Italian Outdoor Adventures - From Pure Indicas to Pure Sativas

Yeah man, although they say this fu@#er El Nino messed it up in The Mediterranean. My tomatoes were gonna be monsters with carefull fertilized soil, but they caught fungus and just died. Lat year I harvested like 30-40 kilos (60-70 lbs) of sweet, juicy tomatoes and this year NADA!!! Fortunately my potatoes came out nice in the end. Not a lot of them, but I achieved great creamy taste here! Red peppers survived and they're growing the best from all the bunch. Also zucchini took a hit - I didn't even try a fried flower from my garden this year! Slime and a lot of other shit just ate them! I'm so fu@#$n' pissed!

But if it takes a turn for better now, I'm gonna forget it and focus on now... around 28°C today (low 80's in F) and no cloud, so not actually hot, but enough for my plants to thrive. If the temps keep up to the end of September and it showers occasionally I still might win few pounds of budz, at least 3 or 4 would be nice.
horrible summer, bad bad naughty summer! chem trails? hmm thats one way to make the price of food go up!
Yeah man, I couldn't agree more, but in the last few days there was a whiff of African dry air, so weather's changing for better hopefully. 4th day of sun today... with a touch of rain in the morning of course :)
Update from my windowsill, I finally managed to take some photos! Both plants have been flowering for 8 days now!

Super Lemon Haze, very hard to LST and quite slow to branch out

Small OG Kush or Ultra OG (I got mixed seeds). This plant was the only one to survive from five 16 year old seeds. I stil don't know what to do with it :)

Aurora Ultra with her excellent branching and bushy structure





That's all folks :hookah:
weve had grey days since a week at least! today has been sunny for 1 hour lol
Well, that definitely doesn't sound good, but you're moving indoor anyway, right?
the sun was out again since a few hours :) yeh my bonitas randisimas are indoors but my poor autos are still out !

i was looking today to see how muh the avdverage use of electric is for people in switzerland, hmm we have 7 people regestered here, and the adverage for electric use in house is 4500w per person.. thus we are expected to be using 31,500w for the house here.. hmm well there are 4 of us now, and we dont have televisions, just laptops, a water boiler, and say 10x 60w light bulbs on 8 hours a day, and the washne machine goes on 2wice a week, the cooker is eletric..

hmm i think we have like 15,000watts per day easy spare here, that could build up 1000w every month lol :)

i might get on the ball here for when mediwarna is legal in switzerland (and start making canna skin lotions or something) wow imagine a long massage session, first a light massage to apply the creme, 2 hours of yoga and breathing, meditating, then wow the creme has kicked in and then a 2 hour massage.. fuck that would be worth a shit load of money here! switzerland has a vote on legalization,every 2 years, last vote apparently was 54% no.. 12 years ago in switzerland, especially in basel, there were coffee shops like holland!!
I think in Switzerland it depends on the canton, but at least possessing has been depenalized.
You seem to know where to go by the way... a massage, a joint, a meditation. If you up to a 12 hour acid trip I'm in :hippy:
I think in Switzerland it depends on the canton, but at least possessing has been depenalized.
You seem to know where to go by the way... a massage, a joint, a meditation. If you up to a 12 hour acid trip I'm in :hippy:

ah i brought a fair bit of mescaline from the secret cactus garden on the piece of land in spain were my caravn is :)

thats much better than acid lol
I synthesized it myself once from Peruvian Torch, but took too small dose to get into full-blown trip. However it seemed a lil' bit mo' gentle than acid :cheesygrinsmiley:
Just stopped in to see what the grows look like over in Italy. I seen you get your share of PM over that way too. I'm in Oregon and we deal a lot with wet flowering seasons. PM and Rott run amuck. Isn't much one can do about the rot cept neatly cut the bad spots out and cross your fingers. I've tried acouple products with some results. Stuff like Seranade, ect. I did find stuff called Eagle 30. Strong stuff. I I sprayed mine with it this year. I used a rate of 1 1/2 mils per gallon. It's a systemic product meaning it lives in the plant up to 3 weeks, so you can only use it 3 weeks before harvest. I know a lot of growers here that swear by it. We'll see. Plants like alittle rain just they need to dry fast after. High RH is the main problem. Last year we had rain every day in September. I lost 75% of my outdoors. Then Oct 5th it stopped raining but the damage was done. Nice plants you got going. I also have a SLH outdoors, but I figure I'll have to finish her indoors for the last few weeks. I tried one here acouple years back only to lose the whole thing to PM. GL with the weather and
Keepem Green
Thx for stopping by, NorCaliWood!

Normally high RH - which is always high in the north - wouldn't be a problem as September is usually quite dry, and temps are in norm, but not this season... last year I chopped my last plant on 28th October and it didn't catch any mold although growing in what I've been calling The Shady Spot. This time I'm waiting for three indicas to be finished by the end of September, few hybrids around 1st or 2nd week of October, and pure sativas around late October or early November.

With SLH it's not really a problem, cause she's growing on my windowsill so in case of rain I just keep her in, and I can always cut photoperiod to minimum forcing quicker bud maturing if I can see she's not making it on time. I'll be spraying for mold shortly with lactobacillus acidophilus preventively and will use hydrogen peroxide if they catch it. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst :Namaste:
Hmmm guys, weather really got better I have to say and it seems that sun finally takes over. It still rains a bit, but for example yesterday it rained for like two minutes although weather forecast was dramatic, so I don't believe them anymore... never trust a weatherman :laugh: Now I'm off to the jungle to spray plants in The Shady Spot for mold, cause better safe than sorry.

Have a green day! :hookah:
Just came back and have some news. I went to check on The Shady Spot, found plants nicely budding, sprayed some stuff and thought why not go and check on the monsters and on survivor HSH that wasn't seen for quite a while? Ok, so I went there and saw male pods everywhere. I pulled it obviously and was on my way to check the other plants. When I got there everything seemed ok. Yeah, they started dropping fan leaves, so I removed the dead ones on Cotton Candy first, but the sun was shining, wind blowin', very nice weather. So I started inspecting LA Con to find out if she's started flowering already branch by branch... just to find nanners practically everywhere!!! No, it was not a hermie - was, cause I chopped it straight away - it was a regular male! Fuckin' hell, how is it possible with feminized seed?

Well, I guess that mystery of this monstrous height has been solved at least. She wasn't meant to be a pretty gal :) On a more positive not, rest of the plants are budding nicely. Trainwreck is on par with Pakistan Chitral Kush basically, so that might mean quite early harvest for that one too. Orient Express is a little bit behind, but sativa in her is coming out stronger and stronger every week, which explains this delay.

Ok guys, have a green one :hookah:
My last seed order had lots of freebies. 1 freebie was a skunk something AUTO, another was a skunk something FEM.

Now I popped the fem skunk and it began flowering right away in my veg room. It freaked me out and I culled it, lol. Well a few months later I thought an auto for outdoor would be cool to try out. So I popped the "auto" skunk bean. Well it wasn't auto but is a female.

So some stoner at attitude mixed up my beans, that's all I can figure, same thing maybe happened to you?
I suppose it's possible, they sent me a regular one instead of feminized one. The funny thing is this was 2nd time I tried to grow this strain. Well, I got more seeds than I can handle for the next season, so there won't be third time with LA Con I guess :)
Hey C,
I found a place to buy dried comfrey leaves, I plan on using them immediately, just sprinkled on my mulch layer. How else would you suggest I utilize them? A botanical tea? As a foliar? In my worm bin as a food input? Other ideas?

I've been using it as a tea. It's very rich stuff, man. I usually let it decompose in water in hot sun together with stinging nettle leaves and horsetail shoots, and then I add some compost tea from my organic waste bin. This way I have a fertilizer which is practically complete: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, molibdenum, silica, zinc. You can drop kelp and seaweed, cause this is better and easier to adsorb by soil.
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