Light Addict Tries To Get Grafting - Target Of One Mom With 15 Strains!

Just had to check. I figured you did, but you never know. It's shocking what some people don't know, can't take anything for granted these days.

That would be cool. I'm know there are plenty of pics/diagrams out there of other species, don't recall a cannabis specific one though.

You've probs done more research than me lol, I've purposefully not done any as I want this to be a warts and all learn along with me! So hopefully we will have some fails etc to strive past. Wouldn't be much fun if it all came easy. Also I don't like to follow others more find out myself, so hopefully I can prove some things wrong and others correct, yet all through trial and error :)
That's cool Light I can definitely dig where you are coming. I on the other hand didn't even know what a root stock was, so some research was indeed needed on my part as it saved some :thanks:time not answering basic questions.
Dennise you would love it :)
Its the people :) its just such an awesome crowd and I feel very lucky to know the folks I do! I'd have ya getting lit up by one of my friends famous super charged spliffs! Honestly lol if ya think you can smoke, it goes out the window when toking with remo! Each doob will have bud and then maybe 4-5 different extracts within, totally #£%@ me up :)
Plus its so free, smoking and tokin and dabbin everywhere! Then the subliminator is always about to finish you off! Bud is just given to you and people actively share their precious cup winning extracts with a smile!
Hopefully either late this year or early next I may be getting to a US show! We shall see but I'll get there one way or another! ;)
Good stuff here. I like this idea very much haha.:) This is the perfect thing to do to keep numbers down for mother plants. 1 mother plant all your favourite strains grafted on to her. My wheels are turning already.........taking cuttings from one plant and get 6-7 strains or however many you want, How perfect would that be all that goodness on one mother plant..
Would you however, have to keep your Sativa and Indica strains seperate as their watering needs may be different? could this be done with a 100% Indica grafted to 100% Sativa and vice versa? :peace:
Ok This is EXACTLY what I'm Talkin Bout right HERE! Where Else is a city slickin Indoor Canadian Grower Get to exchange pics & questions or comments with someone Up The Holler? & Bless U All for ALL The AMAZING Strains & Mad Scientific Cloning & Sweet Creations Ya All are trying and ACTUALLY Getting Er Done too. I am truly Humbled by your Growing Techniques and NOT Being Afraid to try NEW Methods etc. etc. I look forward to checking in now & again to see what new tricks & tips are available. I've just lightly breezed through the other Growers here & If this kind of knowledge is available as it is. I'll be a Master Grower Myself ALOT SOONER than I'd have taken to do so just through my own trial & Error Process.Once again I am Humbled & So Very Grateful for Ya All & I Wish Each & Everyone A Green Grow & A Heavy Harvest. Sincerely: Donny D. From Ontario Canada. :Namaste: :Namaste: Ok I get it NOW. I Totally commented 2 times on One profile here. MY BADD!! It's this bloody Medication/Marijuana that I am fortunate enough to get. THC Content between 12 & 27.5% For real. Lasqeuti (God Kush) & Savory (Pink Kush) Oh & The Thetis (Romulan)
Pink Lady Too! I'm Trying My ASS OFF LOL To Even Grace the same Atmosphere of Qualities such Esteemed Master Growers as Grew these & Other Wonderful Looking & Tasting don't even get me started on The Sweet Aroma's. Anyhooow, I do apologize for any confusion or nonsense of any type eh.
Good stuff here. I like this idea very much haha.:) This is the perfect thing to do to keep numbers down for mother plants. 1 mother plant all your favourite strains grafted on to her. My wheels are turning already.........taking cuttings from one plant and get 6-7 strains or however many you want, How perfect would that be all that goodness on one mother plant..
Would you however, have to keep your Sativa and Indica strains seperate as their watering needs may be different? could this be done with a 100% Indica grafted to 100% Sativa and vice versa? :peace:

This is the idea of the thread, I'm gonna just go for it with lots of different strains and different root stocks. I'm basically gonna give every angle a try to see what's what for everyone :)
Thanx for the Like it's always great to hear from and see so many amazing Gardens & Tips or Techniques I just love how many different people/Growers & just all round really awesome people. ( I've yet to find a mean or rude word typed to me since my first post here in the 420/Crop King Seeds. Where I Purchase Most of my Seeds for my Cabinet Grows. I've learned So Much here in these Forums. I only wish I'd found it BEFORE I Bought Every piece of Literature on Indoor Growing available to me pretty well! Oh Well. They'll Always Come in handy as reference Guides to many of the techniques I'll be trying and getting my own style & technique that may Rival some of the Other Master Growers. Here & Abroad Eh!
By the way, I'm from Ontario Canada Just a 35 minute drive from my Provinces Capital. Toronto Ontario. Home Of The Blue Jays.
But don't hold that against me eh!

I wish you a Green Grow & A Heavy Harvest

Yours Truly: Don D.

:Namaste: :Namaste:
Hey Cabinet! It looks to me like you are off to a pretty stinking good start on your own! And there ain't nothing wrong with the Jays! They field a pretty competitive team! You have come to the right place. Light Addict is one of the best on this site. And.... to continue the Love Fest.....this is by far the best community of growers and people on the old inter-web-net thingy! You'll be up there with the best of them in no time! Best of luck in all you grow!
I'm just waiting for the little Ladies to wakey wakey. lol. I am loving the whole, Deciding which Strain to Grow Next as I need to get them going and ready to go up top when these little Darlings are -
- In My Glass Old Fashioned Candy Jar From the Wild Wild West Trader/Confectionery eh! Or So the Guy @ the FLEA Market Said. LMAO. :volcano-smiley: Sorry, just had to finish up my meds. I must admit that meeting all you's Super Kewl Folks here is Dang Fun. I enjoy every like thank or message EVERY time I see them. So, Thank U All Very Much for em.
i thought you're grafting a branch on a female plant but your gonna graft a female on a male base???
lets see if that's possible:smokin:
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