How Long Before You Quit Worrying


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and I worry about everything, I see one leaf look funny and I get into panic mode trying to find out what I did and/or whats causing it. I seem to judge my first grow against all of these amazing plants I see here and even though I know I shouldnt I still do. I got a buddy who is growing and I dont even know how he keeps his alive, the soil is poopoo, the lighting is doodoo and the care he gives them is nono. Why do I stress so much, I always here of people around here who just drop seeds in holes outside and get plants to survive and produce.

Do any of you worry still or did you ever really worry?
There are lots of anecdotes on here about people over caring for their plants. Exactly what you are describing comes with the territory. I'm no different. If there is a 'number of grows' target where this diminishes, I have not reached it.

The first grow is the hardest because you have no experience. You dont know when to react or just let them be,

A good practice would be to create a grow journal, and seek advice there whenever needed. Lots of helpful people here.
Well this is how bad my worry gets.....

A single finger on 2 leaves on this plant and one or two on my other one....
Very healthy looking plants IMO. That tiny bit of leaf droop might just be early signs of being a bit thirsty. I let my vegging plants dry and slightly droop between watering.
You get back what you put in. Overthinking isn't always a bad thing. Shows your attentive and absorbing info like a sponge. Bruce Lee said "Always be water". Well I say "Be a sponge" first, then you can be water LOL.
Varies on ones situation and I suppose a few hundred other variables ;) . In my mind stressing out over it is counterproductive for me and defeats the purpose in my case (an escape from my problems and not compounding them). Not saying I don't have things that make me bonkers (had an aphid disco dance party that made me crazy until I bought some ladybugs and they did their thing :rofl:) but I "choose my battles" so to speak. Not saying I wouldn't like to grow beautiful plants like one sees others do, but "looks can be deceiving" as many things in life, and looks doesn't always go hand in hand with quality/good. As I'd rather have a zip of sweet tasting decent high flower than a half pound of stuff that tastes like crap and gives me a freaking headache ;). Not everyone can do it (nor should they in some cases), or maybe I'm the clueless one ;) :rofl: , but comparing your grow to your last one is better than comparing your grow to someone else's. As not only so many variables involved but also genetics can factor it, so it can be like "comparing apples to oranges" so to speak.

Just one of them IMHO but I think too many people have too high of expectations and not wanting to learn on their own, and expect a written process that works right out of the gate for everyone all of the time, like deciding "I'm going to be a race car driver" before one learns how to drive ;). Albeit it is not for everyone, but many that could do it waste a bunch of money and quit as they are expecting to grow "dispensary quality" flowers in their first go round/rodeo, and though it isn't impossible it is highly unlikely. But what do I know ;) as only been doing this a couple years and still don't have an etched in stone system yet, but like life I tend to "fly by the seat of my pants" so to speak :rofl: and once you "quit learning" you can become a stick in the mud.
If it makes yea feel better I'm right there beside yea. I'm worrying constantly because my first attempt was a fail. But I learnt from it and I took it to this next grow. I totally agree on setting up a grow journal, I started one just yesterday and the support I have received from this great community has already given me confidence and piece of mind. And like recommended good pics, because then you have all these great gardeners along for the ride and you can get more peace from your girls then stress.

Plant looks amazing IMO.
Stress never goes away. Not if you care about the plants you are growing like you should. The MAJOR thing is to not act on everything.

Those little things you notice could be indicators of something. Keep a close eye on it to see if it gets worse. If it is a problem. Decide first what the plan to fix it is then go from there. Never act to fast. Lots of times it is just a kick-up. Also if you diagnose wrong it is going to take that much more time to fix. Or it could make things worse.

We as people worry about the things we care about. Worry can turn to stress if it is not handled well. I can only say "Keep up the good work" if you are noticing little things like a single finger of a leaf. You are paying enough attention to your plants. Can't help you with the stress part. I thrive on it LMAO.
This is my first grow and I worry about everything, I see one leaf look funny and I get into panic mode trying to find out what I did and/or whats causing it. I seem to judge my first grow against all of these amazing plants I see here and even though I know I shouldnt I still do. I got a buddy who is growing and I dont even know how he keeps his alive, the soil is poopoo, the lighting is doodoo and the care he gives them is nono. Why do I stress so much, I always here of people around here who just drop seeds in holes outside and get plants to survive and produce.

Do any of you worry still or did you ever really worry?
Never good luck its part of the human condition some just worry more than others.
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