Group Grow - Autos Only - Seeds Must Be In Soil By The 25/07/2017 Latest

Preston - I think you might of just unknowingly helped Mr. Gibbs out.. Soil seems to take allot longer when humidity is higher which may be his problem :thumb: good on you.

Gibbs- Hows your humidity looking ?

I decided to snip today SO just waiting on my lights to come on and then start the process.. Im going to harvest my cheese X tangerine and my tangerine girls :) My tangey only produced small buds and they not getting any bigger (she was a runt like my critical sigh atleast the seedbank reimbursed me), so decided to snip her too.

You will be seeing allot of my harvesting updates in the next couple of weeks as I have 6 babies a few weeks apart. Stay tuned haha
You got reimbursed for a plant that didn't grow very much, lol? I didn't know they did that. Did you have to send them pictures of other plants around it that were obviously larger than the runt? Because there are a lot of variables that could hurt growth/size, and who knows if the grower complaining has ever grown cannabis before. Kind of thing. Anyway, it's cool that they took care of you.

I snipped a couple of things off the lower part of the plant that didn't appear to be headed for anything in the same universe as greatness. When I did, I noticed a slight amount of visible sparkle. The scrum wasn't in shadow, but it wasn't exactly close to the light, either. It'll be interesting to learn to what degree this new LED panel penetrates into a decent canopy. I'm going to be trying for kind of a lolipopped auto-flower grow over most of the area when I get more plants going; hopefully, I'll have a dozen or so budcicles that don't take up any more area (each) than a square that a two-liter bottle fits into. It remains to be seen whether or not that'll work out and how well the light performs - but I'm already confident that it has a decent spectral mix for visible trichome production (unless CKS' Train Wreck Auto is just a good strain for it, I guess?) because the plant hasn't been under it all that long.

I wonder if there are little root tips sticking out of those two seeds I've got soaking? It's late at night here, so I won't be messing with them, but I think I'll go check. It wouldn't hurt to add a bit of water, half a cap full of H₂O₂, and pour to/from another cup a few times for a little boost in the dissolved oxygen levels. I forgot to even look at them today. I think they're both Dark Devil Autos, S₁s of the Sweet Seeds strain.

What I'm planning to (attempt to) germinate next are another CKS Train Wreck Auto, a cross of Dark Devil Auto and some other auto (can't remember, lol), a Sweet Seeds Blow Mind Auto if I have any left, and I think I might have one Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. I'll probably put the second TWA and the AJHxAA in larger containers. Am thinking to do the same with one (each) DDA and DDAx??, which will account for the two one- and two two-gallon containers. Everything else (mostly DDA and its sibling) will be in the efficiency apartments (two-liter bottles). I hope to be able to maintain a more or less even canopy height across the range without having to figure out separate booster stands for every plant :rolleyes3 . That would make it easier to shuffle plants around (if needed). We'll see how that goes, I guess.

When I get things finalized and at least a couple more plants in there, I'll create the journal thread and try to start posting regular updates here, picture of the grow or maybe a plant that is catching my eye for either a positive or negative reason, something like that. What would be best, approximately once per week? I haven't really been paying attention at the frequency that everyone is doing them, just basically reading about their grows and enjoying the pictures, lol.
Hi all - I've been subbed up and reading in the background on & off since the thread started. I was a few days late for the initial 'cutoff' so didn't join in then. Have recently noticed that at some point the parameters opened up to any age of plant... so

I started my first indoor grow and first auto on September 1. It's been going ok - but I think I've caused some issues by training it a little (attempted LST) a bit too late in the piece, and perhaps also (or instead) by dropping the lights too close too soon. I also think now after much more reading about Autos that the pot might be slightly too big. All of this is things I'm learning for my next grow, so it's all good - and my plant is 32days young & still alive :thumb:

Anyway, I've had some great help from folks over in the CBD community grow i joined, and I am hoping I can jump in here too, bring you up to speed with my grow and get some auto-growers' assistance.

This is my post on the DIY grow box installed in my room - includes a pic of the little one at day 17.
CBD Joy: A Community Garden Experience

In the meantime, I'll assume i'm good to cut in and prepare a brief timeline of her life so far...

The seedbank changed ownership and apparently they had a bunch of issues. So he sorted me out. Iv grown tons of different genetics and have never struggled like I did with these. The only 1 im impressed with is the cheesXtangerine. Anyways, needless to say I showed them what I usually do and what iv done this time due to their bad seeds and they sorted me out :)(only got 4 to grow properly out of 10beans so you tell me)
If I didnt have my 2 hybrids this grow would of been a bust yield wise. But my sativa hybrid will produce round 100g's by itself so that helps allot :cheer:
I also think now after much more reading about Autos that the pot might be slightly too big.

Too big? Most folks seem to like large containers with auto-flowering strains. I think there's more to the whole container-size thing than just the... container sizes ;) . That doesn't mean I don't like large containers, though.

my plant is 32days young & still alive :thumb:

Go, plant, go!
Hi again folks. Here’s a rundown … i’ve tried to make it as brief as possible but it doesn’t feel brief at all! I know I’m likely overthinking everything but hey, what a great outlet for that trait. Autos are not for the faint hearted. I’ll do a regular journal intro and then document my (mis)adventures…

Strain? Dinafem Critical+ CBD (Auto - Fem), 20%Sativa | 30% Indica | 50% Ruderalis
Veg or Flower? Just making the transition I think
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Best, no only organic soil mix I could find locally. Added about 15% perlite.
If soil... What size pot? 19L (7gal) GeoPot (from seed - I put a little cylinder of seed raising mix in the centre of the soil)
Size of light? Mars Hydro 300w LED
Is it air-cooled? No
Temp of Room/cab? 22-27 with very occasional spikes a couple of degrees higher or lower
RH of Room/cab? 45-52 - can occasionally achieve 55%. It drops really low sometimes, 39%, but not usually for too long.
PH of media or res? ? Haven't checked.
Any Pests ? No
How often are you watering? Too often at the very start I think, then, about 4-5days in I was encouraged to let it dry out a bit - as long as i could actually. I let it go until the area around the seedling was dry and then gave the pot a full soaking. After that I waited as long as possible, which turned out to be 16days. Seemed to be really happy during that drying out phase, especially the second half of it - leaves 'praying to the light' and growing fast. Then I watered today after 6 days as she looked a bit wilty and the bottom of the pot was fully dry - it’s been hot the last few days too.
Type and strength of ferts used? ‘Osmocote + Organic’, slow release ‘pills’. It’s a technique I’ve seen a few people use here to good effect. I used about 1/4 of the directed amount on the packaging and I spread it around in layers with the soil and perlite as I filled the pot. I tried to concentrate them more on the bottom and towards the sides of the pot - I read about that technique in various posts on 420 (boy, felt like Hermione Granger for a sec there! "i read about it in..." :laughtwo:) One of the problems I’m wondering about with the pot size, is that if its too big, then she won’t yet be reaching a lot of those goodies easily. There’s a bit in the soil tho so she’s ok, but still - this concerned me a bit so when she needed water today I included a 1/4 strength dose of a seaweed fertiliser called Seasol. I'm not in a position to be using bottled nutes of any kind.

I have the light on a 14/10 light schedule. It’s as much as is possible in the circumstances.

I don’t have intake or extraction fans. I do have a curtain I can leave open at times tho', as well as a high ceiling on the grow box which is made (the ceiling, not the whole box) from repurposed pegboard so it has holes in it. That’s my ventilation. I’ve tried various methods of getting the humidity up and presently can get t to hold around 50% most of the time. I have a fan now but it doesn’t oscillate, oscillating one is coming, so I have to pointed to the wall and air ounces around a bit. Should I have the fan on all the time? or is just intermittently ok?

OK - brief pictorial history with a few interjections here & there, starting at day 17


(Day 25)


I'd missed the window to top it, and was nervous to do so anyway but did think a bit of LST might be ok.

Day 26 - was dry, got a full soaking. Looked like the lower branch sites were in the shade quite a bit and I was getting concerned about trying to even out the canopy for better light penetration so I set up to gently pull her over a bit.
This went fine,

(Day 26)



but I think I then didn’t wait long enough before doing more. The next day, in the morning, I bent it a little further, and then tried to send the top around a bit and i think it was later on the very same day (or the next day - in any case I reckon it was too soon).
Noticed this day and the next there were pistils everywhere.

(Day 27)

Also on this day I lowered the light down to close to 18” and pretty quickly (within 12-24hours) the pistils became pre flowers and the top started looking like it was flowering.

(Day 28)

Trying to turn the top around was a bad idea! I blame this - which was also going on over these few days!:volcano-smiley:

when it straitened up it was shading the lower branch site again so I let it loose from the attempted turn and just let it be laid down straight again.
(Day 29)

Then I vowed not to touch it for a bit. :goodluck: And spend some more time reading this thread. Looked at threads here and elsewhere again about training autos and that’s when I realised i’d probably started LST too late. Or that this strain is not suited to it maybe.

It’s now Day 32 and the top was leaning out of the pot too much so today, a few hours after I watered, I’ve turned the top gently towards the other side (opposite to my first attempt a few days ago) so the new branch(?) is on top and those higher budsites/branch sites are open to the light. I can see that the lower branches have shot up under the light since the first training and the higher ones are starting to now as well.

(Day 32)

I'm also holding a leaf gently out of the light path of a lower bud/branch site.

This is the left lower branch - i think it has about quadrupled in length and developed 2 more bud/branch sites since pulling the plant over.

This is the main top - it looks to me to be fully into flowering mode.

These 2 little bud sites under the main top have really come along the last 2 days...

I'm concerned that the spot where these pistils are is on the underside now, away from the light...


To my eye it doesn’t seem to be getting any more nodes or branches. Although looking through the pics has been good - i’ve seen more change.

So my questions now are about structure, growth, timing and what I should be doing (or NOT doing!) going into the second half of the grow. I’m not sure if I should let the top come up again or keep it where I’ve got it now. Or undo all the LST and let her (maybe) bounce back. I was worried about light penetration but I’m not sure I haven’t stalled her by trying to address it (a bit clumsily - ‘L’ plates!)

I’d thought it was a 90 day strain but checking the Dinafem site it says 70 days so i'm definitely halfway through that. I know heaps of people say they always go longer but basically there’s not much time left. If I let it stand back up I’ll have to raise the lights too far away from everything else. Will it veg more while it transitions into flower?

Oh, and I’ve slid the whole pot arrangement over so the plant is centred under the light.

The breeder (Dinafem) states that it is an Indica dominant hybrid with Sativa appearing vegetation and Indica size and shape buds (“more compact and numerous” they say).

And - I don't mean to sound like oh it's all gone horribly wrong! I'm pretty happy to have a plant! And all its parts look healthy and happy, and it smells excellent :yummy:. SO i'm sure the bud sites that are there will flower up really well. I'm just needing some guidance going forward and wanting to understand maybe why it didn't fill out as much as it might so I can go better next time.:thumb:

So that was a bit epic! Thanks for hanging with me if you did. :thanks:

Your babies are looking great Amy :) Don't doubt what yourself you doing great.keep up the good work.. Look forward to seeing the future updates.

This is the cheese X tangerine that I snipped today.. Left the sugar leaves on to trim off and make some BHO when all is dry !
Wasn't a huge yield but wasn't a total screw up.. Landed up getting some decent dank !
Here she is



Have my 2 hybrids and 2 critical autos left in the tent.. Should get a decent harvest from the 2 hybrids, they still have a while to go but started stacking nicely :)

I will also be building a greenhouse in the beginning of the new month.. And will be doing all my grows from there until the winter ! Super keen and stoked too have this opportunity , been wanting to do it for ages but never had the space.. Iv sorted that all out so big things happening guys. Will keep you all posted on that. Have a great night further wherever u are in the world.

The Bonsai

The OG kush - taking well to LST


Took the last 2 big fan leaves off and tightened up LST

I'm probably going to have to harvest the lil bonsai early as the days are getting longer and I think it will re-veg.. Any ideas ? First time dealing with this issue.. Anyways at least I know the OG will b around for the season :) going to keep LSTing.. Think she'll become a beautiful Bush !!
Hi everyone, my apologies for my recent absenteeism had some... Stuff... That needed sorting out at work and my personal life.

Anyway, back to "business": on the humidity questions posted earlier, it's at 40-45% majority of the time, with 55 being max I've seen thus far during the grow.

Since I last posted about.. more than a week ago I think?

I've done a full on flush on all 3 plants with 6.2pH water, no nutes, just lemon juice mixture to get the soil ready.

Went away for 2 days after and came back to a MASSIVE fungus gnat infestation. About 30 of those buggers flying around.

That said, the soil was probably full of larvae.

Let the soil dry out completely (it's going much quicker now by the way) and after eradicating all that I could manually, a few dead ones on the cab floor died of natural causes.

Treated the soil with hydrogen peroxide mixture just now using a spray bottle directly on the soil for even coverage. And added a slight tad by pouring just for good measure. Hopefully this will kill all the creatures below soil level.

I've also finally gotten to buying a Nitrogen nute for the vegging seeing as I'll probably be vegging for another 3-4 weeks possibly.

Will start feeding as soon as top soil is dry again after the spray earlier.

So far color has gotten a bit darker since I added the slow release ground up granules a while back, but still on the pale side.

You'll notice there's still a slight droop, but it's getting better daily and growth seems to have improved to a healthier state.


Side notes on growing techniques:

I'm seriously impressed with how fast SS caught up after the whole mainlining system, thinking it'll have impressive results considering all the troubles this grow has given so far.

Next grow I think I'll be much better prepared and be able to keep up with you guys even though I'm growing photos.

Thinking the main problem so far has been:

Overwatered and not enough drainage.
Nute not high enough in Nitrogen for vegging compared to P and K resulting in N lockout.
Soil pH too high possibly.

Thinking that the overall grow will be smoother sailing from here on.
The Bonsai

Looks a lot like my TWA in size. Is it in a two-liter bottle, lol?

I'm probably going to have to harvest the lil bonsai early as the days are getting longer and I think it will re-veg.. Any ideas ?

Cover it with something that is light-proof for 12 hours per 24. Or at least cover it for however many hours your dark period is lacking out of the required amount, then remove the covering when it is safely dark out.

IDK whether or not the above would be convenient.
Thats a very good idea Torture .. BUT.. I would have to hike up to the spot twice a day 1 and a half hours each time haha ! Makes things a bit tough.. Think the early harvest is inevitable for her. will just keep a good eye on her and let her go aslong as she can before snipping.

Mr. Gibbs - Sorry to hear about the infestation but glad to hear you got it under control. Lets hope everythings smooth sailing for you from here on.
At least ONE good thing!

I toyed around with my ventilation setup again today, even with added 70w worth of bulbs, got it down to a steady:


Inside actually being the air outside... 18.6 (65.5)

And outside (being the sensor inside my grow area at foliage level) steady 22-22.3 (72ish)
At least ONE good thing!

I toyed around with my ventilation setup again today, even with added 70w worth of bulbs, got it down to a steady:


Inside actually being the air outside... 18.6 (65.5)

And outside (being the sensor inside my grow area at foliage level) steady 22-22.3 (72ish)
Man, I have had my temp steady since the problems I had before this grow. Steady between 68-78° and the plants are so happy now.
Well, of course, I can't leave well enough alone.... I'm currently renovating a 12' X 12' play house (my kids haven't used in years) to be my new grow house. Hope to transition my plants over once the THC Bomb autos are harvested. Hope I can control the temp in that bigger room as well as I have been able to in the small barn... The Temple of Bloom.
The new set-up will definitely be better insulated and ventilated..... And it will be TX winter weather soon too so I won't be fighting 108° outside temps.

Fingers crossed, will post pics soon....
Man, I have had my temp steady since the problems I had before this grow. Steady between 68-78° and the plants are so happy now.
Well, of course, I can't leave well enough alone.... I'm currently renovating a 12' X 12' play house (my kids haven't used in years) to be my new grow house. Hope to transition my plants over once the THC Bomb autos are harvested. Hope I can control the temp in that bigger room as well as I have been able to in the small barn... The Temple of Bloom.
The new set-up will definitely be better insulated and ventilated..... And it will be TX winter weather soon too so I won't be fighting 108° outside temps.

Fingers crossed, will post pics soon....
Hahaha, man I wish I had a bigger space to grow in, but my 2sqft cab will have to do until... many many things change in my life.

Please do post pics of your transition, I almost enjoy setup more than the actual growing aspect. Love making things with my own two hands.

Speaking of...

I'm curious to see everyone's preference of smoking. Just deviating from the usual chatter.

What are you smoking?
How are you smoking it?
Who do you usually smoke with?
Where do you smoke?
When do you smoke?
.... Why do you smoke? Lol just thought I'd complete the usual who what where when how why...

Fruits from my first grow, I'm about halway through that harvest (noteworthy: I blessed a few siblings and friends of mine with a few grams each and they're fckn loving it, wanted to know where I got it... Told them it was a blessing from an old friend)
Still think it's most probably Swazi, but I really can't be sure..

I hand carved myself a little home made pipe using nothing but a box cutter, a screwdriver and... a small screw. I don't own a drill anymore, so used some force.. and a lot of patience... and made an airway with the screwdriver.
Decorations made with a soldering iron.


MOSTLY just myself, sometimes my fiance joins me and on the bi-weekly basis we might have a friend or three join us.

Our living room, usually out the chimney. Lucky to have a fireplace in this cold, small-ish space.

Usually after work and all day long on days off if there's no need to be productive.

I guess everyone has their own reasons, mine however is mainly to enjoy the feeling of euphoria and to relax. Also, it sparks my creativity, which is a bonus since I like keeping busy.
Love the idea Preston, send us a update on this playhouse haha.. :thumb:

What how where when why ? nice1 Mr Gibbs me likeY!

Im puffing on some Exodus Cheese and some Afghan kush Dab


Mostly bong otherwise my glass challie + dab rig

Wherever I am I guess haha but mostly at home

Whenever I have the time

I personally have many reasons why.. But lets just stick to the main reason being ITS changed my life in so many ways and brought me a different kind of medicine that can not be bought or produced on a pharmaceutical level.
That's a NICE homemade pipe. I mostly use a glass spoon(?) pipe that's about big enough to stick half my thumb into the bowl of (a cigarette will just fit inside the body of it, if I slide it in through the mouthpiece hole). That's convenient, because I'm still smoking big handfuls of Jack Herer leaf - which doesn't seem to do a whole lot, but might be helping medicinally... because I quit for a couple days before an eye examination and the doctor jumped all over me wanting to know how long I've been off my glaucoma medicine :rolleyes3 .

I was looking at some of the products at one of our sponsors, Smoking Outlet, because I won the September Member of the Month and they donate a $50 store credit to the monthly prize packages (Thanks, Smoking Outlet!) - and I found this little glass pipe:
Blue Rasta Gandalf
Kind of awesome, but at 14 inches long and a bowl diameter of 1.2 inches, lol, it'd be hard to stick in your pocket. Plus, it only weighs five ounces, and it feels like my current four- or five-inch one weighs that much - so I'm guessing the glass is pretty thin. Still, it's pretty tempting....
Alright.... Here is the prospective real estate...

It should work out nice. When I built it for the kids, I went all-out on the inside. I had a ton of free material. The walls are all covered in a pvc type sheeting that was supposed to be a "whiteboard".
Whatever! Kids don't use it... I fucking will!

Aight, the who/what/when...

-I'm a lonely smoker. 99% of the time I smoke alone. I'm retired and spend most days working on my ranch alone.
-Why... Bad injury from military service had me on opiates for 8 years. I cleaned up about a year ago and replaced 5 medications with one beautiful herb. Haven't felt this good in a long time.
-How; generally the old school dugout hitter box, I occasionally use my little glass bowl too.

I plan on making some concentrate & getting a dab rig, I just need a big enough harvest. I think that is the KO I need when I have bad pain or trouble sleeping. Never done it before, although my hitter box is usually pretty potent. Its all keef all the time. LoL
What- Currently smoking Strawberry Cough that a buddy of mine grew. (Man, I can't wait until this harvest is ready) Buying from buddies sucks!

Well, that's the not-so short & sweet answer.
Speaking of...

I'm curious to see everyone's preference of smoking. Just deviating from the usual chatter.

What are you smoking?
How are you smoking it?
Who do you usually smoke with?
Where do you smoke?
When do you smoke?
.... Why do you smoke? Lol just thought I'd complete the usual who what where when how why...

What: dispensary weed. At this moment purple kush mixed with Durban poison. I'm in between harvests and been dealing thrips.

How: 48% rolled joints, and 48% vapourizer. 2% glass piece of some kind.

Who: typically alone, but if friends, or family are over everyone.

Where: back deck (sorry neighbours) or garage if weather isn't ideal

When: on a normal day when I get home from work, a couple hours after that, and then some dank indica before bed, usually with an edible. I have been off work injured waiting for surgery for going on three months so lately i spend more of my day high than I don't lol.

Why: to ease the symptoms of PTST, and clinical depression. I also find it makes me more sensitive to others, and allows me to self evaluate better. On top of that who doesn't love the euphoria and peacefulness after smoking some good. Life ain't always easy, so why not take advantage of something that can make it a little bit easier?
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