Horse's Coco Hempy 400w CMH Vertical Crawlspace Grow 2010

Here's a Pic of one of my girls that has the claw:

With the RH dialed in, I don't see any worsening of the curl, but it's hard to say if things are getting better. My temps could be better, I was hoping for 70-80 night/day, but have more like 65-76 right now. I'm still trying to get the heat under control. My RH has been under 50% for about 3 days straight now. :hookah:
Here's a Pic of one of my girls that has the claw:

With the RH dialed in, I don't see any worsening of the curl, but it's hard to say if things are getting better. My temps could be better, I was hoping for 70-80 night/day, but have more like 65-76 right now. I'm still trying to get the heat under control. My RH has been under 50% for about 3 days straight now. :hookah:

Hey Joe, that looks more like a come hither crook of that lady's finger :grinjoint:

The cola looks nice, though. Are you trying to get the RH under 50%? Mine is 40-45%, and my hookers are shriveling into oblivion, it seems... and I'm cutting the rest off :)

Curling into a Green Hole?



I've been having a hard time keeping the temp above 70° at the bucket. Outdoor temps have warmed back up a little, so has the crawl, and so I hope the OC+ will start releasing again.

Hi Horse, thats a fine looking plant once you get past the curl. Leaves look nice and green and those pistils look great!! gettin frosty too.:thumb:
Hi Horse, thats a fine looking plant once you get past the curl. Leaves look nice and green and those pistils look great!! gettin frosty too.:thumb:

Thanks Mick, She's been in womanhood for 32 days. It's kind of disorienting going from a scrog to a vertical grow, unless the buds are on the perimeter, I can't get to them. Probably saving their lives :)


The small Jack just started showing her stuff... powder and paint!

I agree Mmmmick. But that curl is crazy! She doesn't look like she's dying though. Good luck Horse!

Thanks for stopping by BlueDog,

I think she's just showing her independence :grinjoint:

But just in case there's trouble, here's the on deck circle:

White Russians


Jack Herers


You know that curl does look crazy! But other than that she looks completely healthy. Have you given any thought that maybe this could be a genetic trait of some sort?

High Smokey,

It may be more of a geriatric trait from something I did to her and can't remember :)

Between my son and myself, we have 8 flowering that came from 2 mothers, none of the others are showing this curl, yet.

She is getting cuter :grinjoint:





Her cellmates:



I'm with the rest. They look good and seems to be happy. I can't figure out the curl... :hmmmm: Guess I'll keep trying. You're girls look great, that is a jungle of green!!!

I'm still stumped, too, Joe. I had so many variables, it's tough to sort them out... but I have narrowed it down to light stress (too much or too little), low temps, 1 dose of Shultz's for too much nitrogen, OC+ w/ low temps, coco, low pH, or a twisted hairdresser has been sneaking in when they were supposed to be asleep :)... but like everybody sez, they look good. I'm just going to keep humoring them :)




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