Invi's First Indoor Grow From Clones 2x400w In Soil

Ooookay so i did the first harvest!!!1:surf:

I have chosen the smallest plant (2nd from the right in previous post), and cut the 4 biggest shoots off of her. Hope she didn't take it too bad, because i have put her back to grow some more popcorn. She has 2-3 more weeks until the 9weekers are done.

Trimming is fun! As long as it doesn't take too long :smokin:

and the frost - same as trich shots probably :)

Wet weight was 85 gramms, last watering was 3 days ago. If the 75% rule holds up in my situation then it would end up around 20g dried. That would leave the biggest bud at under 7g, which doesnt seem so likely considering the mom's harvest.
There the top cola was half of this one's size in every dimension, and weighed above 10g dried. But we will see.. i would be happy with 20g since that would leave me around 100g sensi after all 5 of them is harvested + the smaller buds from each plant that i will harvest 2 weeks later.
And this was the smallest plant!!

The point is - yield will please me it seems :rollit:

If all goes to plan ill harvest a sensi every day, and by the time the last is gone the rest strains' harvest window will have started.
3 weeks of continuous harvest yeah !!!
Hey buddy!!
Yeah well they looking good now mate, so its ur call when you harvest.. She s still looking healthy so she can go longer IMO, but no doubt youll want to smoke sum of her soon:)
One of ur Bluberries? i think looked like over watering or something.. Unless that was the N overdose u were referring to? She should perk up some, have u flushed her at all? Maybe that may help her along, she still looks like she has a bit left to go so it wont hurt her i dont think.. Again, ur call.. You have a better idea of what theyre doing than i do..
Hope they all give ya a nice harvest bro:goodjob:
Catch ya, Smokem..
Some nice nuggets there... SMOKE REPORT MATE!! :) Hope the rest of the one you chopped gives you a bit more to smoke on..
And some buds are denser than what they appear at times, so that may be why theres a discrepency..
Hey buddy!!
Yeah well they looking good now mate, so its ur call when you harvest.. She s still looking healthy so she can go longer IMO, but no doubt youll want to smoke sum of her soon:)
One of ur Bluberries? i think looked like over watering or something.. Unless that was the N overdose u were referring to? She should perk up some, have u flushed her at all? Maybe that may help her along, she still looks like she has a bit left to go so it wont hurt her i dont think.. Again, ur call.. You have a better idea of what theyre doing than i do..
Hope they all give ya a nice harvest bro:goodjob:
Catch ya, Smokem..

Thanks M8!!

Yeah the blueberries were N overdosed but they are recovering (the leaf damage is permanent, so those won't look any better, just the new leaves that have grown since)!

I don't want to harvest as early as possible - just curious how a heavy indica works with an early harvest (quite well i think) :)

Some nice nuggets there... SMOKE REPORT MATE!! :)

I couldn't wait so i microwaved a small bud :grinjoint:
I know its a terrible thing to do, but i figured it might damage the bud less then leaving it in a hot place for hours.

Buds are really dense - much more so than the mom's. I got surprised how much stuff i got after grinding a small bud.
I bought some nice weed to compare to, and i can say that sensi is much more powerful then the best stuff i can buy. I tried it after several joints, and as a first smoke of the day - wow its great.
There wasn't much taste due to the micro, but the smoke was surprisingly smooth and already could feel the fruity components!
Also tasted better than the commercial one. But will get back to that part once its cured for a week or two at least.
I only want to smoke sensi since i tasted it!!

This is turning out awesome so far :)

Finally i did not cut any buds today - i was just not in the mood to kill, felt better that way.
Will get some tomorrow. Though i must admit this highish indica effect is really lovely. I can imagine its a sativa.. and its soo strong the same time..

Will get back with next harvest result tomorrow hopefully..
Take care!
Sweet as mate! To get a good smoke by nuking it in the microwave is not an easy feat! I dried mine on my clothes horse in front of our heater over a few hours, just pegged it by the stem upside down, and it hang there for bout 3hrs - not too hot on the heater!! and that was mad smoke too, from my lower branches i took some popcorn here and there week to week to test strength..
Just wait til your happy, but there s nuthin betta than watchin her buds swell tho over her last few weeks!!
Good one, chat soon mate. SMokem:thumb:
So i chopped another one today, after another trich check - getting closer, but still not near 30%, and its day 58!
Lamp posts start to melt heavily :)

This is whats left of the plant - she is sitting under the HID again.

And the buds

Wet weight was over 130g this time - should be around 33g dried

bud of the month contender:)
Good one Invi!!
Looks like it will be some nice smoke.. They look juicy, wouldnt mind havin sum in my bowl:)
Hope you get a bit more out of what u put back under lights, should plump up some more for ya!:thumb: Great work anyways mate, take it easy and chat soon, SMOKEM..
Haha thanks! :)

I wish i had such huge buds.. :laugh:

I noticed the herers are about to fill out, will post some pics when the HIDs are off next time.

dont got to be huge they just got to be nice! and those are NICE!!
I checked monthly contest thread - i think ill try it if they get dry until then (the biggest sensi bud is still under HID).

I think the optimal time is near.. trich production should peak at around 30% ambers, there are already a lot of trichs with a slight amber tint. Maybe a day or 2 and i'll have to cut the rest bigger buds. And thats cool, i got 3 more plants intact.

Not sure if i should chop some today.... need some more time to decide :)
pretty darn nice Invi.:) looks like you got a chance if she gets dry enough:)
if not next month is right around the corner:bravo:
Thanks Fish!

I think i was too opimistic regarding yield - now after some buds have dried a little i can say that dry weight will be probably around 20% - 25% of the trimmed wet size. I red a lot of posts about how to calculate dry weight from wet, and most said that its 25% of the untrimmed wet bud weight which is not true in this case. But luckily i also measured trimmed weights, so lets see..

I have harvested 3 plants so far - i reporst the weights (trimmed wet and estimated dry):
60 -> 15g
94 -> 23g
88 -> 22g

so around 50-60 g for the buds harvested so far. There are 2 more smaller sensis, and the popcorn that grows still.

I know it doesnt sound too much but im still so happy :)
Now i smoked a bud without microwave and it starts to taste great! Aso very intense - maybe even a bit too strong for my taste but ill manage with that problem somehow :)
Its dense & like dried foam, a pleasure to grind.

Can hardly wait to taste the rest strains! The herer also smells very intense, with a really unique taste. Caramelos have the strongest smell of all. The 2 bluberries also start to show that dried moss like odor - i'm surprised with them, thought they won't make it so far with the N overdose i gave them. They were stunted for some time - i hope ripening will be delayed too so they can still catch up a bit.

Do you compress your buds while they are wet? Is there any reason to do that apart from logistics?
Not sure if i should keep their shape (would prefer that) or press them together a little before curing.
sounds like a good harvest!:) and why wouldn't you be happy? hell they could have up and died!
and as far as compressing your bud I know some lay their buds on a screen to dry, witch compresses them some and helps with slowing down the cure. but what I have harvested so far was just hung in a dark dry closet and then stored in a mason jar or tuppaware container and the shape was maintaned:)
Don't squish your buds together... I put them in the jars when they are dry on the outside but still squishy on the inside, packing it in there without deforming the buds.. I put a hygrometer in there and your hoping it goes up to about 70-72% RH after a few hours but doesn't go much over that (if it does instantly then it's to wet take it out for 12 hours). A few times per day vent the jar (maybe blow a fan on it), after several days it will take longer and longer to get down to around 60-62% RH. When I can leave the lid on for 24-36 hours without the RH going above 60-62% I just take thy hygrometer out an let it cure. On my last grows I've gotten about 30% of the final weight.. So 100g (wet) * .3 = 30g... That's with drying it like I did above, if you leave it out to long you WILL end up with only 15-20% of wet weight.

Damn man your buds look awesome, those close ups are sweet! What kind of camera do you have? And damn dude I totally agree, this is the strongest weed I've ever smoked and this little bud was only from day 40! Here's a mini smoke report from my page:

Damn I don't think I've ever been that high on MJ with out feeling paranoia it was great! We normally split a bag or sometimes even two from the vaporizer.. We smoked half of one lol!!! After about 3 minutes it felt like an unm[E]ntionable, super strong euphoria and that lasted for about 25 minutes.. Super good body high. It faded into more of a head high just all numb feeling and I watched 3 episodes of breaking bad.. Came back to my bed and don't even really remember having to try to fall asleep (which is odd), I also don't remember waking up throughout the night which is also odd for me! :)
Allright thats enough of that sh%t! if you guys keep talking about this, I'am going to get the sissors out!:)
your killing me! I have never wanted to get high more then I do now! darn you both!! SO STOP IT!
Allright thats enough of that sh%t! if you guys keep talking about this, I'am going to get the sissors out!:)
your killing me! I have never wanted to get high more then I do now! darn you both!! SO STOP IT!

Ahhaha.. I'm just smoking my CSS and she keeps asking why fish cake doesn't love her sister over there.. she says at least you should lick a few small buds of hers sometimes :)

Don't squish your buds together... I put them in the jars when they are dry on the outside but still squishy on the inside, packing it in there without deforming the buds.. I put a hygrometer in there and your hoping it goes up to about 70-72% RH after a few hours but doesn't go much over that (if it does instantly then it's to wet take it out for 12 hours). A few times per day vent the jar (maybe blow a fan on it), after several days it will take longer and longer to get down to around 60-62% RH. When I can leave the lid on for 24-36 hours without the RH going above 60-62% I just take thy hygrometer out an let it cure. On my last grows I've gotten about 30% of the final weight.. So 100g (wet) * .3 = 30g... That's with drying it like I did above, if you leave it out to long you WILL end up with only 15-20% of wet weight.

Damn man your buds look awesome, those close ups are sweet! What kind of camera do you have? And damn dude I totally agree, this is the strongest weed I've ever smoked and this little bud was only from day 40! Here's a mini smoke report from my page:

Damn I don't think I've ever been that high on MJ with out feeling paranoia it was great! We normally split a bag or sometimes even two from the vaporizer.. We smoked half of one lol!!! After about 3 minutes it felt like an unm[E]ntionable, super strong euphoria and that lasted for about 25 minutes.. Super good body high. It faded into more of a head high just all numb feeling and I watched 3 episodes of breaking bad.. Came back to my bed and don't even really remember having to try to fall asleep (which is odd), I also don't remember waking up throughout the night which is also odd for me! :)

teSmp thanks mate!!!!
I had a bad feeling with loosing taste & effectiveness and letting them go too dry (somehow it seemed to be better with a somewhat higher humidity). I took instant action and now they are sitting in a jar. I used a few more moist buds from a newer harvest because i think the first set is already below that humidity.
reps for saving me from an improper cure :)

As for the camera - its one of the cheapest SLRs that was available (canon eos 1100d with kit objectives) and the trick is a raynox lens, that costs less than $100 but sometimes you can make photos with it like it was a $1000 macro lens.
Also some pics are HDR, to show more details and shady places without clipping the highlighted ones too much.

And great that i can keep them buds as they are! Looks/feels much better this way :)

So lets focus a bit on the herers, i hope they have maybe 2 (3?) more weeks - would be happy to let them grow bigger, they arent nearly as fat as the sensi yet!
Do i see foxtails? Or thats normal bud growth.. i let her too close to the lights once

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