InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Jon! Having a sizeable mother plant and a big bag of flowers still waiting to hit the MB machine made the decision easier. Of course, because of all those things it was possible to keep the plant around longer than anyone should to begin with (including me), so this was a very specific case. I can't think of a time I didn't keep to some sort of grow/flip/harvest schedule on a THC plant.

I can play fast and loose with the Candidas because of the ongoing cloning. Still have three in perlite that should have been planted 2 weeks ago at least. I may just toss them and clone the cuttings from the mother this week!

Also @BeezLuiz calculated the last JH stretch at 4.1%, so I don't think I'm in for a monster...we'll see. :) And I never predict yield on any of my plants, but I like to hit 8+ ounces and/or 1.5g/day. I never have any idea until the weigh in though.

My personal best is 12.52 ounces on the Berry Bomb in 2019, but my highest g/day was the Chocolope from @Weed Seeds Express which came in at 2.6.
I have some DNA Genetics Chocolope left, got that gnarly little thing when I tried it last grow if you may remember. Does it really have "coffee"-esque overtones with chocolate? Taste-ably? I am so excited to grow that one.

Yes, I'm starting to see how having a sweet mother plant not only greatly increases your options but also allows one to play "fast and loose." Lol. For me I will likely do it, I just first have to find THE strain that I love so much I always want it around. Hasn't happened yet, although I haven't grown Super Silver Haze yet. Still, despite your situation I admire the balls of chopping down that plant. It represents SO much work.

Ah. THAT'S why you chart the stretch in the manner you do. DUH. OF COURSE. First day with the new brain. I have to begin doing that, at least for the strains I may want to grow again. I need a light bulb turning on emoji. Lol. Gracias.

I have yet to break 8 ounces with a photo. Probably would have on that Pineapple Upside Down Cake if I hadn't lost half her branches to pollination from the Strawberry Banana hermie. I'm thinking I may have two 8 ouncers in the form of those Fruity Pebble Cookies though. I'd love to pull a pound from the tent on just two photos basically. I think it's potentially possible here. My canopy basically fills about 22 of the 25 square feet of space available, and most of it is the two FPCs. If you go by manufacturer's specs on potential yields of strains, I have a lot more than one m2, and they always say 650-750 g/m2 on yields, it seems (you ever notice that? Lol) . All I have to do is get to 454 grams. Hoping.

Thanks for the detailed response!
And speaking of the Jack Herer, I flipped that last night, so for @BeezLuiz' spreadsheet this is the height at flip:
Locked and loaded. :cool:
Shed 01.jpg

Also @BeezLuiz calculated the last JH stretch at 4.1%, so I don't think I'm in for a monster...we'll see. :)
Your current JH is only .5" taller than last November's JH, so quite possible that it will be a similar result.
Goodbye, Candida. :straightface:

You are truly "Shed the Merciless." Your plants must live in constant fear of what you might do next! :laugh:

Shed, a careful reading of your posts reveals some tasty tidbits of information.

We already know that you take your plants down when you get "tired of looking" at them.

And now this criteria for when to flip them:
It's bushier than my usual at flip but I was tired of waiting for the right time.
Your honesty is refreshing! :)
I think you made a good decision taking her down , looked pretty rough and would take for ever to get it right if you could , All the others look Great that one is something at 37" :thedoubletake:

I know. I was thinking if it's 37" at flip, how big is it going to get and how will poor Shed be able to manage schlepping her in and out of the shed? :laughtwo:
Tuesday update, the one where we stare at the balls (no matter what the gif tells us)!

It's time to take a look at the STS-sprayed Sour G, now on flip day 20. I have been spraying this with a 50/50 mix of STS (that's a solution made up of 25% part A, 25% part B, and 50% distilled water) every 3 days since 3 days before flip. Last night was the final time and I only hit some of the tops that had the fewest pollen sacs.

Herewith are the balls:

Here is one of the tops with the fewest developed sacs, but there are some tucked below the pistils:

Here is the non-sprayed one set to receive pollen, on flip day 12:

And here is the collection before they move outside under partial sunny skies:

Doesn't look like it will be long before a few start to split open, so I'll be keeping the reversed one in the tent on a sheet of parchment paper once that starts. I hope there's pollen!

Have a great Tuesday and a great outlook for the rest of the week. :slide:

Uh OH, Trainwreck.. Again... LOVE THAT STUFF
So does my wife I recently discovered! I hope she likes the flower as much as she likes the vape carts. :rolleyes:

And nice to see you floating around these parts again Madd...been a while!
Oooof...that's a hell of a plant for the compost bin!
I hope the folks where they dump the green bin see it pass by. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I love those @GeoPot 7 gal containers! Amazing quality and better than anything else I've used.
Yes! I like them better than all the stuff I got off Amazon before I discovered them.
MmmMmmm! I just had some this afternoon. It made me...think about what I wanted to do but didn't do any of it. Oh well.
LOL sounds perfect!
I have some DNA Genetics Chocolope left, got that gnarly little thing when I tried it last grow if you may remember. Does it really have "coffee"-esque overtones with chocolate? Taste-ably? I am so excited to grow that one.
I'll have to open a jar and see if I get any chocolate from them. I do have a few that put off a definite coffee vibe though, including the Doug's Varin.
I just first have to find THE strain that I love so much I always want it around. Hasn't happened yet, although I haven't grown Super Silver Haze yet. Still, despite your situation I admire the balls of chopping down that plant. It represents SO much work.
Might be the SSH then! You never know, which is why I take a clone of every plant in veg. If it's not worth keeping I gift it!

And I wont miss the big Candida. I really lost track of it for months at a time other than to water it, and I can't even go back and find when I rooted it with all the clones I took for the STS spraying last spring. Could have been a year old!
I have yet to break 8 ounces with a photo. Probably would have on that Pineapple Upside Down Cake if I hadn't lost half her branches to pollination from the Strawberry Banana hermie. I'm thinking I may have two 8 ouncers in the form of those Fruity Pebble Cookies though. I'd love to pull a pound from the tent on just two photos basically. I think it's potentially possible here. My canopy basically fills about 22 of the 25 square feet of space available, and most of it is the two FPCs. If you go by manufacturer's specs on potential yields of strains, I have a lot more than one m2, and they always say 650-750 g/m2 on yields, it seems (you ever notice that? Lol) . All I have to do is get to 454 grams. Hoping.
If you grew your outside plants in 7 gallons I'm sure you could get 8-10oz on a regular basis. I'm not doing anything special to mine other than vegging 70+ days.
Ah. THAT'S why you chart the stretch in the manner you do. DUH. OF COURSE.
Har. I don't chart the stretch, BeezLuiz does. ;)
Locked and loaded.
Shed 01.jpg

Your current JH is only .5" taller than last November's JH, so quite possible that it will be a similar result.
:thanks: for keeping those records for me! We'll know in about 21 days. :)
How about this one? :idea:
Goodbye, Candida.
You are truly "Shed the Merciless." Your plants must live in constant fear of what you might do next!
Nah, they're just plants. And they don't get names. :cheesygrinsmiley:
We already know that you take your plants down when you get "tired of looking" at them.
And now this criteria for when to flip them:
Your honesty is refreshing!
I think you made a good decision taking her down , looked pretty rough and would take for ever to get it right if you could , All the others look Great that one is something at 37"
Thanks sb! Now that you know it's 37" from the soil do you still need a chair in the pic???
I know. I was thinking if it's 37" at flip, how big is it going to get and how will poor Shed be able to manage schlepping her in and out of the shed?
I'm okay with tall, but when they get much wider than the door frame I really worry about scraping all the trichomes off as they pass through twice a day!
LOL, happening to me right now. Stupid all the good snacks at Wally World and I am not ....
Hate that!
And here is the collection before they move outside under partial sunny skies
I hope the folks where they dump the green bin see it pass by. :cheesygrinsmiley:
so I'll be keeping the reversed one in the tent on a sheet of parchment paper once that starts. I hope there's pollen!
Ohhh...ok. Now I don't need to get worried. LOL. This answered my previous quote. Good luck. We need to come up with a good way to collect pollen immediately around those areas of pollen sacs. I was thinking about that recently with the C99 male I was growing out. I did a miserable job at collecting any possible pollen. I ended up scrapping the process.

In your case though, you're invested. I don't see how hoping for pollen on the paper is a good enough solution. There's got to be a better way to ensure you capture that pollen. Up close and direct. To minimize loss. I just don't know of any products or solutions to accomplish that. What I have in my brain to capture it, is too clunky and heavy. I've been thinking about it since I decided to scrap my male.
LOL. This answered my previous quote. Good luck. We need to come up with a good way to collect pollen immediately around those areas of pollen sacs. I was thinking about that recently with the C99 male I was growing out. I did a miserable job at collecting any possible pollen. I ended up scrapping the process.

In your case though, you're invested. I don't see how hoping for pollen on the paper is a good enough solution. There's got to be a better way to ensure you capture that pollen. Up close and direct. To minimize loss. I just don't know of any products or solutions to accomplish that. What I have in my brain to capture it, is too clunky and heavy. I've been thinking about it since I decided to scrap my male.
Since it's loaded with pistils too I figure it will self-seed, otherwise I would strip the leaves cut off the branches and put them in a vase over tin foil. That's what I've done with males and it worked well.

That won't work here, so I'll either put parchment (or tin foil) under it and shake it every morning to see what falls off. If I see pollen I'll shake it over the other one(s) with pistils as well. I don't really want pollen, just seeds.
Since it's loaded with pistils too I figure it will self-seed, otherwise I would strip the leaves cut off the branches and put them in a vase over tin foil. That's what I've done with males and it worked well.
Ahhh! Gotcha. I thought you were saving it to hand pollinate other varieties. Easily forget details. Sorry. So the resulting seeds would be S1 right?
Here is the non-sprayed one set to receive pollen
Shed, the matchmaker...:love:
I will try to save some pollen just because I've never managed to do it without ruining it before.
I've had good luck storing the pollen in one of those little plastic tube/bottle thingys that
vape carts come in....just put the pollen in there with a few silica gel crystals (loose), and keep it in a cool, dark place- (sock drawers work well :) )

When you need to use the pollen, shake the tube up, and, thanks to static electricity, the pollen sticks to the sides and you can just rub a q-tip or brush on the side to load it up with pollen..
That LRX plant a few years ago was from pollen collected in 2014, so it was about 5 years old, and still viable.
This is what worked for me, might be something to think about...
Shed, the matchmaker...:love:

I've had good luck storing the pollen in one of those little plastic tube/bottle thingys that
vape carts come in....just put the pollen in there with a few silica gel crystals (loose), and keep it in a cool, dark place- (sock drawers work well :) )

When you need to use the pollen, shake the tube up, and, thanks to static electricity, the pollen sticks to the sides and you can just rub a q-tip or brush on the side to load it up with pollen..
That LRX plant a few years ago was from pollen collected in 2014, so it was about 5 years old, and still viable.
This is what worked for me, might be something to think about...
Carcass, the pollinator...:love:
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