How to turn pot purple

Two pa

420 Member
My outdoor grow ( purple kush)is getting close to harvest .has anyone tried using ice water or a bag of ice to make it turn purple.. #1PK(Zsazsa) is about 5 ft 6 now.with boocoo colas and filling out. #2pk (Eva)is over 6 ft . Looks closer to a tall fat multi limbed xmas tree.
A tale of two plants. Purple kush, sisters. One in the luxury of a well-controlled indoor environment, one transplanted to the sometimes harsh Michigan outdoor world. Germinated at the same time, indoors, went from solo cups to final grow locations (7 gal fabric indoors, homemade in-ground compost outside). Both were given the same nutes on about the same schedule. Nature, or nurture? Hard to say.


1. Genetics
2. Phosphorous deficiency
3. Nighttime temperatures below 50°F (which tends to cause #2, sort of)
Mostly genetics but cool temps at night seem to make the colors pop harder in my experience. But different phenos of same Strain even if it is prone to purples can not do it.

Two Blueberry Hashplants from a couple years back, totally diff color schemes:

From a personal consumption viewpoint, purple bud never had any special appeal to me. But way back when I was still dealing, I did notice that I could move crummy indica quicker than even a top shelf sativa - if that indica was purple .

BtW, back when Susan was here and had that huge community discussion thread about Dark Devil Auto going... The consensus seemed to be that the green phenotype produced a stronger buzz than the purple one. I wouldn't know (never had a chance to smoke the green one).
From a personal consumption viewpoint, purple bud never had any special appeal to me. But way back when I was still dealing, I did notice that I could move crummy indica quicker than even a top shelf sativa - if that indica was purple .

Bag appeal can make a big difference same as "a name" can far as Sales go or even price points go. I personally feel the same way on a few other things, folks wanting the rock hard buds when to me that doesn't always make them "better" to smoke or a better high necessarily either. Smell or Taste can but that is more an individual thing, but it's still a "psychological it's better" and that may be all there is to it same as if you don't like the taste personally then you won't think that one is as good as a diff one. That said I do like the colored flowers ;) but it's in my mind me thinks :rofl:
I found that when leaving the buds on outdoors after initial harvest, the ones left would turn purple due to the temps. I also noticed once different strains went purple, they all acquired the same kind of taste.

Purple happens when chlorophyll is replaced by anthocyanin and I think that has a similar taste no matter what strain it is; really not my cup of tea. Plus purple means that the bud may have been left longer, at least in my case. So I found all the purple highs were more sedative, which is another aspect I don't appreciate.

Bag appeal goes a long way for some.
Bag appeal can make a big difference same as "a name" can far as Sales go or even price points go. I personally feel the same way on a few other things, folks wanting the rock hard buds when to me that doesn't always make them "better" to smoke or a better high necessarily either. Smell or Taste can but that is more an individual thing, but it's still a "psychological it's better" and that may be all there is to it same as if you don't like the taste personally then you won't think that one is as good as a diff one. That said I do like the colored flowers ;) but it's in my mind me thinks :rofl:

Off-topic, but I vaguely remember a 4th grade science lesson in which the teacher put something in water (the felt from a highlighter marker?), placed a cut flower's stem omitting that water... and, later, showed us that the flower glowed under a black light. I don't know if one could do that with cannabis flowers (buds) and, if so, whether the effect would still be present after curing them. If so, someone would probably pay extra for the bud :rolleyes: .
I found that when leaving the buds on outdoors after initial harvest, the ones left would turn purple due to the temps. I also noticed once different strains went purple, they all acquired the same kind of taste.

Purple happens when chlorophyll is replaced by anthocyanin and I think that has a similar taste no matter what strain it is; really not my cup of tea. Plus purple means that the bud may have been left longer, at least in my case. So I found all the purple highs were more sedative, which is another aspect I don't appreciate.

Bag appeal goes a long way for some.
Thank you for your comments..this is all for my personal use. The split harvest will be my plan..mabee the October temps will fall.. in more curious to see if I can change the colors..i do have my plan B babys I could try test it on ..or mabee how about adding Brown sugar to the mix.? Any truth about the fatter sweeter bigger buds..or is it just shit house luck and good genietics?
Ken Estes, the breeder that popularized Grandaddy Purple said that he finishes them at 55-50° temps to get the strong purple.

Some plants don't need the help,like DDA.
I have two growing right now. A dark purple-black and one that appears to be a green pheno.
How to turn plants purple:
  • 15 degree shift in Day to Night temperature (ie 75F Daytime, 60F Nightime) *Colder is better here
  • Ice around the plant to simulate a frost (save for the last week 4 days before harvest and repeat several times) *Bonus its a kind of a flush if you're into that kind of thing
  • Adjust your mediums PH closer to 7
  • Use a product like "purple maxx"

If you do plan to use cold temps to shock your plant into producing colors, at least to wait until just before harvest so you don’t accidentally reduce your yields. It’s also important to note that just because the buds have turned red or purple, it has nothing to do with their final potency. Purple buds are not any more potent than green buds.

Leaves near the colas may turn pretty colors after being exposed to cold temps, but it may sometimes slow down growth and inhibits proper bud production. You need green healthy leaves for the best bud production in the flowering stage, not purple and yellow leaves that don’t have the phosphorus they need to complete photosynthesis and make energy to product buds. A leaf like the following looks neat but may deliver less energy to your plants.
now how about adding Brown sugar to the mix.? Any truth about the fatter sweeter bigger buds..

Brown sugar (or molasses) will not make the buds "sweeter". The sugar is thought to help with bud/leaf, and root growth, but there is no actual uptake of sugar by the plant, the plant makes it's own sugars via photosynthesis. The sugar (molasses) feeds the microbes in the soil, and in theory speeds the breakdown of nutrients in the soil by the microbes, making them available for the plant. Problem is the sugars are used up very quickly, so microbe numbers soar, then crash back to normal levels. I have used molasses, it won't hurt, not so sure about how much it helps. Lots of anectdotal evidence (which is the worst kind). I have not been able to find a legitimate study to prove if it hurts or helps. If there is one, I'd like to read it. If growing outdoors be careful with sugar/molasses it can attract unwanted pests like raccoons, possums and even cats, which are drawn to the sweet smell.
Thank you for your comments..this is all for my personal use. The split harvest will be my plan..mabee the October temps will fall.. in more curious to see if I can change the colors..i do have my plan B babys I could try test it on ..or mabee how about adding Brown sugar to the mix.? Any truth about the fatter sweeter bigger buds..or is it just shit house luck and good genietics?


Ken Estes, the breeder that popularized Grandaddy Purple said that he finishes them at 55-50° temps to get the strong purple.

Some plants don't need the help,like DDA.
I have two growing right now. A dark purple-black and one that appears to be a green pheno.
You're doing another Dark Devil ? I got to see it. Hope it looks as good as the one you put in the contest a while back. It was a beauty.
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