Kush DWC grow

Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Talk about GO AND GET ROOTED. Lookin good brother. Hope I can emulate your root zone in my up coming thai haze x skunk. My 1st time doin the DWC bubbler thing. GO BRO GO.:peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Grooster says: Oh My Nards I just blew goo on yer root pr0n. Sorry bout that...Just send me a bill for cleanup LOL! Oh, and you might wanna check pH again after that...

Merry F'n Christmas!!

The heck with the clean-up bill, my attorney is drawing up papers for child support! That's were the money is. I'll own half your stash for eighteen years! BWAHAHAHA lol

Merry Xmas to you too.

PotPie says:Damn Son! That's some XXX porn. Love the roots and the sweet low maintenance DWC. +reps and a Merry F'en Christmas to you as well. I'm really enjoying your grow.

Thanx PP and the best of the season to you as well.

obxgardener says: Niiicccceeee!!!! Looking very good, roots and buds both. Can't wait to see them fill out. LabRat, you set the standard around here for DWC... plus I've got to say I love the lazy grow... takes a smart man to cut the right corners. You have it dialed in for sure.

Cut it out now. You're making me blush like a school girl. tee hee Confucius say: Man who does very little ... makes very few mistakes.

Joe Coffee says: I fell down laughing from that one..... I think I blew a few chunks....

NO CHUNKS! I'm still trying to clean up Groosters mess. :0)

mokeforfun says: Hey LabRat what how much H2O2 are you using per gallon of water? I can't find it anywhere if you have posted it already so I'm just asking instead.

I use 0.5ml/liter or 2cc/gal when starting up and about once a week during the grow. I wait a couple of days after before adding any organic based extras like Big Bud as I think the peroxide will eat it up anyways. If I had root problems I would likely dose them twice a week until it cured the problem or the plants died. lol

Groover says: Talk about GO AND GET ROOTED. Lookin good brother. Hope I can emulate your root zone in my up coming thai haze x skunk. My 1st time doin the DWC bubbler thing. GO BRO GO.

Thanks Groover. Don't forget that that tub has 14 girls in there making all those roots. I'm wishing I had deeper tubs. Those roots take up a lot of space and when these girls are done I'm going to get some real data on how much space they do take up. If I'm losing half the space for nutes then I'd want to adjust for that when adding peroxide or nutes.

C'ya all l8r and everybody have a great holiday season! :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

[/QUOTE]If I'm losing half the space for nutes then I'd want to adjust for that when adding peroxide or nutes.[/QUOTE]

Mix it in a separate bucket then just pour it in the tub. Or mix it in a separate tub and pump it in to the grow tub. A1000l/hr pump would do it in no time bro.:peace: The SkooterClown boys had the same size rootball on two plants (not takin anything away from yours they're awesome but lettin you know how that 14 o the fkrs may go totally mental on you and choke you in your sleep ):rofl::rofl::rofl:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

LABRAT lookin great, i love the roots. that is a thick tangle of goodness. sexy buds too, nice and tight. where is the fast foreward button, i want to see those buds when they are ready to smoke!!!

i cant wait to give my aero a 2nd try. this time it will be scaled down so it isnt running in overdrive. i found out another factor goofing the aero setup...my dad was feeding the little guys bloom nutes. for about 3 weeks he was looking at wrong page when he fed them. i wondered why they were not recovering after fixing the mold issue...

merry xmas and happy new year to you and your family. be safe and have fun.
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

hey lab rat. now those are some massive roots. damn.. nice job though. ill keep watching to see what you get at harvest time. how long do you have to go ?
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Just got all up 2 date with your and it look dope gots me thinking about making the move to DWC but I'm in the soil for now
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

LabRat you sure have made a difference here at 420 in a very short time. Not only with your grow, but all the help and advise you give freely.
Folks caught on real fast that you know what your talking about.:grinjoint:
Glad your here.....your sense of humor helps too. Thanks man.:ganjamon:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Just a little taste of things to come. Lots of trichs popping up all over this 32 day old beauty.


High Flurple! Thanks and Happy Holidays! So have you smoked yourself into a coma yet? Sounds like your dad might of! lol You take care too. C'ya L8r.

I figure about 5 weeks chevyman then I get the machete out. ;0)

:welcome: dahcwon Lots of great bud is grown in soil but I'm a lazy old fart and find DWC quicker and easier for indoors. I hope to be growing outdoors next spring and will be buggin' you dirt farmers for tips. Gotta get me some auto flower seeds soon.

Very kind of you to say OldMedMan :thanks:, (Love that handle by the way). It's nice to feel welcome and useful. I'm really having fun here and picking up lots of great ideas that are giving me more ideas. I've go so much stuff in the attic sometimes I think my head is going to explode. lol You're no slouch yourself ya know. ;0) Take care and have a Higher New Year! :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Oh my ROD Bud pr0n. Very zexy bud sites. Sticky Icky. Mad trichs. Shaping up very nicely. More! More! (bloop bloop).

Keep em Coming ;)
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Those are lookin VERY NICE.so i figure im about a week behind you. thats cool. to see someone else s grow kinda on the same schedule as mine. i'll be watching
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Thanx guys. I'm waiting on some serious growth on those buds so you can actually see the difference. I've got a 5Gal CO2 bubbler in there last night to help them out. I like these Kush for the buzz but the KaliMistX were more photogenic. I'm starting some beans of those today. Upper bud growth has been slow even with the new nutes in the one tub. It might be because I had the 150 watt HPS down low to fatten up the lower buds and it's taking energy away from the upper buds? The last batch of these fattened up big time in the last couple of weeks so hopefully it will do the same thing this time too.

I still haven't changed the nutes in the 2nd tub yet and it's been 46 days. lol there seems to be no difference between the two so I'm tempted to never change out the nutes in the 2nd tub as an experiment to see how it performs compared to the first. Same plant, same environment. Sounds like a worthy experiment to me. What say you guys?

I just add enough new nutes to maintain the ppm where I want it and they seem to do fine. My Scottish heritage says, "Go for it ya wee shite and ya may just keep a shilling in ya pocket!" :0)

Maybe the nute makers are lying to us to get us to buy more of their products? Nah, that can't be right. Why would they do such a thing? LOL

C'ya all L8tr. :peace
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

i have read a few journals where people did just that. it has been a while but ... 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG - 1200 Watts had a fantastic grow with fairly low ppm all the way through.

i started by adding most of my additives and enhancers at full strength, then half... then the last few months i was just adding a random weak dosage... 1/5 to 1/10 regular strength. i have noticed no fantastic difference other than some of the enhancers motivating early blooming or continued growth til harvest... those i still use at high strength but they are only needed 1 or 2 weeks of the bloom cycle so cost increase is neglegible.

i would think pot can be compared to any marketable product... there is cheap stuff, commercial, and primo. if you graph the cost linearly, the value/quality of the product is not linear... its cheap to make cheap, efficient to make commercial, and a waste to make primo. the happy balance is in the middle... not what the bottle says.

but nobody complains when you overdoo it, in fact its often a placebo effect. then again it also feels good getting all the bang you can for your buck... i say go for it. worse comes to worse there is a noticable difference in yield or quality. i doubt it would be drastic but a good marker of what exactly is needed for a good grow.

just replenish the water level and maintain ppm, no need to ever
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Just like some guys want high performance so they cough up the extra bux for a Corvette when I'm happy with my Chevy. It gets me from point A to B just as well, just not as flashy. Nothing wrong with it if that's what a guy wants but with my chronic low bux situation it is what it is. If I had extra bux I'd spend it on some controllers and stuff to make this even easier. Maybe a light mover as well.

I'm running my tubs at about 850 ppm and was thinking about boosting to 1250 but after checking out that link I'm thinking that 850 is lots. I think I'm getting primo now. I might get a little more of it but is it worth the money. It's the plant's genetics that count for quality and as long as they get adequate food the pot will be just as good IMO.

C'ya l8r Flurple. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

As a noobie I have a hard time with nutes, I bought nutes with no clear guide (noobie mistake again), but seeing how well you are doing on the 850ppm, I see no reason to increase dosage unless plants call for it. You are the first to mention this and I know part of why I only have 1 completely healthy plant in my grow is that I want to PUSH it so I can prove I can grow. You know, it has hit me the last few weeks, I don't do the growing, the plant does...and what happens when mom feeds the kids too much, they get fat (sickly).

So the lesson I take away from this is that it is easy to blow it when you think giving more is better. I think this is a case of what makes the plant the happiest, not the grower. :grinjoint:

Anyway I chimed in to let you and everyone else who is interested that Walmart has 21 gallon Rubbermaid totes with clamp on lids for $5 bucks or at least here they do. I picked up two and with Christmas money ordered my air pump / stones / line and valves for the air. Slowly as I can I am getting my bubbler stuff assembled.

I really appreciate seeing such awesome grows using this method, I think it will fit me really well unless I pop a hole in that thing, but it is rubbermaid and feels pretty sturdy. (They are red with green tops, oh well.....ho, ho, ho). So on my list of things to get I need the buckets, hydroton, and nutes. Just gonna do the main 3 GH nutes probably, can you suggest besides H2O2 (once a week, I remember), what supplements you suggest if any for like micro nutes or minerals or whatever?

:thanks: :peace:
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