Icemud's LED Grow - The Tangie Pheno Hunt

oi oi oi, i'm gonna hijack the shit out of this thread now. jk. ... not really.

since u said question r cool i got some. i just throw em in here if you really don't mind cause if i start a thread i doubt people will read it.

k, hope u know this shizzle.

A: What is preferable, high co2 or low rh? i gotz co2 hooked up but then i gets nasty rh of up to 70%.

B: If one uses the Lucas Formula, do you still need to add calmag for ro water, or not cause the micro part has enough? Also did you noticed a higher calmag uptake under LED's? At what ppm level is your brew after only adding calmag? Mine is around 150 ppm after i added calmag.

C: What is the best time to start using a chitosan based product, around week 5?

D: Until what time is it best to ammend with silica? Up to week 5 in bloom?

PS: After over a year i decided to grow out my gsc mum next growcycle, the yield is too little to justify it taking up so much space,
I'll be the one to stand up at my seat and tell the teacher that I find your class neither boring or too in-depth. You have a marvelous way of taking this incredibly confusing subject and explaining it in a way that I can absorb it and use it. This is a talent you need to exploit.

After reading that I think I may be able to come to some peace with my light panels. I was much more comfortable with the simplicity of CFLs. Thank you for caring enough to go through all that trouble Icemud. :hug:
That was a lot to read made my eyes tired lol
I got one of those boring journals also Great Week to ya Brotha :thumb:

Haha, I should include a warning with my next long posts... WARNING: Please make sure to have coffee before reading..LOL

Thanks Cronic for the best wishes, things have been a lil stressful on the job front, but trying to keep a good positivity going so definitely appreciate the good vibes! hope all is well with you my friend :)
oi oi oi, i'm gonna hijack the shit out of this thread now. jk. ... not really.

since u said question r cool i got some. i just throw em in here if you really don't mind cause if i start a thread i doubt people will read it.

k, hope u know this shizzle.

A: What is preferable, high co2 or low rh? i gotz co2 hooked up but then i gets nasty rh of up to 70%.

B: If one uses the Lucas Formula, do you still need to add calmag for ro water, or not cause the micro part has enough? Also did you noticed a higher calmag uptake under LED's? At what ppm level is your brew after only adding calmag? Mine is around 150 ppm after i added calmag.

C: What is the best time to start using a chitosan based product, around week 5?

D: Until what time is it best to ammend with silica? Up to week 5 in bloom?

PS: After over a year i decided to grow out my gsc mum next growcycle, the yield is too little to justify it taking up so much space,

Hey GermanDude! hahaha yea man, questions are always ok, I may not always be able to answer them but there are many amazing growers that visit my journal from time to time so if I don't get to them, usually someone will chip in :)

A: Great question but I haven't really done much research yet in this area to give you a solid answer. CO2 is really only necessary if you are illuminating your plants with high intensity light. As light intensity increases, more CO2 is needed however if the intensity of the light isn't high enough, then the extra co2 sort of is a waste. From what I have read plants typically benefit from CO2 around 1000 micromoles of PAR light. Now as far as RH, I know that too low and your plants stomata will shut to prevent the plants from drying out which will slow photosynthesis, and if the RH is too high you risk PM and mold issues so typically I have heard that a range from 40-60% RH is ideal. Again though I have not researched this much so I definitely don't want to tell you something that isn't true or researched, but maybe someone will chip in with some more info. I would do the research for you typically, but right now life is extremely busy for me so I just don't have the time right now to look into it for you. Wish I could help ya more.

B: the lucas formula... I actually had to google this as I have heard of it before, but don't really know anything about it to be honest with you. I do know that if you are using R/O or distilled water, its pretty much a necessity to use a cal/mag supplement as my R/o water comes out at 0-4ppm, which is extremely low. I have definitely noticed a higher cal/mag need for plants grown under LED, not necessarily the Ca but the Mg for sure, as well as extra K. I believe this has to do with LED's containing more light and having more photons being absorbed, this takes place in the reaction centers of the leaf, in which a Mg molecule is required for this process. So my theory on this is that the more red light driving photosynthesis harder the higher the requirement for Mg. I typically add either epsom salts or Cal/mag, pretty much trading off every other feeding. Since I use all organic products I haven't checked PPM in years, as well as PH so I really can't answer how much PPM I use.

C: I would suggest doing a little research on Chitosan or Chitin as again I only know very little about its uses. I personally use Crab shell meal which contains chitin and the reason I use it is because its abilities as a growth stimulant as well as its 23% Calcium. However in the form that I use it, it takes about 1 month or so to break down and the release of nutrients is very slow so for me I use it to amend my soil, after I am done with a grow, and then my soil cooks for about 1-3 months before the soil is used on the next grow. This way I know that the crab shell meal is broken down and available for the plant. I don't believe it is a quick release so best would be to use it almost as a material to compost. Now there may be products with Chitin or Chitosan in it that are available for uptake, but I am not familiar with these products. The products I use for Cal/Mag are derived from soft rock phosphate and calcium carbonate.

D: I have read different things in regards to the use of silica ranging from some saying use it first week of flower, where other say use it for the full growth cycle. I have not done much research in this area so I can't really give a solid answer for this. I'm sure someone may chime in and help expand the answers for your questions, or you may even want to ask DocBud as his specialty area of research is soil mixing and chemistry, where as mine is plant lighting.

For your GSC, you can try Scrogging it, I actually got pretty decent yields when I scrogged it, however I found that for some reason the cuts of GSC I had, did not like topping at all, they seemed to lose direction of up/down and grew like a vine, however LST and scrogging they responded very well to :)
I'll be the one to stand up at my seat and tell the teacher that I find your class neither boring or too in-depth. You have a marvelous way of taking this incredibly confusing subject and explaining it in a way that I can absorb it and use it. This is a talent you need to exploit.

After reading that I think I may be able to come to some peace with my light panels. I was much more comfortable with the simplicity of CFLs. Thank you for caring enough to go through all that trouble Icemud. :hug:

Aww, Thank you Sweet Sue!

I try my best to make my informational posts as user friendly as possible, but I can't really tell from others perspectives how it actually is coming across whether it makes sense or is above peoples noggins :) I'm glad that I can help convey the info in a way that most can benefit from as I do enjoy sharing what I know and research with people here at 420 Mag :)

I'm still playing around with LED as well, even though now I have adjusted to growing under LED's it is still harder to get the best plant health when compared to the HID that I used before LED. I've found it seems to need a lot more Mg, K and some extra Ca but is still tricky to get it right. I think so far though each grow under LED has gotten significantly better and it helps a ton having only 1 strain to worry about in my flowering tent instead of 3-6 different ones like I normally do :) less variation in the plants needs :)

I always appreciate your posts Sweetsue! You always give me a big smile!
Well its that time again folks...

Update time that is! hahah

The Tangie Tent:

things are going very well in the Tangie tent, and the plants are growing like weeds! haha I think that now I have slowed down and paced out their waterings to about every 3-4 days instead of feeding less volume more frequently the plants seem to have benefited and now I am seeing them really kick into high gear :) It should be flowering time very soon for the tangies :)

The Mother tent:

The mother tent is coming along very nicely now that I have not used the blue lights and only using the 1x XTE 300, the blue spectrum was stunting their growth as they have pretty much exploded in size since I turned the blue lights off a few weeks back, and I have noticed that my blue dream and harlequin are now showing very healthy new growth and no more deficiency issues. Things are looking great in there :)


The clones:

Well I think my premixed soil was a little hot for these young roots as they are showing a little bit of leaf burn, but I also am seeing some new growth so I think that they are getting adjusted to the soil as well, and I have been giving the a light foliar of 1-1-1 B vitamins every couple days to help them through the rooting process. I still have them on 24/0 lighting schedule because I want the 2 #6 plants to root and show new growth before I switch it to a 18/6 so I think within the next week if all goes as planned then I will be changing the light schedule :)


Well everyone, I'm grinding hard every day to get a job going so cross your fingers for me and wish me luck. Worst case scenereo is that I relocate to a more affordable area which may mean I have to stop my growing for a bit, and I would hate that to happen so definitely can use all the good vibes and luck I can :) Hopefully next report I do I will have good news :)
We're pulling for you Icemud. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Oh yeah! :laughtwo: Good to see the Tangies getting close. I hope you don't have to close down UNLESS it's a better position with a lower cost of living.

Doc had trouble with his blue light too. I wish they didn't use us as lab rats, or if they insist on it get us the lights at just above cost.
Who's the big shiny one at the top? Nice plant! :thumb:


Thats my Ogiesel, or as I should call it Old Faithful! I love this plant! I swear you could water it with motor oil and vinegar and it probably would grow...LOL (PLEASE nobody actually do this!) LOL Some of the most hardy genetics I have grown thus far :)

Thanks Graytail!
We're pulling for you Icemud. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Oh yeah! :laughtwo: Good to see the Tangies getting close. I hope you don't have to close down UNLESS it's a better position with a lower cost of living.

Doc had trouble with his blue light too. I wish they didn't use us as lab rats, or if they insist on it get us the lights at just above cost.

Thank you SweetSue :) I need all the good luck and vibes I can right now :)

I know that as long as I keep working at it something will land, tomorrow I should be hearing back from one of the jobs I applied for that should keep me in place for the time being. Eventually I think I will need to set a goal, like by late spring to be making the money I need to, as well as enrolled and attending a class or 2 and if I can make both happen, then I can consider staying. If not, I may look for somewhere cheaper whether its in state or a different one. I just read the average cost for a 1br apartment in my city is $1600 a month!! I pay slightly under that for my 500sq ft 1br, but not by much. I know in other states I could get a 4br house for that price, with a garage and a yard so I am going to take all options into consideration. :) I know its GO time so I'm going to give it my all :)

Yea the blue lights just didn't seem to work for me either, the plants were way too stretchy. I also noticed that when switching them to full spectrum they almost went into a shock period where nothing grew for a week or 2 until they got used to the full spectrum lights. They did however veg the plants and the plants had good leaf posture under them, but just too stretchy for most peoples liking. When I added full spectrum lights to the blues, the abundance of blue seemed to halt growth completely where the plants just sat in limbo, but when I turned the blues off and only have been using the XTE, the plants responded and grew healthy again. Most of the research I have come across has also shown that more than 25% blue can cause this to happen, so it seems that my observations were right in line with the research I found :) I may try them for cloning to see how they do in the future, or if anything they would make an awesome effect of Halloween in a week :)
Hey Icemud! My Magical Butter machine will be here tomorrow and there is an option to make MBO or (essential cannabis oil). Have you or have you heard of anyone here on the forum doing so? I might just make edibles instead. It says 2 1/2 oz of bud for the recipe....seems like A LOT OF BUD! Thanks!
Hey Icemud! My Magical Butter machine will be here tomorrow and there is an option to make MBO or (essential cannabis oil). Have you or have you heard of anyone here on the forum doing so? I might just make edibles instead. It says 2 1/2 oz of bud for the recipe....seems like A LOT OF BUD! Thanks!

Sweet!!! You will love that little machine. I haven't used it for anything but butter yet, but supposedly you can make all kinds of extracts from it. I've been wanting to do a modified rick simpson oil with it, as well as I want to make a topical cream for skin care and also for pain out of my high CBD strain, but just haven't gotten around to it just yet.

I use about 2 oz or so, I don't measure it out, just pretty much handfuls of it into the butter up to the fill line inside and mix this with about 1 1/2lbs of butter. I also read somewhere that the longer you let it heat, the stronger and more thc is extracted so usually I run mine for about 8-10 hours at the low 160 setting or 190 sometimes as well. This way makes very very strong butter where 2 spoonfuls in some mashed potatos will have you annihilated for 6 hours or so, but is just about right for cookies and brownies because the dosage is spread out to more than 1 meal.

Just a word of caution is the MB is extremely loud when grinding, definitely like an industrial blender, and since I live in an apartment I usually surround the MB2 with pillows to damper the sound and also set the MB2 on a hot pad which quiets it down quite a bit. It only grinds 2x at about 20 seconds each about every 20-30 minutes and other than that it just heats the mixture but the pillows work good for me.

Also if you are using it, and have to keep a sort of lower profile, it does make the bud smell quite a bit and is very very strong smelling so if privacy or neighbors are a concern, then make sure to also pick up some air fresheners, candles or incense :)

I love my MB and it makes making butter so easy! The only thing you may also want to pick up is a nice very fine screened strainer because it makes it easier to filter out the "pulp" from the butter after all said and done, before you put it in the included bubble bag. :)

Happy butter making!!
The pre-screen can be easily purchased as a paint strainer at the local hardware.

Icemud, that was such a helpful review. I don't recall anyone ever pointing out the noise or smell factors associated with the MB2e. I'll be sure to remember this when I finally have enough inventory to make something substantial.

Good luck on the call-back. I'm at a weird transitional stage of life too, considering the value of loosing most of my possessions and moving somewhere completely new and unexpected, like in the middle of nowhere. :laughtwo: Yesterday my PCP looked me in the eye and advised that I reign it back for a year after Dale's death. Probably good advice, but it did nothing to quench the desire for real change in my life.

You appear adept at the art of letting the Universe flow. I expect you'll find that path soon. My sense is you're about to turn around as that door begins to open before you, so be alert, my friend. :hug:
Sweet!!! You will love that little machine. I haven't used it for anything but butter yet, but supposedly you can make all kinds of extracts from it. I've been wanting to do a modified rick simpson oil with it, as well as I want to make a topical cream for skin care and also for pain out of my high CBD strain, but just haven't gotten around to it just yet.

I use about 2 oz or so, I don't measure it out, just pretty much handfuls of it into the butter up to the fill line inside and mix this with about 1 1/2lbs of butter. I also read somewhere that the longer you let it heat, the stronger and more thc is extracted so usually I run mine for about 8-10 hours at the low 160 setting or 190 sometimes as well. This way makes very very strong butter where 2 spoonfuls in some mashed potatos will have you annihilated for 6 hours or so, but is just about right for cookies and brownies because the dosage is spread out to more than 1 meal.

Just a word of caution is the MB is extremely loud when grinding, definitely like an industrial blender, and since I live in an apartment I usually surround the MB2 with pillows to damper the sound and also set the MB2 on a hot pad which quiets it down quite a bit. It only grinds 2x at about 20 seconds each about every 20-30 minutes and other than that it just heats the mixture but the pillows work good for me.

Also if you are using it, and have to keep a sort of lower profile, it does make the bud smell quite a bit and is very very strong smelling so if privacy or neighbors are a concern, then make sure to also pick up some air fresheners, candles or incense :)

I love my MB and it makes making butter so easy! The only thing you may also want to pick up is a nice very fine screened strainer because it makes it easier to filter out the "pulp" from the butter after all said and done, before you put it in the included bubble bag. :)

Happy butter making!!

Those that want to avoid the smell may want to look at sous vide cooking. I haven't used mine yet for butter but I bought a sous vide machine that sits on the side of a pot or beer cooler and can heat 1-5 gallons of water to any temp up to 200 or so at an accuracy of 0.1 degrees. I use ziploc bags to cook with and have made roasts, steaks, pork BBQ, soft boiled eggs, and creme brulees. When this next harvest is done I will sous vide some cannabutter and cannacoconut oil. Sous vide is great because the cook is very controlled and if you use heavy freezer bags the plastic will keep almost all of the smell (and flavor!) in the bag. Ziplocs are bpa free so that's a good thing too. Now I am intrigued by the thought of making canna creme brulee! That being said I have heard great things about the butter machine and am interested in getting one as well. A chef needs many tools in his or her Arsenal!
The pre-screen can be easily purchased as a paint strainer at the local hardware.

Icemud, that was such a helpful review. I don't recall anyone ever pointing out the noise or smell factors associated with the MB2e. I'll be sure to remember this when I finally have enough inventory to make something substantial.

Good luck on the call-back. I'm at a weird transitional stage of life too, considering the value of loosing most of my possessions and moving somewhere completely new and unexpected, like in the middle of nowhere. :laughtwo: Yesterday my PCP looked me in the eye and advised that I reign it back for a year after Dale's death. Probably good advice, but it did nothing to quench the desire for real change in my life.

You appear adept at the art of letting the Universe flow. I expect you'll find that path soon. My sense is you're about to turn around as that door begins to open before you, so be alert, my friend. :hug:

Thanks Sweet Sue! The MB2 is a great device and I need to fire mine up again sometime soon to make more butter and also would love to infuse some olive oil :) and I've been wanting to make a topical too, so many things to try :)

Well the universe answered, fortunately because things were getting very very tight and uncomfortable, but the persistence and drive really showed and today I start my new gig. Its another sales job, which I'm not so fond of, but because of a very good friend I was able to land the position and I trust his judgement since we went through the trenches together on the last job. My outlook for this one is good :)

One thing that this whole job ordeal has taught me is that I never want to go through this again, so I will be sorting out some evening courses and hopefully enrolling in the next session available so that I can actually have a marketable skill (in employer's eyes) and hopefully in the next year I can wave goodby to dead end sales jobs and welcome a new type of career. Still not sure what that is, but I'm sure again the universe will answer if I just ask and show hard work :) Eventually my goal is to start some kind of company myself, where I never have to answer to another boss again, but only time will tell :)

I appreciate your good vibes and support Sue! I never thought when at the low low, so much clarity would be my offering from the universe :)
Those that want to avoid the smell may want to look at sous vide cooking. I haven't used mine yet for butter but I bought a sous vide machine that sits on the side of a pot or beer cooler and can heat 1-5 gallons of water to any temp up to 200 or so at an accuracy of 0.1 degrees. I use ziploc bags to cook with and have made roasts, steaks, pork BBQ, soft boiled eggs, and creme brulees. When this next harvest is done I will sous vide some cannabutter and cannacoconut oil. Sous vide is great because the cook is very controlled and if you use heavy freezer bags the plastic will keep almost all of the smell (and flavor!) in the bag. Ziplocs are bpa free so that's a good thing too. Now I am intrigued by the thought of making canna creme brulee! That being said I have heard great things about the butter machine and am interested in getting one as well. A chef needs many tools in his or her Arsenal!

Wow ShiggityFlip! great advice on the sous vide cooking! (I never heard of that before so I had to google it) Looks like an awesome way to cook!
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