LaidBackLeo87 - Soil - LED & CFL - Bagseed - First Grow

Re: LaidBackLeo87 - Soil - LED & CFL - Bagseed - First Grow

Bite your tongue!!!
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so sometimes my punctuation is off, but do feel it is important. That being said this comment made me laugh so hard cause the punctuation is perfect! I envision a king sitting on his thrown reprimanding a loyal servent "bite your tounge!" and I'm not even high .
Re: LaidBackLeo87 - Soil - LED & CFL - Bagseed - First Grow

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so sometimes my punctuation is off, but do feel it is important. That being said this comment made me laugh so hard cause the punctuation is perfect! I envision a king sitting on his thrown reprimanding a loyal servent "bite your tounge!" and I'm not even high .
Nah. If that was the case, it woulda been "Off with your head"
Punctuation; it's the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse or helping your uncle, jack off a horse!
Damn you Age!!!!!!!
I was taking a toke as I read that and coughed, spit and choked as I rolled on the floor! :rofl:
We had a time travel day today! Got a wave of cool weather through the valley where I live. It was like an early March day low 70's, decent little breeze with an occasional gust, and just a spot'a'rain. Did a wake'n'bake sesh and went out to throw the flat bird for a couple of hours. Listened to some early stuff from the Floyd. Green is the color, Fat Old Sun, Embryo, etc. The real old school Pink Floyd!!!!
Re: LaidBackLeo87 - Soil - LED & CFL - Bagseed - First Grow

So earlier i took some pictures too give an idea of what i was saying about the leaves being taco'ed, i quickly realized i was probably just being paranoid because most of my new growth that isn't fully developed looks like this.

I'm pretty sure it's just because it's not fully grown, and because I'm a bit bored and looking for problems lol.
Here's a couple more pics of a little stretch on Gloria

She was so squat and had tight nodes, now she's starting to get a little taller with each passing day And spreading out a little more, which honestly I'm happy about, she's letting more light get to lower areas.
I was thinking the same thing about my girls the other day. I arrived at the same conclusion as you. Relax its growing fine.
For sure, when i looked today it hit me like a ton of bricks, i just shook my head at my paranoia and thought to myself "how many times does agemon have to tell you? Keep it simple stupid!" yes you are now part of my inner dialogue when it comes to the girls .
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