Today I see 12 of them growing downward against the side of the bottle. It looks like at least one root tip has reached (or is about to reach) the bottom of the bottle.

That's all, I guess.
Torture - Glad to hear you still with us brother.. If i may ask why the small pots/bottles?
Auto's grow to the size of their pots and get stunted easily by root lock etc. Small pot = small plant AND they hate being transplanted.

Iv had the best success with autos in 3gallon pots. But if I want to grow bigger plants I just up to 5gallon maybe more.
I personally wouldnt use the plastic bottles - too much can go wrong and its just not worth the risk.
Hope you get something decent to smoke on my man.

Preston - Its been great having you around.. The mites stay away ?

I will be harvesting my Cheese X Tangerine in this week :) I'll be posting our first harvest update (it wasn't originally apart of the journal but iv been updating all my babies so might aswell show you guys).
She's looking and smelling amazing.. :cheer: will post pics when the lights come on !

Come on guys, wake up smell your buds and post an update haha :thumb:
If i may ask why the small pots/bottles?

A few reasons:

  • It has been my experience that one finds a LOT more Mountain Dew (or other green-colored) two-liter bottles in trash cans and dumpsters than reasonably clean and fully intact five-gallon buckets, small trash cans, et cetera. With a grow budget of zero, this is rather important.
  • Very occasionally, I have a dollar or so. I can either put it aside and hope I end up with another several dollars to get something bigger - or buy one of those Mountain Dew planters right now. And the trash can / etc. that I might eventually manage to save up for... Isn't full of a heavily-caffeinated soft drink :icon_roll.
  • I only currently have a nine square foot grow space. I figure I can pack in at least 36 two-liter pots.
  • To expand on the above, I have no way to test pH. If I see an issue that might be due to an out-of-range pH, I'm looking at either ignoring the issue in hopes it'll go away (which never works in life - and very rarely in the grow room)... Or I can take a guess, adjust (down only, since I have no pH Up product :rolleyes3), and water a plant. If it gets better, great. If, OtOH, it dies... I'll do a lot less crying if it's one of many instead of one of two, three, or four.
  • I can grow more plants this way. Kind of a PitA starting with two, lol. But I have not grown any of the strains that I'll be running this time, so IDK which I'll like better, which will be more effective medicine for those I'll be donating to, which produce more, et cetera.
  • I have some OLD nutrients that were opened and partially used when they were still new. Current viability and strength (possibly changed due to evaporation over the past six+ years?) are completely unknown. And I have a bottle of Osmocote Plus "time-release" nutrient I got on clearance at the end of last year's growing season. I'll be using some of each - both in soil/perlite containers and perlite "hempy" ones. I couldn't cover this range with only a few plants, and IDK which method will have the highest likelihood of allowing a plant to survive and (hopefully) thrive all the way to harvest. So... Yes, I think that for ME, with this grow, trading away individual plants' root space but getting more plants/containers in return is the best way to go. I guess if every single plant ends up being healthy, well-fed with no deficiencies or toxicities, and I somehow manage to blindly maintain proper pH... Then I will have been proven wrong.

I'm not opposed to growing in decent-sized containers. When I did the DWC thing, I rarely used a reservoir that (initially) held less than 20 US gallons of liquid. Per plant.

I've got a half-@ssed plan to grow something like 14 plants. Two two-gallon containers, two one-gallon containers, and ten two-liter bottles. That's only "the plan" (best laid plans of mice & men and all that, lol). And if at some point I feel that things are too crowded, I can always remove a plant or five. Yes, I realize that my total harvest amount will undoubtedly suffer if I end up having to do that, because I'll be removing plants and what's left won't automagically fill the space that I've opened up. OtOH, it'd mean that I can quick-dry what I've removed for... getting ol' TS by, lofl.

Auto's grow to the size of their pots and get stunted easily by root lock etc. Small pot = small plant AND they hate being transplanted.

Yeah, I've read/heard the party line. And I figure that there is some truth to it. However... I have seen some large (okay, "largish") plants grown in small containers. I think there's a relationship between container size and (auto-flowering) plant size, sure - but I don't believe it's quite that simple. Still, yes, I realize that becoming root-bound does appear to be one of the triggers to commence flowering.

Watering a small plant in a large container can become problematic. I like to give a proper watering, then allow the soil to (mostly) dry out before watering again. If I throw a seedling straight into a five-gallon bucket and do this, it's going to take forever and a day for the soil to dry, because very little of that moisture will go by way of the plant uptaking and then transpiring it; instead, it'll have to depend on evaporation from the soil. A small plant in a small container... That, I can water every two or three days.

I think most of us, most of the time, try not to rip handfuls of roots off the plant, to damage stems, et cetera when we transplant. And we mostly probably do a decent enough job of it. I think that, many times, "transplant shock" is a misnomer. A plant runs out of room for growing additional roots. Then it suddenly has more room. I'd guess, therefore, that any delay in the above-ground growth happens because the plant has once again begun significant root growth.

And, yes, that might still be an important thing when we're growing plants that have a rather finite lifespan. But... IDK, lol. The plant that I broke off half an inch or so above the surface... It's a White Widow Auto. Auto. It had begun flowering in earnest a week or maybe a little longer before the incident. Then I broke it. Tossed it. Retrieved it and farted around with trying to "save" it for a week or so. Gave up, tossed it again (after cremating the broken-off part ;) ). Retrieved it again, lol, and stuck it back under the light because... IDFK. Because the light was on and there was room, basically. And then it didn't do much of anything. More not doing much of anything. Then the thing grew a couple tiny branches! One is still small, the other seems to have become the "top." It has grown a little. IDK how old the thing is, I can't remember (I might be able to go through old PMs and figure it out by inference to the nearest week or thereabouts). But I think it's six or eight weeks old. And it is only now producing its first few flowers! (Since the mutilation, I mean.) Plant ought to be, if not almost done, then at least a lot closer to harvest then sprouting. Instead, it's looking and "acting" like it's maybe ten days old.

Oh, and it's still in an 18-ounce Solo cup ;) . I say I'm tempted to leave it in there, but that translates to "I keep forgetting to stick it in a pop bottle until the light is off and I'm tired and thinking about trying to go to sleep soon." I doubt it will produce much if left in the cup. I had originally intended to stick it in one of the two two-gallon or at least one of the two one-gallon containers that I have. But now... I think the deck is kind of stacked against the poor girl, lol, and doubt it'll produce much regardless of the container size. I do plan on placing it into a two-liter bottle sometime soon, though.

The (Crop King Seeds) Train Wreck Auto, though... I wish I had 81 of those seeds. I'd plant them all in individual Solo cups and pack them into my little 3'x3' grow space at a density of nine per square foot, LMAO. If I could average five grams per cup, that'd be 405 grams. Which would be pretty spectacular for a space that's lit by a little 160-watt light. Even averaging only 3.5 grams per would work out to 283.5. And it looked like the TWA was probably heading north of that before I took it out of the cup. IDK.

Iv had the best success with autos in 3gallon pots.

If I'd had nine of those, I'd have used them (or however many that would physically fit in there). IDK if my space would have supported that many - but, again, I won't be at all surprised if I lose a plant or two due to lack of resources and general p!ss poor luck.

Hey, it's a combination experiment, learning experience, and Grand Clusterf*ck, lol. On top of everything else, I'm using a brand new LED panel for the first time. And it apparently isn't just brand new to me, because I've been unable to find any grows that used the model. As I mentioned, it only consumes 160 watts. The sponsor has assured me that it'll be adequate for my current grow space. I was thinking going into this that... Well, I would have expected the light to be woefully small for the space. IDK. I used a different type of LED previously to cover the same (sized) space, and it consumes a little over twice as many watts. I started off thinking that - due to all the uncertainties - if I manage a .4 gram per watt harvest, I'd consider it to be a bit of a success. But... that's only 72 grams :thedoubletake: . So I'm hoping for a (much? Oh, please, let it be MUCH :icon_roll ) higher gram/watt figure.

I'm rambling again, methinks.

I personally wouldnt use the plastic bottles - too much can go wrong and its just not worth the risk.

I do not foresee being away from the grow area for more than 24 hours at a time, so I should be able to keep up with water needs even late in the grow. I am a little concerned about a plant (or several) falling over. But if things work out so that the room is full, I don't see how that would be possible, lol. I used to have some of those two-liter bottle holders that they deliver soda pop to the stores in, for when I was doing high-density clones, but I gave them all away. I've been trying to catch someone delivering to the local convenience store so I could try talking him out of three or four, but have had no success as of yet.

Hope you get something decent to smoke on my man.

It's all relative. Right now, that extremely immature Train Wreck Auto is probably getting a trifle... nervous. I've been smoking Sensi Seeds Jack Herer leaf for ages (long story), basically baking a handful or two at a time dry in my oven. IDK how many grams per day (a lot), lol. A friend stops by occasionally for an hour or so and I'll smoke three or five joints with him, maybe a gram each. He leaves (mentally) staggering, and I'm bummed out because I'm not noticing any effect to speak of. Then, a couple days ago, I found some that had dried on their own. I rolled up three that, instead of being about a gram each, were kind of on the large side. I smoked one, lit the second and... realized that I'd not only let the thing go out, I'd dropped it somewhere. I'm looking all over for it when I figured out, "Huh. I'm kind of high." Not like high, high, but... And that's no big thing, of course. But it was about 40 minutes after I'd toked that I was having the thought. So I found the half-joint, smoked it and the other one, actually felt halfway decent for once, and went to bed - and slept (again, "for once").

The next day, my brother stopped by with a bowl full of actual bud (a rare occurrence). We smoked it and I didn't really feel anything.

Yep... I think I'll try to keep that Jack Herer clone alive, lmao. I ought to be able to do another photoperiodic grow next Spring. I'll have to do some regular trimming on it, though. It's like 15" tall and looks to have eight or ten little branches going - and it's (you guessed it ;) ) still in the 18-ounce Solo cup. The doggone thing refuses to act like it has any kind of root-space restriction whatsoever.
Torture - Glad to hear you still with us brother.. If i may ask why the small pots/bottles?
Auto's grow to the size of their pots and get stunted easily by root lock etc. Small pot = small plant AND they hate being transplanted.

Iv had the best success with autos in 3gallon pots. But if I want to grow bigger plants I just up to 5gallon maybe more.
I personally wouldnt use the plastic bottles - too much can go wrong and its just not worth the risk.
Hope you get something decent to smoke on my man.

Preston - Its been great having you around.. The mites stay away ?

I will be harvesting my Cheese X Tangerine in this week :) I'll be posting our first harvest update (it wasn't originally apart of the journal but iv been updating all my babies so might aswell show you guys).
She's looking and smelling amazing.. :cheer: will post pics when the lights come on !

Come on guys, wake up smell your buds and post an update haha :thumb:
Mites are under control now, my grow room got a bit crazy during Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent weather that followed. I've had a few weeks of crazy humidity and tripped circuit breakers. All my girls needed to get out under natural sun to dry out a bit. I did a full clean of my room, trimmed my girls, treated for any mite eggs in the soil, then returned my girls to their home. Man, I swear.... When the humidity spiked to over 90%, I couldn't get my soil to dry out at all. Everything seems to be in order now.
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