Light of Jah - Early Wonder Skunk - Soil - OC+ From Seed

Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Mini Update

Last night I switched the lights to 12/12.

So today is DAY 1 OF 12/12. Girls are still growing like weeds. New pictures soon. :high-five:

:roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Mini Update

Last night I switched the lights to 12/12.

So today is DAY 1 OF 12/12. Girls are still growing like weeds. New pictures soon. :high-five:

:roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip:

Congrat's Hemp! I just started mine on 12/12, too, so here's to BIG, DANK harvests all around! :high-five:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

I am pumped for you! Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be up to your ears in yummy goodness.

Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Mini Update

Last night I switched the lights to 12/12.

So today is DAY 1 OF 12/12. Girls are still growing like weeds. New pictures soon. :high-five:

:roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip:

Nice one and good timing too, I topped 2 of my girls a few days ago for clones and then ran out of room in the veg area so those 2 went in to 12 /12 yesterday too. It will be interesting to compare mine and yours as they only got 2 weeks vegging ... I will update my journal in the next few days with pics
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

In case I caught you before its too late! My "old man" growing mentor just hooked me up with some knowledge the other day that you might wanna try. If you arn't already doing this, he told me that it is a good eyedea to keep useing your veg nutes for the FIRST 7 days of switching to 12/12 basically it helps a fuck load out with creating more bud sites faster. Cuz when you think about it it makes scence when you flip to 12 and 12 durring the first 2 to 4 weeks your plant is going to stretch the most and all ive ever read is that you need more Nitrogen when it comes to plant development and where does your plant get most its Nitrogen from? Your veg nutrients! Unless your Rasta Master Man and mix your own ratio's of NPK which I plan on doing one day probably when Cannabis is legal in all 50 states and I can finally realize my master GIANT outdoor hydro grow that i've been having wet dreams about since I was 16 :tokin:.



Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

...which I plan on doing one day probably when Cannabis is legal in all 50 states and I can finally realize my master GIANT outdoor hydro grow that i've been having wet dreams about since I was 16 :tokin:.




I lol'd HARD! :tokin:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Congrats on the switch HempRocket here comes the Frosty Bud Train! :blunt::popcorn:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

I lol'd HARD! :tokin:

hahahaha im glad that made ya smile some times I can get alittle "P-G 13 on this site hahahahahahha get it! PG! 13!

GEEOOOD im on a fucking roll now! Must be all this shitty resin i've been smoking since all my money went into my fucking RDWC conversion. I sware my plants eat better than I do.

But just curious since you didn't confirm but did you just go ahead and swop to flowering Nutrients when you flipped the switch or are you ganna try to do what I suggested?
Also maybe you've told me before but what nutrients did you use for Veg and what are you ganna use for flower?
me and Heks use Dutch Master Gold grow a and B thats IT
and for flower we use Advanced Nutrients flower A and B, AN's Kushie kush as well as their "sensizyme" tho we havn't really used the sensizyme too much the first couple times Heks used it on "Sandra" (last link in my sig) It gave her nutrient burn a few times. Actually todays the first day i've used it since then, to suppliment I dropped the ammount of flower A and B from 44 ml each to aprox 40 ml each and then added 22 ml of sensizyme plus 22 ml of kushi kush and now her PPM is sitting around 1200 which seems to be the magic number for her.
But yeah if sensizyme gives me shit again i'll toss it or give it away (again i wish i could email it to u one of you guys and whoever invents that is going to be a trillionair so lets figure it out) But yeah ima swop it out for HYDROZYME because it seems everyone who uses it loves it and becomes a spokesperson for them. SO it must be good.



Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

I've heard the same thing about veg nutes for the first week or two of flower. Makes perfect sense.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

High Guys, sorry for being away for the past couple of days. Family issues. :thanks: for all the comments and suggestions.

Sorry for not answering your questions earlier but I'm here now.

So, I didn't do the 24 hours or 36 hours of darkness or anything like that. I just flipped the switch and here we are. They were all showing sex before flipping it so I'm sure they will form bud sites right away.

What I am doing is keeping the MH bulb in for the first week of 12/12 and then I will be switching to an HPS for the rest of flowering.

I did not need to use any nutes. I started off with a soil rich in compost and I added OC+ to it. I will be supplementing with compost teas and molasses throughout the grow.

Now for the bad news. My pH has been dropping over the last few days. I guess I added too much peat moss to my mix. I will know for next time. What I've been doing is top dressing with dolomitic lime and upping the pH of the water I'm giving them. A couple of the girls are showing nute lockout and I'm hoping to have that corrected in the next couple days. Other than that, they are looking great.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Hey Hemp - sorry to hear about the nute lockout. Bummer. Sounds like you're being Johnny on the spot with it though.

I stick with MH for first week or so of 12/12 also. Theoretically minimizes stretch, but not sure I've seen much difference.

Good luck with the PH / Lockout -- x
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed


I just snapped some pictures today right before lights out. Enjoy guys.




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