KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

While I continue my ongoing research, reading journals here and elsewhere, I have found no one who has used just plain old soil from the ground. I live a little south of Fairbanks, and Alaska is known for its rich soil. I have decided to take a risk and use home grown soil, not only as an experiment, but funds do not allow me to buy and ship 1.5 cubic inches of soil up here. I did buy FF trio nutes. John, have you heard of any success or failure with just plain old soil from the ground?


Jeff just plain soil is what mother nature put there and I'm sure you won't have any problems. If you have access to some compost I would add that to the planting area mixing it in. If it were me I would also mix in a little granular organic fertilizer just to stability. A tomato fert would work great. then use your FF nutes as prescribed. I use Osmocote plus and Earth Juice " Sea Blast" and my girls are growing nicely and are health. I'm old and don't like trying to figure out what a plant needs all the time so I use the KISS method.
Jeff just plain soil is what mother nature put there and I'm sure you won't have any problems. If you have access to some compost I would add that to the planting area mixing it in. If it were me I would also mix in a little granular organic fertilizer just to stability. A tomato fert would work great. then use your FF nutes as prescribed. I use Osmocote plus and Earth Juice " Sea Blast" and my girls are growing nicely and are health. I'm old and don't like trying to figure out what a plant needs all the time so I use the KISS method.

Thank you for the response Beemerbill!


here it is one more time, Good looking cabinet & thanks for the specs. thanks for another chance to learn a little something
+ reps
While I continue my ongoing research, reading journals here and elsewhere, I have found no one who has used just plain old soil from the ground. I live a little south of Fairbanks, and Alaska is known for its rich soil. I have decided to take a risk and use home grown soil, not only as an experiment, but funds do not allow me to buy and ship 1.5 cubic inches of soil up here. I did buy FF trio nutes. John, have you heard of any success or failure with just plain old soil from the ground?



soil can work well if it is amended with perlite for drainage, vermiculite for water retention and other specific abilities to act as a catalyst vermiculite has, mycorrhiza to help the plants roots, rock dust to mineralize the soil, gypsum to add calcium, earthworm castings to add nitrogen.

if you would like to just use soil with the basics i would recommend perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhiza that would work well with your nutrients.

Perlite - Wikipedia

Vermiculite - Wikipedia

Mycorrhiza - Wikipedia

Vermicompost - Wikipedia
Flower Day 03

Seed Cabinet LA Confidential 07-06-2013








visible pistils



looks great! since were talking about soil composition, let me as you this.

i always thought peat moss was added for drainage, and compost for food and water retention. i contacted a soil company and they told me the opposite. they said peat moss holds water and compost is for drainage. what is it?
ah, perfect! no wonder why im loving this 1:1 peat compost mix. heres another one. the guys from scotts told me coco coir is for moisture retention, which is why they use it in their "moistur control" products. now i thought coco drained the best? is this also false?

"Overview & Benefits
Exclusive Aquacoir® formula absorbs 33% more water than ordinary potting soil and protects against over and underwatering!"
High KingJohn,
I like the cabinet and want to build something similar to dry in, that la con. is a hairy one eh?
Nice video, I'd make one but my rooms aren't finished yet lol
Congrats on winning MOTM

thank you kindly
Jai Dharma bud ji when I used to grow outdoors in the garden I would use the soil it hadclay in it sn it really held the water well during our (used to be) good summers and it did work real good I didnt get that much problems. Other than what we called drill worm a little mite that becomes a little worm then wraps itself up in a leaf an eats more an more an till its a fat fly born thing. :hookah: Oh yea an we had snails every morning we would have to go around piking em off the girls(but that wont happen indoors). Sorry if I am ranting I had a wonderful Sativa day
While I continue my ongoing research, reading journals here and elsewhere, I have found no one who has used just plain old soil from the ground. I live a little south of Fairbanks, and Alaska is known for its rich soil. I have decided to take a risk and use home grown soil, not only as an experiment, but funds do not allow me to buy and ship 1.5 cubic inches of soil up here. I did buy FF trio nutes. John, have you heard of any success or failure with just plain old soil from the ground?


Hey Dharma
I believe we have something in conman other than meds:cheesygrinsmiley:cause we all have some Dharma Jai Jaganatha:thumb:

Not intending to take King John's journal on a different path. The violence and death encountered especially during the battle of Fallujah was atrocious. It wasn't my only exposure unfortunately, and being a FMF Corpsman treating marines 20 years my junior, found me looking for a peace I couldn't find elsewhere when I came home. I hooked up with Tibetan Buddhism and never looked back. I don't think I would have hit my 45th birthday if I hadn't. We all have some Dharma in us, it's up to the individual to find their own path :) Okay enough of disturbing the journal, on to the races!!!


Yes you are right have you ever looked into the rainbow Lama,s I heard about these and was so impressed that it took me off for some time these amazing souls actually start to glow a bright color as they are leaving there bodies and simply become color a rainbow apears over the house that they leave from (TRUE STORY) the rainbow Lama Jai Jaganatha Swami Ki Jai Jai ok back to the race but brother bless you an stay safe
Not intending to take King John's journal on a different path. The violence and death encountered especially during the battle of Fallujah was atrocious. It wasn't my only exposure unfortunately, and being a FMF Corpsman treating marines 20 years my junior, found me looking for a peace I couldn't find elsewhere when I came home. I hooked up with Tibetan Buddhism and never looked back. I don't think I would have hit my 45th birthday if I hadn't. We all have some Dharma in us, it's up to the individual to find their own path :) Okay enough of disturbing the journal, on to the races!!!


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