InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hi Shed,
Congratulations on having two graduated children. What a wonderful feeling to know that they are on the path to adulthood and independence.
You'll have to make up excuses to go on family vacays when you're retired!
Gosh time flies. I too remember his first trip!
You could add some here as well if you have time. :cheesygrinsmiley:
All is well and I'm just back from my son's college that's new! Also, this place isn't the same without pics of your well-worn deck.
Good to hear. They grow up fast. One day it's diapers, the next they are helping trim, and before you know it you're watching them graduate.
My parents went to my graduation, but my marks were not as high so they cheered on someone else.
Deck is looking better. I put a tarp over it. :)

Good to hear. They grow up fast. One day it's diapers, the next they are helping trim, and before you know it you're watching them graduate.
My parents went to my graduation, but my marks were not as high so they cheered on someone else.
Deck is looking better. I put a tarp over it. :)
Shed, you brought this on yourself!

Ha, ha and thank you for diverting him! 😁
Geez dude. If you are so concerned about getting credit for suggesting a wet white towel wrapped around a pot then take it. The adults in this room have better things to talk about…
Wow if I knew some people had no sense of humor I wouldn’t have said anything. But you are clearly the adult so you take whatever you need and I’ll exit the conversation. Great idea n happy growing. CL🍀

Here ya go:

Go with a smaller space between the drain hole and the soil since perlite doesn't wick as well as I expected. Because of that it was kind of a cross between a SWICK and hempy, so it may have helped to pH the res water. Speaking of the reservoir...

...if you go down this road outside I recommend a wet white towel draped around the pot to keep the heat down in the root zone and res, like this:

In the end it turned out pretty nicely, with a POTM win and nearly 18oz dried.
Took me a while 😂 that wasn't the pots I was talking about but it definitely worked! 💪 Near enough flawless 👌 I thought your have 6 of them after that 😂😂 then again I'm thinking your back said no?? I kept seeing it inside then outside then inside 🤦‍♂️ my back was twitching!
Congrats again on that win and the amazing harvest. Im hoping for a LB plant next 🤞 then on to bottom feeding auto pots.
Congrats on the graduation. That's awesome. Also the seeds finally came through for you.
Winning. Have an epic day Mr Shed
Thank you Lerugged! It's been a winning month so far. :thumb:
Congratulations on having two graduated children. What a wonderful feeling to know that they are on the path to adulthood and independence. You'll have to make up excuses to go on family vacays when you're retired! Gosh time flies. I too remember his first trip!
Thanks Carmen! It's a real relief to have them done with the education part, so now comes the real life part. On the plus side, we've managed to have kids with their heads screwed on pretty straight, so I'm hopeful. :)
My congratulations! A big step for a family man, you know as they say - plant a tree, build a house, rise a son. Family values is not something to ignore and that's a remarkable date! All the happiness to you and your kids!
Thank you Snooping, and :welcome: to my perpetual journal. I appreciate you stopping by with kind words!
All that hard work is behind him work is lined up for fall! What an envious plan especially when hiking comes in! Happy trails! Congratulations Mr and Mrs Shed!
Thanks Otter! The summer job is lined up, the fall is TBD. We'll see!
Geez dude. If you are so concerned about getting credit for suggesting a wet white towel wrapped around a pot then take it. The adults in this room have better things to talk about…
Thanks Boo! I'm pretty sure the Captain was kidding around (at least I hope he was!) about getting credit, but I can see where anyone reading it would find it over the top.
Good to hear. They grow up fast. One day it's diapers, the next they are helping trim, and before you know it you're watching them graduate.
It really is quite the transition, and now that he's home he'll be trimming again!
My parents went to my graduation, but my marks were not as high so they cheered on someone else.
Yeah, but I bet someone else's parents were cheering for you because their kid has even worse grades.
Deck is looking better. I put a tarp over it.
:popcorn: (don't worry, it will fall on the tarp)
Shed, you brought this on yourself!
Ha, ha and thank you for diverting him!
He's a ray of sunshine and you know it! :circle-of-love:
Wow if I knew some people had no sense of humor I wouldn’t have said anything. But you are clearly the adult so you take whatever you need and I’ll exit the conversation. Great idea n happy growing. CL🍀
Senses of humor vary I reckon, so I figure Boo was just stepping up for me. She did the white towel thing, Bill recommended wet ones to you, and you recommended them to me when I had a hot SWICK last summer. I hope that covers it from here!
Took me a while that wasn't the pots I was talking about but it definitely worked! Near enough flawless I thought your have 6 of them after that then again I'm thinking your back said no?? I kept seeing it inside then outside then inside my back was twitching!
Congrats again on that win and the amazing harvest. Im hoping for a LB plant next then on to bottom feeding auto pots.
Thanks GV! I don't have six of anything any more, ever since my backyard looked like this in 2019:


That was outta control and I still have some of that harvest in jars. :eek: Two at a time is my limit now!
Thank you Lerugged! It's been a winning month so far. :thumb:

Thanks Carmen! It's a real relief to have them done with the education part, so now comes the real life part. On the plus side, we've managed to have kids with their heads screwed on pretty straight, so I'm hopeful. :)

Thank you Snooping, and :welcome: to my perpetual journal. I appreciate you stopping by with kind words!

Thanks Otter! The summer job is lined up, the fall is TBD. We'll see!

Thanks Boo! I'm pretty sure the Captain was kidding around (at least I hope he was!) about getting credit, but I can see where anyone reading it would find it over the top.


It really is quite the transition, and now that he's home he'll be trimming again!

Yeah, but I bet someone else's parents were cheering for you because their kid has even worse grades.

:popcorn: (don't worry, it will fall on the tarp)

He's a ray of sunshine and you know it! :circle-of-love:

Senses of humor vary I reckon, so I figure Boo was just stepping up for me. She did the white towel thing, Bill recommended wet ones to you, and you recommended them to me when I had a hot SWICK last summer. I hope that covers it from here!

Thanks GV! I don't have six of anything any more, ever since my backyard looked like this in 2019:


That was outta control and I still have some of that harvest in jars. :eek: Two at a time is my limit now!
✌🏻 CL🍀
Wow InTheShed! Did you Schlep all of those?
LOL I did MedSci, though not all of them through doors (I don't have that kind of indoor space)! The bulk of those were flowered by the sun, so they got schlepped into the sunny area of the yard in the morning and under a tarp at night (with a box fan nearby) to keep the light pollution from messing with the darkness period. Still, many of those were in 10 gallon pots, which some folks here blamed for my second hernia. :)

LOL I did MedSci, though not all of them through doors (I don't have that kind of indoor space)! The bulk of those were flowered by the sun, so they got schlepped into the sunny area of the yard in the morning and under a tarp at night (with a box fan nearby) to keep the light pollution from messing with the darkness period. Still, many of those were in 10 gallon pots, which some folks here blamed for my second hernia. :)
WooHoo! I am Truly Impressed with your...

IDK... Dedication? Inspiration? Sanity? ❤️

Edited... cause man!
Are any of those Awards under your name from that Garden? AMAZING! ❤️
Don't be sad @CaptainLucky!
No. He made Mrs.Shed do it!
She did do some of the smaller ones but she left those big ones to me. And when the last of those was harvested she said, "Let's not do that again." I'm a pretty smart guy so two at a time is all I flower now, and even those I do most of the schlepping because of the long daylight hours in summer. Now my son is home he can help. 💪
Wow that looked nice and you had to feed all of them, that must have been a job. 🍋
Thanks Keith, gallons and gallons of nutes mixed on the daily! As I recall the 10g pots took nearly 2 gallons each time in flower. :eek:
WooHoo! I am Truly Impressed with your...
IDK... Dedication? Inspiration? Sanity?
LOL thanks, I'll take any combination of those!
Don't be sad @CaptainLucky!

She did do some of the smaller ones but she left those big ones to me. And when the last of those was harvested she said, "Let's not do that again." I'm a pretty smart guy so two at a time is all I flower now, and even those I do most of the schlepping because of the long daylight hours in summer. Now my son is home he can help. 💪

Thanks Keith, gallons and gallons of nutes mixed on the daily! As I recall the 10g pots took nearly 2 gallons each time in flower. :eek:

LOL thanks, I'll take any combination of those!
My TV took a 💩 this morning and I’m bored 😴 out of my mind so I’m not exactly having a great day. But I don’t feel sad 😢 just kind of feeling lost and need something to occupy my brain. CL🍀
My TV took a 💩 this morning and I’m bored 😴 out of my mind so I’m not exactly having a great day. But I don’t feel sad 😢 just kind of feeling lost and need something to occupy my brain. CL🍀
Oh, sorry to hear that. Can you get local TV or streaming channels on your computer? Wanna start an Ask Me Anything in your journal to keep busy?

Or a walk! That's what I tell my son to do when he's feeling blah. Something about the right left right left of walking and the eyes moving side to side has a positive effect on the system to make our moods better.
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