Light Addict Tries To Get Grafting - Target Of One Mom With 15 Strains!

OK so this time were doing things a little more pre planned!

The pics will show me selecting branches of similar structure. Also I selected bottom branches as I'm sure I remember that they're better for cloning? So thought appropriate. Then I cut some plant matter to clear and daube the blade before cutting. I have no pics of the cuts as time is of the essence, yet made corresponding diagonal cuts and bound instantly with my plumbers tape. Then put over my pre sprayed seeley bag, then used some wire to support the bag and let the trimmed foliade sit open and unrestricted. The cupboard is now on 24/0 so now its just a waiting game!
Oh lastly the cut is a female loompa blue dawg onto a male loompa underdog! Its my last of the cuts genetic line I have so is a must of a keeper! ;)
I have to say that " I Am Totally Blown away! by: these AMAZING Grafting tech's & tips.
I'm finally on my way to creating MY OWN FAVORITE PERSONALLY TAILORED STRAIN!!!
O.K. I'm freaking out here just thinking of the different types of Medication l Can Create.
& the best part is it's another way to stick it to the Pharmaceutical MAN!
To be perfectly honest, the most I've EVER Done is Slice a leaf off of one of My White Widows & dip it in some root gel and Budda Bing, Budda Boom, Joey Buddafuco, & there U have it. I am on my way to an ADVENTURE IN BOTANY.
That is. If you'll allow this Crazy Canuck a shot at learning and hassling U Now & Again when I get REAL Stuck eh. I wont be offended @ all if you'd rather Not have someone so Green in the Mix as I get how it can slow the whole Pro Style & Speed therein. When discussing much more in the layman's terms of your Gene Splicing & Strain Creating. I Find it ALL FREAKING AWESOME!
I say this with the utmost Sincerity. Yours Truly: Don :Namaste: :Namaste: :goodjob: :volcano-smiley:

Hey Canna :)
Well I think this 1st attempt is gonna fail, my thoughts are the grafting cuts weren't long enough, giving good area contact and also my donor plant was needing watering before the attempt! I wanted to see if a thirsty cut would draw from the base and aid in the graft! This is wrong!!! Both need to be watered well giving the graft time to knit, before the donor cut becomes dehydrated. So first lesson learned ;)
Hey L. A.! You are on the right path both the rootstock and the scion (whip) should be well watered. Little to no recent fertilizer applications in my opinion helps also. Instead of the bags I would suggest an anti transpirant spray. There was also a good article on the Harris Seeds website ( they are a vegetable seed supplier) on tomato grafting. They also sell grafting supplies for tomatoes that that would work well for weed also. Actually in tomatoes they have come so far that they have little plastic clips that connect the two stems together. You are also correct in your thought that the cuttings were a tad on the short side. You are on the right track. you will definitely get the hang of it. Best of luck in all you grow!
LA, I love what you are doin here. Now im super interested in this concept! Id really love to try something like this to keep my outdoor ladies goin to do 1 more pull early winter... I just lack the patience.. id just do a drill a small hole 2/3 the way thru the host trunk insert aloe, scrape the skin off of the donor clone stem, roll in root tone and stuff the square peg in the round hole! lol. Im definitely gonna hang around and check this out. Props and +reps to you my friend! SCIENCE! :goodjob:
Well the first attempt failed and wilted, yet I'd used a cut with a node right down near the graft point. Its got some tiny foliage left on, so I cut the cut lol and have a graft with one node and only about 1cm long now, just to see if any of its taken, if this node grows out awesome, if not we go again with lessons learned :)
I'm actually enjoying having something new to mess with and get wrong :)
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