Hempy Headquarters

Sue, i "wash" my hydroton from my dwc buckets with enzymatic pond cleaner i get from the pet store for like $5. Itll do like 500+ gallons of water, so it lasts me a good while. I soak them for a week or so with air stones and its always done the trick. My plan was to do the same with my perlite and see how it goes.

This is a great idea too. Don't see why it wouldn't work. Thanks Lazarus. :hug:
Sue, i "wash" my hydroton from my dwc buckets with enzymatic pond cleaner i get from the pet store for like $5. Itll do like 500+ gallons of water, so it lasts me a good while. I soak them for a week or so with air stones and its always done the trick. My plan was to do the same with my perlite and see how it goes.

Great idea. I have some 2 year old perlite I was hoping to wash up for future hempy use. This sounds like a great option.

Hydroton and perlite both float. How does the soaking work for the top layer exposed to the air?
Great idea. I have some 2 year old perlite I was hoping to wash up for future hempy use. This sounds like a great option.

Hydroton and perlite both float. How does the soaking work for the top layer exposed to the air?

I bleach mine in pot.
Plug hole, dump bleach, follow with some water to fill the pot, let set, flush the aforementioned 'bejesus' out of it. Easy.
Great idea. I have some 2 year old perlite I was hoping to wash up for future hempy use. This sounds like a great option.

Hydroton and perlite both float. How does the soaking work for the top layer exposed to the air?
I give the soup a stir once or twice a day plus the bubbles from the airstones provide a bit of movement. I use slightly lukewarm water and keep the mix in a place thats not too cold and if its exceptionally scummy i will drain off some water, add fresh water and a bit more enzyme powder and give it an extra couple days to work.
I have used bleach as well but I always feel like i can still smell it and it makes me paranoid im going to poison my next girl. When your only growing 1 or 2 this could really mess up the flow of meds. Probably just me being paranoid but after root issues "ruined" my last crop i decided i needed to play it as safe as i can during every step. Safest would be just buying new hydroton or perlite everytime but my budget is pretty close to maxed out from experimenting with soil, dwc and now hempy. Not to mention upgrading lights and my crippling seed buying addiction. Lol.
If i had an outside area where i could flush the bleach out with a hose and not worry so much about getting perlite everywhere i would probably use bleach and rinse the bejesus out of it but in our little apartment it can get messy quickly. Thats why i moved away from soil. Im glad i did tho because i love the size and speed of a good hydro grow.
If i had an outside area where i could flush the bleach out with a hose and not worry so much about getting perlite everywhere i would probably use bleach and rinse the bejesus out of it but in our little apartment it can get messy quickly. Thats why i moved away from soil. Im glad i did tho because i love the size and speed of a good hydro grow.

When I think I'm done flushing with the garden hose, I make sure there is no smell in the runoff and that I can't feel the slippery feel of bleach on my fingers.
Ahhh... the joys of home owning.... perlite everywhere baby! Sure keeps the bugs and snails at arms lenghth.

hmmm.... this photo has me thinking.... I could cook my perlite in the grill outside. hmmmmmm.....
So figured id show my best 4 hempy girls up first we got my strawberry cake clone


then we got my devils carnival she is doing alot better now that i upped the cal-mag


then we got my mystery clone


and then we got my mystery plant from seed

How did you end up with a mystery clone Jones?

Do it outside.
'nuff said?

Thanks for that. Cooking outside isn't an option for me. I may fall back on H2O2.
A box fan and an open window may suffice. Worth a test with a small batch imho.
The odor fades fairly quickly. I'm doing a huge batch and it's been steaming greatly for over an hour now. Waiting for the water to subside.

What temp do you cook it at and for how long? What do you do in advance of cooking?
What temp do you cook it at and for how long? What do you do in advance of cooking?

I am curious also Tead

I have a bunch of Perlite to clean up, smell isnt an issue for me

Do tell.... Do Tell.....


Beats me.
Thermometer is hitting a touch over 200, but the steam is still venting. I would guess that once all the water it gone, the temps will jump up some. Steaming actually keeps the temps down... part of the natural process here.
I'm doing some more in depth reporting over on my thread. When I get to a summary point, I'll report back here on the dance.
What do you do in advance of cooking?

I forgot to answer that bit.
I dumped it roots and all out of my pots into a large plastic bag. I let it sit for about 3 months outside but out of the weather hoping it would dry in the open bag.... not so much.
I pulled out the bigger roots and just dumped it all into the crawfish pot and lit the fire.

So.... to more directly answer that question.... nothing.
I forgot to answer that bit.
I dumped it roots and all out of my pots into a large plastic bag. I let it sit for about 3 months outside but out of the weather hoping it would dry in the open bag.... not so much.
I pulled out the bigger roots and just dumped it all into the crawfish pot and lit the fire.

So.... to more directly answer that question.... nothing.

mmmmmmmmm CrawDaddies

Im drooling now @Tead:drool:
mmmmmmmmm CrawDaddies

Im drooling now @Tead:drool:

Don't make me sing a crawfish luv song to you.
Luves me sum mudbugs, but the real magic is the scene in which crawfish boils occur.
Tons of friends and relative all happy and animated. A little band on the back deck. Beer and bugs spread on a table before you. The banter and laughter.
Yeah baby... luvs me sum mudbugs!
Its been a week and its time for another hempy update. Im leaving the coco grown auto masszar out because ot looks the same as it did before... Poopy and burnt. Lol
The gsc, however, is looking pretty good and smells even better. Im waiting until the auto is done (about another week or so) so that i can throw a white widow clone i have sitting in a smart pot full of super soil thats been in stasis under some cfls in a box in the corner of my bedroom and flower them together.

Happy growing everyone!
hey guys every1s setups seem 2 b lookn pretty good and dam tead those are some nice roots u got there nice job oh yeah thanx again sue for letting me know to increase my cal-mag now that i have increased it to 5ml to a gallon of water and now look at my d.c. she is starting to get some green coming back to her so i think she will be alot better off now here she is notice the green starting to seep back into the leaves


and look what i got at the store today only a buck so i grabbed two of them to uppot two of my hempy clones lol love the little skeletons on them the second pic is to show how high i put the hole is that a good height i think i member sue saying she did like 2 inches maybe im wrong but i jus feel like i member hearing 2inches from soe where lol


and then here is my first clone uppotted. So far it was the only one ready to move out of the 2liter and i think she prolly could have went alil longer in there but still i figured i mite as well get my kali mist re-veg clone going on her way so i moved her to the bigger pot first here she is


My wife saw those buckets at Wally World and brought me home a dozen knowing how my garden has gone from 3 to 12 plants including hempy and babies. I love the little skeletons. I had my birthday a couple days ago and in honor of my special day I had a seed pop it's head up and start life as my first try with The Purps strain. Once I see how it does in soil I might try some clones in hempy. I can see myself in a Hempy Anonymous meeting in a couple months drinking bad coffee and eating stale danish:)
My wife saw those buckets at Wally World and brought me home a dozen knowing how my garden has gone from 3 to 12 plants including hempy and babies. I love the little skeletons. I had my birthday a couple days ago and in honor of my special day I had a seed pop it's head up and start life as my first try with The Purps strain. Once I see how it does in soil I might try some clones in hempy. I can see myself in a Hempy Anonymous meeting in a couple months drinking bad coffee and eating stale danish:)
Lmao yea ill be there right next 2ya :rofl: cept ill sneak us alil black domina cookies im making lmao shit ill jus switch the tray out with the stale Danish n then leave the cookies lol every1 would be alil happier haha
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