Just For Fun Bagseed Grow

I transplanted plant #1 and #3 Miss Daisy. I am still crossing my fingers about plant #2. If I happen to have a spot open in the hydro, I will transplant it into there. I will know more tomorrow about how they take the transplant. Cross your fingers for me. I'm such a worried Mama.

Plant #1

Plant #3 Miss Daisy

Plant #2

Wanted to pop in and say hello and damn! you got your grow on now! They look nice and healthy Ms Fox. I hope you find room for the other little one. You could always put it in a slightly larger container so it will have some room to grow and still fit in the cabinet. That way incase one of the others turns out to be boy then you have another chance at a girl.
:peace: :ganjamon:
Your plants are looking good! I bet you can't wait until harvest, lol. My first time growing I thought about that a lot. Now when I have a garden, I just enjoy watching them grow and still pester over them.
Thanks BubbaKush, 4twenty4all, WaVancouver, StonerGrower, and Getsumkin!

The ladies are looking great today! They seem undisturbed from the transplant, which is definitely what I was going for. It looks like I will have a spot open in the hydro for Plant #2! I'm soooo happy! This should be interesting, as well, to see the difference in growth between soil and hydro. If I could, I would continue to grow Plant #2 in soil, but the box I'm using will only fit 2 1 gallon pots at the most.
ms. fox; what kind of soil are you using and did you use anything for the roots or just move them to bigger pots? they do look good though. mmm mmmm hows the swag situation going down there in Fl. its strange the growing conditions are perfect there why isnt there more higher grade stuff around?
The laws in florida are some of the worst in the nation... good herb is around, but fetches top dollar...
Anyway, things look good Ms Fox, several times I have taken a plant from soil, and transplanted with good success to hydro... hydroton is the answer.
You have the bloom box and producer?
Thank you Harry Red!

Charliemopps - I'm glad to hear they're doin better!

BubbaKush - I am using Hyponex potting soil. It's completely organinc. It says on the bag it supposed to have perlite in it, but to me it seemed like it had none. I did have to add the perlite you can see in the pics. I did not use anything for the roots. As far as not being able to get the higher grade cannabis; things go up and down around here. It just depends really on what's goin on. If you get my drift. ;-)

SmokinHerbz - I will be using the BloomBox; however,

I have some bad news. The root system on #2 was very advanced and seemed to tangle up every bit of miracle grow soil I'd planted it in. I spent at least 30min trying to get every last piece of soil out of it, and even then I still was not even close to getting it all off. I did not want to jeopardize my plants in the hydro, so I decided to plant it outside. I feel so awful... Like I failed...

Ok... Let's brighten up here! I moved Plant #1 and Miss Daisy into the BloomBox today. They are looking great since the transplant!


#3 Ms. Daisy

Group Shot
oh, kick ass hydro setup! I have been thinking about doing a hydro grow but I never do!
I like the hydro setup too. Potted plants look nice. Ah how they grow so quick at that age :) I'd like to look into a hydro grow down the road but there are so many dofferent types of setups I just don't know where to start. I think I'll start with reading a hydro book and then go from there.
Thanks WaVancouver, StonerGrower, and McBudz!

I thought for sure I would go out to see plant #2 wilted and dying by today... The torture I put it through trying to get the soil out mangled the roots to the point of no return... So I thought.

Plant #2 Day 15

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