Hash Fart's Trying His First Auto

Roots must have not set deep enough then and the water undermined the soil/roots. I cant think of any other reason it would have fallen over

As long as you got it fixed and buried it back in the soil you should be fine. The roots would be damaged if exposed to too long period of light but not in ur case
Soil was probably still loose if you haven't really watered them and then when you did the soil settled or shifted a bit. Of you get it standing up again maybe just water that one extra slow and start on the edges. Shouldn't be catastrophic though. Just my guess
It seems to be standing alright in the pics. Use the twist tie method if your not sure it’ll stand on its own.
It fell over when I watered almost like the soil collapsed I propped it up immediately with soil like an obese child dropped a cupcake , hopefully nothing damaged
Hard to say exactly what it was. Without seeing it, I probably wouldn’t ever know, but if it’s getting too top heavy, and flopping over that way. Then hollow stems might be the culprit. If it’s because of roots... then well... shit I really don’t know... are you able to compact some lore medium on top, higher on the stem to help stiffen up the load a bit.
Hard to say exactly what it was. Without seeing it, I probably wouldn’t ever know, but if it’s getting too top heavy, and flopping over that way. Then hollow stems might be the culprit. If it’s because of roots... then well... shit I really don’t know... are you able to compact some lore medium on top, higher on the stem to help stiffen up the load a bit.
Hollow stem? What's this
I usually go 4-7 days between watering. I might be pushing a lot more water through then you though. They’ll be good to go in a day or two! :thumb:
I also added the CFL back in the tent then lifted both lights that seemed to make them grow and begin to look healthier I did lots of research and it seems the super soil is alot for young plants but I also read once they get bigger they start to do really well hopefully that is what happened to me , im also considering starting something in my big pot in the middle of the tent a photo , I might go clone or I'll have to germinate the Nukem kush or white Tahoe
Looking good man i am also gonna add my cfl in with my led but i have to build a larger tent. I only got about 14” for my plants to get taller after the transplant
I don't know what will happen with your plants but when I did my first grow the photos doubled in size when I switched to 12 and 12 might be something you want to consider
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