Light Addict Tries To Get Grafting - Target Of One Mom With 15 Strains!

Good morning Light. Just an update on your grafting project. I went on utube and looked at a video on grafting. I now know the basic principals of grafting. I also learned what a root stock is. Very interesting and looking forward to learning how it can be done on our green plant.
I have no family in the country (apart from my estranged brother who's a policeman lol, I kid not :) ) and the few friends I have in the real world all know what I do :) I don't really have a soul who would care one way or another lol. Its just me and my girl against the world. Also I walk about these expos with Light Addict plastered over my chest and hang out with people like remo and hso all the time so you get cameras on you all the while anyway!
If the cam gets here I'll interview some big names and get uploading to the tube!
So yeah brave, stupid?? Not fussed much anymore as its time things changed !!!! :) anyway I'll always be wearing shades and a cap. So yeah lol stuff it ;)
Plus I've always said if I got busted it would be the worst mistake the establishment could make as I'd go bloody nuts to anybody willing to listen and they'd have awoken someone willing to battle it out publicly, I'd just have to change my direction slightly and I'd become a very loud voice in their faces! Even the missus is now just past the bollox that are the current laws! She would stand tall with me and wed fight the good fight that way!
Your brother's a WHAT!!!
Lol yeah BAR for my misfortune :)

In plant based news I've had a flux up and tried my hand at something on the hoof as it were with no forethought whatsoever :)
So I snapped an end off my baby flux and instead of binding up I've cut my root stock on its main stem and inserted the lopped off head! The pics should tell all :)

Now half the stem of the end was dead, so it leant itself to being trimmed down to a slanting wedge.

So yep no plastic bag to keep it from drying out nothing lol, just a quick bodge and a prayer! Now let's see what it looks like in the morning :)
Oh I'd put a link in my SIG but have to get a mod to do it as can't fit all my journals in anymore!??? ;)

Maybe a mod would let you start a thread somewhere just to keep a running list of journals and projects, lol. Then you can link to it in your sig for 'archive' journal links and free up room for more current stuff.


Can't wait to see your experiment this morning.
Well we have my first fail me thinks :)

Things done wrong....! Didn't trim foliage of the cut, I didn't bag the cut to keep the cut from drying out and about 3 hrs after the grafting lights went out for 5 hrs, finally I didnt sterilize the blade or then use some plant matter to coat the blade beforehand! So its a bit less than perfect first effort out. In future with planned attempts I'll give a good stretch of continues lights on and do the other points listed above!

Pic this morn before work.
Hey L.A.! Watch the next time you break a stem. Just leav it open and you will begin to see a small mass of callus tissue form in a mater of days. That is the same reaction that you are loking for in grafting ...the formation of callus tissue. Everything else that you mentioned is spot on. You may want to get some anti transpirant spray also. It will really help even if you trim the leaves. Best of luck in all you grow!

Hey was that Kim Kardashian I just saw walking through Spanabis?
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