High Brix

Hey Doc looking good in there man! Drip emitters, is that new to the garden? I thought you fed from the bottom.
Any way thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Thanks to you and a few others on here I have had my best grow yet and its only half way finished.just adding the rock powders in a cooked soil has really impressed me a lot. Here in the next couple months I should be in a better position to order one of your kits. Here is what I'm getting from half arsed following your ways and a sub par environment.
not bad huh?

Not bad? Shiiit, I'd say it looks amazing! Nice job.

MIneralizing the soil is a huge step in the right direction, no doubt about it. You'll be even more impressed once you get some of the gear I'm using....promise.

The drop emitters are indeed new. I have to manage my time in the garden, and I've found that if I use an automatic pump and drop system to water I can be doing other things while the plants get their water/fertigation. It saves time and the slow drippers really give the soil a good soaking. It also means I can go on vacation and not worry about the plants drying out.

For HerbFarma:

The high brix weed is healthy. You can tell when you smoke it. It is so smooth. It just feels like it's good for you. People haven't been exposed to it yet, but everyone who tries it wants nothing to do with normal weed. No bull.

But I'm just getting started. Subsequent runs with recycled soil will be an improvement, and I'm going to experiment with a soil energy booster that is formulated for seed bearing crops and see how that works out. I also added some K-mag to the tray that's furthest along. It hasn't improved anything....actually made it a bit worse.

I suppose these AG lab guys actually know exactly what they're doing! So I won't be adding any K-mag in the future, but I will try a couple different energy products, just to satisfy my curious nature.

Another observation:

The defoliated plants are about 20% lower in brix than their identical twins. No more defoliation for me. How can you foliar feed when you've got no foliage?
Hope your patting yourself on the back!!!!! Your plants look amazing and not having to worry about mites is probably a big relief and is advertisement in itself. When growing High-Brix it seems to have more advantages then any other growing style. Although you do make it seem easier than it probably is. Good thing your packages will becoming with instructions. If getting a pound to 1.25 with a 1000 watt a negative aspect of Brix, not that any of my grows have come close to these figures. I thought that i had read some where that at full potential you should get 1g/1w. from my understanding that is a veige statement though? Considering veg time/Strain/etc. Any thoughts. And sorry ahead of time if I am totally wrong because 90% of the time i don't comprehend what i am reading, if it was posted in the first place. Just asking an expert
Think you for all you do for us newbies on the site. Gittergreen is a prime example and as he says he is only half arsing it. while producing some very nice bud porn. You know thats everyones part of the whole process besides inhaling. Thank you again. Can't thank you enough.
Plus rep+ for a true ICON (if i knew how)
Hope your patting yourself on the back!!!!! Your plants look amazing and not having to worry about mites is probably a big relief and is advertisement in itself. When growing High-Brix it seems to have more advantages then any other growing style. Although you do make it seem easier than it probably is. Good thing your packages will becoming with instructions. If getting a pound to 1.25 with a 1000 watt a negative aspect of Brix, not that any of my grows have come close to these figures. I thought that i had read some where that at full potential you should get 1g/1w. from my understanding that is a veige statement though? Considering veg time/Strain/etc. Any thoughts. And sorry ahead of time if I am totally wrong because 90% of the time i don't comprehend what i am reading, if it was posted in the first place. Just asking an expert
Think you for all you do for us newbies on the site. Gittergreen is a prime example and as he says he is only half arsing it. while producing some very nice bud porn. You know thats everyones part of the whole process besides inhaling. Thank you again. Can't thank you enough.
Plus rep+ for a true ICON (if i knew how)

It's as easy as it looks.

There are a couple reasons why people don't get the same results:

1.)their environment isn't optimal. This is more important than anything else. Bad temps/rh cannot produce the best, high brix or no.
2.) They don't actually do what I'm doing but sort of make up their own version of what I'm doing, using different products, etc.

1 gram per watt.....yeah. I think if you optimize the canopy and pack the plants in tight in a hydro set up that can be achieved.
Not having to defoliate anymore must give you more time to play! Thanks for assuring me. I seem to make an arse of myself everytime I i log on. Guess i should have paid more attention to school instead of how i could cut class. I'm one of those that spent half the energy into my studies as i did to figuring out how to get out of doing my work I would have done alright.
I keep looking at your pictures and can not get over how dark green they are. Simply BEAUTIFUL!!! Sure you will have an outcome of some great tasting bud with a terrific high. If my plants could see the performance of yours they would point all fan leaves up like after a good watering and dark period.
Man doc those are sick!!!! I just smoked some of my brix sour diesel...holy shit im blown away!!! Best ive ever smoked. Cant wait to use the kit:Namaste:
Gg those are spot on bro!!!

I can't wait to watch you use the kit!

And yes....blown away is definitely the number one feedback I get when people try High Brix weed. Especially the latest crop, which was the first true high brix crop.

The other stuff was super good.....great even. The new crop is better. Much of the flavor is back, but it's still smooth as silk and feels amazing.
I can't wait to watch you use the kit!

And yes....blown away is definitely the number one feedback I get when people try High Brix weed. Especially the latest crop, which was the first true high brix crop.

The other stuff was super good.....great even. The new crop is better. Much of the flavor is back, but it's still smooth as silk and feels amazing.
Diesel always gets me a little choked up. I'm all excited to get the Kit, like a little kid at Christmas.
Hey doc just joined this site because of this journal. I was researching high brix about a month ago and came across your journal and have been lurking since. A couple things about me - I am a medical mj grower in MI and have been growing for 12 years. The last 4 years I have been growing organic in amended soil. I have a 3600 watt perpetual grow (6-600 watt flower room) My plan is to do a side by side of your high brix kit against my amended soil mix. I plan on doing a journal here and at another site I frequent. I guess I need 50 posts before I can PM you but I wondering on the time range on when you would have the kit available and what you thought the cost would be. Also is there anything I need to get besides a refractometer and promix? Thanks for doing this journal, you have made it a lot easier for others to obtain high brix plants.
Hey doc just joined this site because of this journal. I was researching high brix about a month ago and came across your journal and have been lurking since. A couple things about me - I am a medical mj grower in MI and have been growing for 12 years. The last 4 years I have been growing organic in amended soil. I have a 3600 watt perpetual grow (6-600 watt flower room) My plan is to do a side by side of your high brix kit against my amended soil mix. I plan on doing a journal here and at another site I frequent. I guess I need 50 posts before I can PM you but I wondering on the time range on when you would have the kit available and what you thought the cost would be. Also is there anything I need to get besides a refractometer and promix? Thanks for doing this journal, you have made it a lot easier for others to obtain high brix plants.

Welcome! I'd love to hear about your soil mix!
I cant find my needle nose pliers...do you think tweezers will do the trick :idea:

Everything looks great :thumb: :thanks:

Only concern I would have is shipping to cold weather areas...plastic, liquid, and freezing temps might not be a good mix, depending on the carrier.

cooking this weekend
Me too!
I cant find my needle nose pliers...do you think tweezers will do the trick :idea:

Everything looks great :thumb: :thanks:

Only concern I would have is shipping to cold weather areas...plastic, liquid, and freezing temps might not be a good mix, depending on the carrier.

Me too!

You guys our breaking bad on me! Lets cook!
I cant find my needle nose pliers...do you think tweezers will do the trick :idea:

Everything looks great :thumb: :thanks:

Only concern I would have is shipping to cold weather areas...plastic, liquid, and freezing temps might not be a good mix, depending on the carrier.

Me too!

You might just need to go straight to the rake!

I also thought about temps....so I made sure to leave room for expansion in each container. BTW, the packaging will evolve. These are BETA's.

There's no "bugs" to work out that I'm aware of, but improvement is ongoing.

You guys are gonna be real happy with what happens in your gardens. Had a collective owner visit today....he was speechless. I took a bunch of pics, but had some wireless trouble. I'll try to upload them tomorrow.
Done any brix level tests lately? was wondering what your ladies are hitting now in the new mix.. :)
Done any brix level tests lately? was wondering what your ladies are hitting now in the new mix.. :)

I'm at 17-18 in one bed and 13 in the other. I added K-mag to the 13 brix soil mix as an experiment. Resin production is superb, but yield and overall plant health is down. Still good, but down from the other bed and my previous grow. Lesson learned.

These are from the Kmag group. I'll try to post pics from the other tray tomorrow.

BTW, I'm taking my brix readings about an hour after the lights come on, days I don't spray. A shot of Amaze/PGR or Brixblaster will spike up the readings into the 20's an hour after spraying.

Doc Bud - I've been lurking around your high brix journal's for the past month or so and finally decided to join the forum. I was looking for high brix vegetable soil and came across your journals. I love what you and others are doing here good sir! I can only imagine the difference in quality... other than the awesome pictures you and others post (for now). From what i read from you and the other brix aware members it seems the quality is unmatched with proper environment. I am very interested in trying your kit out soon.

Also I would just like to let everyone know how excited I am to be part of the 420 community!:yahoo:
Doc Bud - I've been lurking around your high brix journal's for the past month or so and finally decided to join the forum. I was looking for high brix vegetable soil and came across your journals. I love what you and others are doing here good sir! I can only imagine the difference in quality... other than the awesome pictures you and others post (for now). From what i read from you and the other brix aware members it seems the quality is unmatched with proper environment. I am very interested in trying your kit out soon.

Also I would just like to let everyone know how excited I am to be part of the 420 community!:yahoo:

Welcome! Your first post is in my journal, what an honor.

The soil I'm using as of this minute is designed for vegetables, but not root, tuber or leafy. The exception would be carrots, but this soil was designed for tomatoes, beans, peppers, etc. Ultra high end vegetables, like you would get in 5 diamond restaurant....that sort of thing.

It grows superb weed, but of course I'm making trial runs with minor tweaks to the soil, mainly just to satisfy my own curiosity and see if I can unlock some flavor or other. My first attempt, adding K-mag, proved to be a flop. Very interesting. Back when I was in organic soil, such an addition wouldn't have made much difference, but in high brix soil the addition of the K-mag has caused problems in calcium uptake and the nitrogen fixing bacteria have struggled a bit. They're still super nice plants, as the pics will show, but not as good as the "factory" soil.

So I'll try using a ripening agent on a couple this time, like molasses and epsom salt, or succanat and epsom salt.

Anyways, I hope you have the pleasure of growing some high brix produce. It's definitely a treat.
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