Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Be safe Greengoodness I used to love burning brush, but I do not think so much anymore. 🍋
About 10 years ago I went down to the family farm in Arkansas, they had cleared a bunch of trees for pasture with a bulldozer. 3 piles, one was about 200 yards long 30 foot wide and 15 foot high. The second was maybe 50 yards shorter in length and the third was small in comparison. The plan was to burn the big ones and leave the small one because it was too close to a property line. We notified the fire department just in case and so if anyone reported the smoke. I light 2 cedar trees on the big pile and one on the other with a big lighter and no accelerant, thinking it would burn from one end to the other…..nope.
Inferno.. the heat lit the third pile and anything combustible within 200 yards, the flames had to have been 50 foot high. It didn’t take 20 minutes and we had a fire the size of 2 football fields. It was amazing!
Nothing spread outside our prepared area and in the end all went well but, it was pretty terrifying and awesome. Absolutely no desire to do it again… lol
About 10 years ago I went down to the family farm in Arkansas, they had cleared a bunch of trees for pasture with a bulldozer. 3 piles, one was about 200 yards long 30 foot wide and 15 foot high. The second was maybe 50 yards shorter in length and the third was small in comparison. The plan was to burn the big ones and leave the small one because it was too close to a property line. We notified the fire department just in case and so if anyone reported the smoke. I light 2 cedar trees on the big pile and one on the other with a big lighter and no accelerant, thinking it would burn from one end to the other…..nope.
Inferno.. the heat lit the third pile and anything combustible within 200 yards, the flames had to have been 50 foot high. It didn’t take 20 minutes and we had a fire the size of 2 football fields. It was amazing!
Nothing spread outside our prepared area and in the end all went well but, it was pretty terrifying and awesome. Absolutely no desire to do it again… lol
Yes we had some real big brush piles when we had a large home an property. We lived in a forested area our home and some bare land sat in the middle of cleared out old growth from the 1940's. I did'nt have much direct sun except for few hours mostly all shaded. I had to sell it after my husband passed i tried for 2yrs but could'nt maintain it and i did'nt have the heart for it anymore. Kid's were OK with me selling. But i still like to burn alittle pile just love the memories and all the hard work we did.
Yes we had some real big brush piles when we had a large home an property. We lived in a forested area our home and some bare land sat in the middle of cleared out old growth from the 1940's. I did'nt have much direct sun except for few hours mostly all shaded. I had to sell it after my husband passed i tried for 2yrs but could'nt maintain it and i did'nt have the heart for it anymore. Kid's were OK with me selling. But i still like to burn alittle pile just love the memories and all the hard work we did.
I think I am going to pay and have the pile removed there is too much to burn, and the wind will not allow it right now. 🍋
morning Keith, it was sunny here in eastern mass. but the clouds have taken over an that sea breeze will chill ya to the bone
The clouds are taking over here now but it is not too cold here. I think I will still plant my flowers outside. 🍋
My apologies, I've been working in the yard and my husband and I have been competing to see who can get the most steps in and heart points throughout the day. It's been 80ish all day, and I've had the big plants outside soaking up this sunshine. They love it. I been working on the pond in the backyard as well.
u ain't gunna burn those plastic water bottles are u, you don't wanna piss off mother nature. I know I've been pay the price for my misgivings for years
I usually just toss cardboard and wood stuff in there.
u ain't gunna burn those plastic water bottles are u, you don't wanna piss off mother nature. I know I've been pay the price for my misgivings for years
Reminds me of my karma... I had a female cat when I was a kid, I never got her spayed. She had so many kittens that I lost count... Fast forward 20 + years... I have been helping my wife with feral cat spay neuter release program for the past 20 - 30 years and spending around $300 a month on cat food to feed them. Karma got me good!
Thats a very nice thing you do for the cats I have one cat that comes around once in a while He or she sleeps on my front porch. I think she belongs to the people across the street. :circle-of-love: 🍋
Yeah we have a few of those also, I think my wife is getting to be known as the cat lady...

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