How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Nothing has will be dropped at your door, except as Canna mentioned the states it doesn't ship to.

I haven't ordered, but a relative said he had and there weren't any problems. That was last year though. I would email them first and make sure. The spirytus in on sale right now, small but still a sale. LOL
LOL this had me researching making my own alcohol. That's a whole other rabbit hole for another day. :blalol:

I think in WA I can only get 151 proof as well. :(
I have a friend with a still. He showed me how it worked once, but I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics now. I'll have to go take another look. I recall it wasn't expensive to build.
I have been thinking about this also but have not look into it. Maybe someone will take up the cause and start a thread on distilling. But, I am like you Hiker, that is for another day. I am still learning from seed to oil to dosing.
LOL this had me researching making my own alcohol. That's a whole other rabbit hole for another day. :blalol:

I think in WA I can only get 151 proof as well. :(
I have a friend with a still. He showed me how it worked once, but I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics now. I'll have to go take another look. I recall it wasn't expensive to build.
Hi Wildjim, That is a very nice looking plant. I am almost 3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle so have a ways to go yet. Hi hope you had not had any more of the scary seizures you referred to. I have always heard not to put the flowers in the microwave so I would be curious how that worked. Good luck to you and I hope you get some oil soon.
Thanks so much Pal. I'll add a photo of my day. Took about three hours. My NLxBB auto gave me 430 grams of nice hard bud. And 39 grams of small popcorn. Check out the bud photo and see if you can give me an "about" dry weight for oil, if you can. I'm guessing I have a couple weeks to wait. I'm going to try the microwave to dry a little to see if it'll work for the seizures. Had two of the worst I've had since I got this sh!t. Scared wife and 3 yr old grandson. Scared wife so much that she could only say "You gotta try that medicine again", but there is no way until I have tried the oil for half a year at least. Can't wait to try the oil. Enjoy the pictures

Hi SmokesDaKush,

I love honesty. You wouldn't believe what I go through helping people (locally) that are not honest (like keeping their addictions from me). If your ill and need to get help, why lie? Its your health, right, lol. So thank you for your honesty, much appreciated.

So you have been bitten by the 'I like the feel when I eat it' bug. If you don't have serious aliments that need proper healing, you can eat the oil and become euphoric. I will guarantee you would not be eating a gram of oil I make :), if you do you won't respond for a couple of days. Here is the deal. When simply digesting without getting to the CB1 receptors first is nothing more than like taking a man-made med (of course its natural). Its a temporary fix and in many cases can have adverse affects with man-made meds. I've taken many notes on patients and have seen firsthand aliments come back when digesting the oil only.

When first starting I liked to digest a small amount for sleep (only had sativa pretty much the 1st year). Once having Indica oil also then I stopped and its been quite sometime since just digesting a small amount. This past friday night I took my nighttime and had a munchie right afterwards (duh) and it carried down before being seated to the CB1 receptors. I've healed so much taking the oil correctly I was like a virgin again to the oil. Strapped on the space suit and went exploring. This time I knew how to come down and dosed a small amount of sativa (more experiments).

Note: What to expect when dosing correctly; you don't feel euphoric so many times people don't think the oil is working. Think about this; you just made some private reserve concentrate coming in at a hefty 90% THC, you took a grain of rice and digested it. You went traveling with after burners on. Now you take it the correct way (same amount) no high, alert, bright-eyed and busy tailed. You still have the 90% THC in you, what do you think its doing? This is the correct way for the concentrate to heal properly.

I still enjoy my beloved 'herb' in flower form, concentrated oil. I only smoke after all is done through the day. I earn my 'treat' so to speak. Time and place for everything but the fact of the matter is I don't like messing with my wellness feeling during the day. I stay productive as much as I can. Yes, I've loved my herb for a long time, I hope to love my 'oil' for a long time also if I can help it.

You will see if taken correctly.

ps I won't be around much today with lots of errands to do.

Absolutely helps Motoco! I typically cheat and just blend my oil into pre-made hemp based products mostly balms n such. I have yet to start with the tacking procedure but I plan on doing so. This was the most interesting thing I found in here as I have never heard of it before now. Only thing I suppose I would like to get before starting is a better solvent such as you suggested. It should be farely easy for me as I can easily consume over a gram of oil a day. I typically have to take a tolerance break and usually do so when I reach 1.5 to 2 grams a day. My ocd kicks in a little because I am burning through my flowers and the fear of running out kicks in. So usually a week or two break allows me to get under a gram daily for a few.

I will be completely honest Motoco, I rather enjoy the feelings from eating it and was under the impression that I could have the best of both worlds. Something about it just makes me feel normal as i would say. Motivated, happy, calm, less pain and just overall better quality feeling of life.

I saw your previous comment and I apologize if my questions came through at a wrong time or if I missed a mention of you relaxing up a bit in here. Your time is very much appreciated and best of luck to you with your personal endeavors.
Hey there Motoco!

I'm with you on that, I can't stand fake people. I can imagine what you could possible go through helping, so many variations of people that I imagine with enough time you've sorta seen it all. Much respect for continuing...

I have multiple ailments that qualify and keeping the honesty going, the "euphoric high" is a major multiple mood stabilizer for me. I can't imagine not having that part of the medicine. Right now I am eating a little over a gram divided up twice daily in either capsules or coconut oil with lecithin. I still use my vape as needed throughout the day, although I have tried to avoid it the last few days successfully. again the oil is from kief'd buds and sugar trim, frozen and extracted with 151 everclear, coffee filtered and winterized to pull remaining water. It's a pretty clean oil as long as I don't get crazy when kiefing and given the time available to make it.

Either way I should soon find out the difference as I have ordered some 190 everclear. Went with the 190 as I could get an extra bottle compared to cost. So perhaps some experiments on my end. Definitely going to use some primo flowers for this and as a matter of fact I have a CBD Critical Cure coming down that claims 8.13% CBD and 5.5% THC. So with any luck I'll have a good CBD oil as well, considering the numbers line up that is.

Your note does make sense to me so perhaps I can ask you this, Do you think it would be counter productive to do both at the same time. This way I could enjoy the benefits of consuming it but have the consistent receptor feed as well?

Enjoy your day Motoco!
Most definitely it can be counter productive doing the both at the same time. A great reference to this is Budnoob. and others who ate edibles, oil, ect. before taking the concentrate correctly. Think you feel good euphoric? When done properly the wellness feeling is something you don't want to lose during the day. You will find there is a place for your beloved feeling. On that note I would like to tell you when healing just eating the oil is counter productive. I've seen major illnesses go south just eating the oil. Here is a good example. I had a patient that had throat cancer and thought it was coming back. He started the oil taking it correctly. Went to the Dr. and results came back negative (he was doing it correctly for a couple of months). When he found out the cancer was negative he stopped using it correctly and just ate a 1/2 grain of rice to go to sleep. He called me up a month later and ask why if still taking the oil all his issues with pain and not feeling alert during the day is no longer working. Many test I've done has proved this also. The true heal is taking the oil correctly, digesting the oil only is just like a man-made med only safer of course. Once immuned, it doesn little but still has the euphoria. Kinda like smoking the best bud you ever had, after a while you get used to it. Taking the oil correctly works EVERY time unless you don't eat, hydrate properly and run you system down. "So its no at the same time'. Just remember you haven't tried it correctly yet, so lets wait for the jury to come in on that one. Understand, give it a chance because at the start you do not notice much. But then you just get feeling better and better. Sounds like I'm talking to me, lolol.

Taking off now. Food for thought Brother.


Hey there Motoco!

I'm with you on that, I can't stand fake people. I can imagine what you could possible go through helping, so many variations of people that I imagine with enough time you've sorta seen it all. Much respect for continuing...

I have multiple ailments that qualify and keeping the honesty going, the "euphoric high" is a major multiple mood stabilizer for me. I can't imagine not having that part of the medicine. Right now I am eating a little over a gram divided up twice daily in either capsules or coconut oil with lecithin. I still use my vape as needed throughout the day, although I have tried to avoid it the last few days successfully. again the oil is from kief'd buds and sugar trim, frozen and extracted with 151 everclear, coffee filtered and winterized to pull remaining water. It's a pretty clean oil as long as I don't get crazy when kiefing and given the time available to make it.

Either way I should soon find out the difference as I have ordered some 190 everclear. Went with the 190 as I could get an extra bottle compared to cost. So perhaps some experiments on my end. Definitely going to use some primo flowers for this and as a matter of fact I have a CBD Critical Cure coming down that claims 8.13% CBD and 5.5% THC. So with any luck I'll have a good CBD oil as well, considering the numbers line up that is.

Your note does make sense to me so perhaps I can ask you this, Do you think it would be counter productive to do both at the same time. This way I could enjoy the benefits of consuming it but have the consistent receptor feed as well?

Enjoy your day Motoco!
Not sure if this has been posted before. I came across this article comparing different methods of prepping cannabis oil and its effectivity in relation to achieving cannabis concentration.

I came across this study hosted at cannabis medicine by Univ of Siena on different methods of prepping Cannabis oil.

the full study in pdf format at

If I read it right, it seems that the simplest way of using a water bath to heat the olive oil and cannabis can be as effective as the more elaborate Simpson method way except you have to take more of it as it is not as concentrated.

Hope this helps.
Hi travelbike,

Thank you for the post. Many have reviewed this and yes, you have to take a lot more than cannabis concentrated oil. When reducing the concentrate potency's it might be fine as a preventive maintenance approach but not for serious aliments such as cancer. Lets say you need a gram a day for stage 1V cancer, you would need to take 2 grams of oil a day. Not to mention the olive oil/coconut oil etc, is taken also. The concentrated oil done Rick Simpsons way is actually very easy to make. Also keep in mind if made correctly and your extracting full potency from the flower to me it just doesn't make sense to lower the potency and take much more. The method you speak of is basically called 'paste' and for serious aliments its a no go. Hope this helps

Not sure if this has been posted before. I came across this article comparing different methods of prepping cannabis oil and its effectivity in relation to achieving cannabis concentration.

I came across this study hosted at cannabis medicine by Univ of Siena on different methods of prepping Cannabis oil.

the full study in pdf format at

If I read it right, it seems that the simplest way of using a water bath to heat the olive oil and cannabis can be as effective as the more elaborate Simpson method way except you have to take more of it as it is not as concentrated.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Cannafan! I ordered a bottle after I saw your post. Nothing stronger than 151 sold here. Cheaper there with the $10 off shipping they are giving. Cheaper than driving to a state that sells it. :thanks:


Hi SmokesDaKush,
I can't buy spirytus here either and am also stuck with Everclear locally @ $25.00 per 750 ML bottle. I did find a place online that will ship to my area, they have a list of states that they do not ship to when you click on FAQ's at the site.
Not sure where you are located, but thought I would post it to you anyway:

Buy Polmos Polmos Vodka Spirytus 192@ online for less at Wine Chateau

Not sure if that link will be allowed or not, we'll see. LOL
Hi fghtsmallcell, Sorry it took so long to reply. I had to have a tumor removed last week and because of all the meds I take I got an infection. So I had to go into the hospital and get some IV antibiotics. Had to stop the epilepsy meds for the surgery and I have had a few seizures that I don't remember, but family describes them to me. Wish they didn't have to experience them.
I tried the microwave and got a little effect and think it will be a good oil. So I am now waiting for the Spirytus I just ordered online from New Jersey. Highest proof liquor sold here is 151 Rum. So in a week or two I will be making my oil. Can't wait to make it and try my made medicine. Neurologist and cancer doc both said to do it and keep them up on what it does. They think I'll be ultra high I think. We'll see, so will they. Thanks for your concern.


Hi Wildjim, That is a very nice looking plant. I am almost 3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle so have a ways to go yet. Hi hope you had not had any more of the scary seizures you referred to. I have always heard not to put the flowers in the microwave so I would be curious how that worked. Good luck to you and I hope you get some oil soon.
Surgery went well, looks like a 9mm bullet hole in the back of my hand. But I got an infection. Had to go on IV antibiotics. 48 hours in hospital. I'm home now. I hate being away from home especially in the hospital. Been in there way too much and 20% of a big number is a big number.
I ordered my bottle of Spirytus and hope to make my medicine within 14 days. Spirytus is due between 17th and 20th of August. Getting pretty excited. Everything is dry and curing now.
Thanks for your concern cajuncelt.

How'd the tumor surgery go Jim?
You home now?
WildJim, so glad to hear you are doing better. And looking forward to you making the oil! I'll be ordering this week, as I have some new strains that are ready to process. :)

Update on my procedure:
I had a follow up, and I feel it was good news. There is no change. Nothing worse, nothing new and nothing advanced. My doc knows I'm using the oil, they keep pushing surgery...and I keep saying no. LOL He's not saying for or against the oil, and remains neutral on the subject.
So my feeling is the oil is working and I'm sticking with it. That's as much detail as I will get into on the forum. Hopefully on the next follow up I will hear, "significantly reduced". :)

Edit: I did want to add my two cents on the fear of being high via the oil. That was my biggest concern too. I have to be able to be focused during the day because of my job, there is no way in holy heck I could concentrate on what I need to do there being out in space somewhere. LOL On the very first tacking procedure I did, I made sure it was a weekend so if I got high I wouldn't have to work through it. Happy to say there was no high at all. I was energetic and felt good, but no euphoria whatsover. If the tacking is done correctly, you should not be high. Thanks to 420 Motoco for hand holding me through this.
Thanks again for the link Cannafan. Just thought I would follow up. Order was successful and you will be happy to know it's only two days to MI, just remember you need an adult signature. A bit weird to be carded before I can have my package. lol

Sending some positive vibes your way Cannafan! You as well wildjim! :Namaste:

I haven't ordered, but a relative said he had and there weren't any problems. That was last year though. I would email them first and make sure. The spirytus in on sale right now, small but still a sale. LOL
No bad news is good news Canna. I'm in the same boat. Nothing spreading or growing, but not going away (yet).
I've my appt. next week to check blood for tumor count. It's risen since I've been off chemo, but no metatastis.
Let us know your next results.
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