Seedlings are looking healthy! Off to a good start and great to see the sip is doing its job! Will hopefully give you less work to do whilst aiding better growth! Very interesting.
I have always waited for a sign to start feeding but if potting up I just pot up so the soil again lasts a few weeks that way shouldn't have to feed until flip.

When doing this sip method does your pH have to be monitored? Especially in the res over time..
Also fingers crossed theirs not but say you can see deficiency is their a way of testing your run off to see where your at In your soil?
Thank You!
Thats the hope and so far, its proving successful.
I think I may add water to the res tonight as it looks like it may be time and make sure it's truly working as I believe it to be.

Very good point about up potting and not having to feed.

Do you ever run into plants that need that little bit extra even with the fresh soil.
I probably won't feed until after we up pot to 1G, to your point they should be good with the added soil.

Usually after 1G pots I'm feeding because the plant is definitely big enough and can feed significantly if it's in a pot that size.
what and how much is then determined by what the plant shows.

I'm not sure but I do plan to monitor it.
The air hole is big enough that I can get a syringe into it and grab samples if need be.
I'm using Roots organic, and they say to mix and aerate the nutrient solution for 24 hours before feeding to allow for the ph. to rise to the appropriate range.
This is why I considered top feeding my nutrient solution for feeds and then only putting RO water in the res.
Because I wasn't sure how the nutrient line would react in this situation and if the ph would drop as it settled causing massive swings.
There's a lot of experimentation riding on this for sure. I do know if it gets out of control, we can lift the top bucket off and run it like a normal 2.5Gal plastic pot.

If I needed to test runoff tho, I could empty the res and water from the top and check the runoff as it collects.
then from there I guess empty it again and fill the res with Ph'd water in the correct range.

I'm learning on the fly with this which is unlike me usually, but I feel good about being able to figure this out as we go especially on this site!
I've never figured out how to properly use the quote feature :confused: 🤷‍♂️ but I want to reply to a few things here.
Idk how to do this on mobile, but on PC if you take your cursor and highlight what someone said that you want to quote (as if you were going to copy/paste it somewhere) a little box pops up to either Quote or Reply. I hit the Quote button which adds it to the multi-quote queue. Then when you go to make a new post, towards the bottom you'll see Insert Quotes and you can pick which quotes you want to pop into your reply.

That leads me into my next point. I completely disagree with the idea that you aren't super knowledgeable.
I appreciate that! I think one of the best features of this forum is the idea that anyone with any experience level can hop in and share their knowledge. It adds to the collective knowledge on how to grow this plant and the varying methods and makes it super useful to learn. I bought a cannabis grow bible and couldn't make it half way because the information just isn't detailed enough to go from seed to harvest. I should've returned the book because this website alone is enough for someone to get to harvest. Let alone get feedback from experienced growers as well.

As for the smoke in soil
I'm super excited about this one. The bud I got from hydro was still the best in my group...I gave a sample to a friend of mine who took it to a party once and the feedback was pretty crazy in a good way. So now in soil I'm expecting even more goodiness. That's really cool that you've actually tested this and can provide some insight into the differences. I've been playing around with getting a hydro setup going again but I believe I'll hold off until this one is done and cured before I decide what the next grow will be. Maybe sip? Who knows.
Thank You!
Thats the hope and so far, its proving successful.
I think I may add water to the res tonight as it looks like it may be time and make sure it's truly working as I believe it to be.

Very good point about up potting and not having to feed.

Do you ever run into plants that need that little bit extra even with the fresh soil.
I probably won't feed until after we up pot to 1G, to your point they should be good with the added soil.

Usually after 1G pots I'm feeding because the plant is definitely big enough and can feed significantly if it's in a pot that size.
what and how much is then determined by what the plant shows.

I'm not sure but I do plan to monitor it.
The air hole is big enough that I can get a syringe into it and grab samples if need be.
I'm using Roots organic, and they say to mix and aerate the nutrient solution for 24 hours before feeding to allow for the ph. to rise to the appropriate range.
This is why I considered top feeding my nutrient solution for feeds and then only putting RO water in the res.
Because I wasn't sure how the nutrient line would react in this situation and if the ph would drop as it settled causing massive swings.
There's a lot of experimentation riding on this for sure. I do know if it gets out of control, we can lift the top bucket off and run it like a normal 2.5Gal plastic pot.

If I needed to test runoff tho, I could empty the res and water from the top and check the runoff as it collects.
then from there I guess empty it again and fill the res with Ph'd water in the correct range.

I'm learning on the fly with this which is unlike me usually, but I feel good about being able to figure this out as we go especially on this site!

It's never a major issue usually it will start to show deficiencies but in soil it's slow so after pot up it will bounce back. Some plants are greedy 😂 only thing with your sip is once the soil is low on nutes will your res cover you if that's fertilised aswell.

Only way to test outside your garden would be in a small jug.. maybe mix up a small portion of feed and left it sit to give you a rough idea on how fast your pH rises. I'll be doing the same tomorrow as I'm planning to add watering system.

Yeah it's trial and error I suppose but that's a good idea using Res to test run off.. always the best way to see where your plant is at.
Only way to test outside your garden would be in a small jug.. maybe mix up a small portion of feed and left it sit to give you a rough idea on how fast your pH rises. I'll be doing the same tomorrow as I'm planning to add watering system.
Yup I am about to do this now.

I will be mixing up a gal at half strength. I want to do half strength so that the ppm is closer to a normal feed and see how it reacts after aerating for 24 hours.

hopefully this gives us an idea of how long it takes to change if it does after sitting.
next would be to figure out how long it takes for the water to be absorbed when the res is closer to empty.
just so happens it is now...
then figure out that sweet spot of giving enough nutrient solution so that it will be absorbed before it starts to shift.

This is going to be some work and close attention to figure out, but this is literally why I do this!
This is my favorite part of growing and this is why I use this site for the collective knowledge like @AspenCultivator referred to. The feedback is invaluable

Thank you Guys!

Day 10

Lets start with a few pics of the ladies at day 10.
Pics were taken this morning.

PBK 1 in SIP


Group shots





CC 1

CC 2

I think the Cookie Crisps may have been put to the RR a day too soon.
The growth did seem to slow and get a little weird, but it seems to be figuring it out.

In regard to what I mentioned earlier about the experiment with the nutrient solution in the res.
I think I may have a bit of a problem from the onset.
The Grow solution is practically mud. and that's no exaggeration at all. It's by far the thickest nutrient I've ever used.

It's so thick that I don't see it being absorbed by the wick and delivered accurately to the root zone.
I am aerating it now and we will see what the consistency is after 24 hours while we conduct our experiment.
But unless I can find some reading on how this will work feeding into the res, I don't think it's going to be possible.
I'm aerating using a 4-port magnetic vibration air pump.
Each port has a t-splitter turning 4 to 8 ports. As of now I'm only using 6 small air stones but have the ability to add 2 more when I make it to the store for more.
There's a significant number of bubbles and it's mixing pretty well.

For my experiment I mixed up the full-strength seedling formula according to the schedule.
Here are my readings.

RO water out of tap:
PH 7.0
PPM 35
EC 70

I then added
5ml/g of Grow
5ml/g of Trinity
10ml/g of Ancient Amber

Nutrient solution:
PH 4.9
PPM 245
EC 492

I began aerating at 6:22pm
So we'll get readings again tomorrow at the same time
then take readings every six hours to watch for a swing

I have started to look for alternate ways like maybe the Terp tea dry nutrients that I can top feed once and then rely on just the water in the res in-between those feedings. This way I don't have to top feed so much and pretty much defeat the purpose of the SIP.
I know it's done so it's a matter of finding the solution that best fits our garden.

Also, those damn fungus gnats are still poking around on the lady in the SIP.
This causes issues because I need to soil drench to rid it of them but again, here we go watering from the top.

Think maybe transplanting into the SIP now as opposed to starting in it would have been beneficial here but I'm not discouraged by any means.
I will mix up a foliar spray to mist the top of the soil with the SNS so that we can address them as minimally as possible until we have to do something more drastic.

Other than that just observing and thinking out the next few steps because they are approaching fast!

As always thank you for your time and thanks for stopping by!

Nice update! I love the details you're putting into this journal, sweet.

Are these all 10 days from breaking ground? Like, seed poked out 10 days ago? If so (especially the sip) wtf? Lol. Thing's massive for 10 days!

Also, when you're talking about the gnats, what are you referring to by SNS? Is it a product? I noticed a gnat or two flying around today and need to look into mitigation strategies.

Nvm! SNS 203. Nice, so you spray the top of the soil and it helps out? I'll have to look into that.
Nice update! I love the details you're putting into this journal, sweet.

Are these all 10 days from breaking ground? Like, seed poked out 10 days ago? If so (especially the sip) wtf? Lol. Thing's massive for 10 days!

Also, when you're talking about the gnats, what are you referring to by SNS? Is it a product? I noticed a gnat or two flying around today and need to look into mitigation strategies.

Nvm! SNS 203. Nice, so you spray the top of the soil and it helps out? I'll have to look into that.

The oldest seeds broke ground on the 11/26 so that puts them at day 11 technically. 1 is the PBK1 in the SIP the other is the PGC 1
The PBK 2 and PGC 2 broke ground 11/27 so that makes day 10 for them since poking up
and the youngest seeds CC1 and CC2 broke ground 11/29 so day 7 for them

I'm counting today as 10 for the group to make it easier to keep track
but overall were at about 10 days above ground give or take.

Yup that's the stuff I have previously used it as a soil drench.
But I'm going to be using it with the foliar recipe so not to disturb the SIP watering too much for now at least while still attacking them with something.
Damn, the difference is staggering. I wondered about this in my journal, but I'm curious if my 2 are so tiny compared to yours (even though I'm on day 10 as well) because the seed is so old? Perhaps the nutrients a fresh seed has became unusable in my seed because of age?

The size of those after 10 days is really cool to see.
Damn, the difference is staggering. I wondered about this in my journal, but I'm curious if my 2 are so tiny compared to yours (even though I'm on day 10 as well) because the seed is so old? Perhaps the nutrients a fresh seed has became unusable in my seed because of age?

The size of those after 10 days is really cool to see.
I posted this reply in your journal as well hopefully someone can chime in at either one to bounce some ideas...

I'm wondering what your ph. is in the runoff of your soil?
It doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you're doing. But something does seem to be slowing them a bit..
Also, what is your light intensity and height?
I have had mine up to max and at about 22" above the plants or so for about the past week.

I really can't see much that could have caused a problem so far.
I don't know if id blame this on genetics just yet.

You are adjusting your ph. when you water? So, we know what we're putting in?
Is there a way we could see what is coming out?
I haven't used PH solution in a while the last time I PHd. my water I was using Nectar of the gods and used their ph. up for their line.

I use RO water that's about 6.8 - 7.0 and admittedly I do not PH my water ever.
Roots Organics nutes drop the PH crazy low and now I'm aerating to raise it but outside of following their recommendations for the obvious reasons of it. I don't bother with it too much.

Maybe your PH adjuster is throwing off the biology of your soil?
I'm not the best at diagnosing maybe someone else can chime in with more accurate ideas.

Day 10

Lets start with a few pics of the ladies at day 10.
Pics were taken this morning.

PBK 1 in SIP


Group shots





CC 1

CC 2

I think the Cookie Crisps may have been put to the RR a day too soon.
The growth did seem to slow and get a little weird, but it seems to be figuring it out.

In regard to what I mentioned earlier about the experiment with the nutrient solution in the res.
I think I may have a bit of a problem from the onset.
The Grow solution is practically mud. and that's no exaggeration at all. It's by far the thickest nutrient I've ever used.

It's so thick that I don't see it being absorbed by the wick and delivered accurately to the root zone.
I am aerating it now and we will see what the consistency is after 24 hours while we conduct our experiment.
But unless I can find some reading on how this will work feeding into the res, I don't think it's going to be possible.
I'm aerating using a 4-port magnetic vibration air pump.
Each port has a t-splitter turning 4 to 8 ports. As of now I'm only using 6 small air stones but have the ability to add 2 more when I make it to the store for more.
There's a significant number of bubbles and it's mixing pretty well.

For my experiment I mixed up the full-strength seedling formula according to the schedule.
Here are my readings.

RO water out of tap:
PH 7.0
PPM 35
EC 70

I then added
5ml/g of Grow
5ml/g of Trinity
10ml/g of Ancient Amber

Nutrient solution:
PH 4.9
PPM 245
EC 492

I began aerating at 6:22pm
So we'll get readings again tomorrow at the same time
then take readings every six hours to watch for a swing

I have started to look for alternate ways like maybe the Terp tea dry nutrients that I can top feed once and then rely on just the water in the res in-between those feedings. This way I don't have to top feed so much and pretty much defeat the purpose of the SIP.
I know it's done so it's a matter of finding the solution that best fits our garden.

Also, those damn fungus gnats are still poking around on the lady in the SIP.
This causes issues because I need to soil drench to rid it of them but again, here we go watering from the top.

Think maybe transplanting into the SIP now as opposed to starting in it would have been beneficial here but I'm not discouraged by any means.
I will mix up a foliar spray to mist the top of the soil with the SNS so that we can address them as minimally as possible until we have to do something more drastic.

Other than that just observing and thinking out the next few steps because they are approaching fast!

As always thank you for your time and thanks for stopping by!

Yup I am about to do this now.

I will be mixing up a gal at half strength. I want to do half strength so that the ppm is closer to a normal feed and see how it reacts after aerating for 24 hours.

hopefully this gives us an idea of how long it takes to change if it does after sitting.
next would be to figure out how long it takes for the water to be absorbed when the res is closer to empty.
just so happens it is now...
then figure out that sweet spot of giving enough nutrient solution so that it will be absorbed before it starts to shift.

This is going to be some work and close attention to figure out, but this is literally why I do this!
This is my favorite part of growing and this is why I use this site for the collective knowledge like @AspenCultivator referred to. The feedback is invaluable

Thank you Guys!

Yeah im interested lol more so yours then my own 😂
Hopefully you don't get a crazy swing over time but in a few weeks the roots will probably be bathing in the res so it will be absorbed quicker and quicker as she grows.
If you do have issues then like you said potting up into a sip might gap that slower usage when their young.

I may just be lucky with the gnat thing but I steam all my soil and store in a large tub. Also on final pot up I watered with nematodes to be safe. The would love your sip!
If you're only on day 10 I wouldn't worry too much. It's a pretty consistent 2 weeks for me to see much topside growth. My supposition is that the roots need time to morph over to the fine-like hairs we get in these pots. Then it's another week or so of slow topside growth before they take off.

And I'd agree about the mud. I wouldn't put that down in the reservoir except for an experiment to see how it worked. Geoflora nutes are spread on the top and watered in, but that's a feeding only every two weeks. How often are yours applied?
Yeah im interested lol more so yours then my own 😂
Hopefully you don't get a crazy swing over time but in a few weeks the roots will probably be bathing in the res so it will be absorbed quicker and quicker as she grows.
If you do have issues then like you said potting up into a sip might gap that slower usage when their young.

I may just be lucky with the gnat thing but I steam all my soil and store in a large tub. Also on final pot up I watered with nematodes to be safe. The would love your sip!
Oh No I don't want my journal to be a distraction to your own garden 😅

I'm happy that it's received that way!

Im going to be checking the water now and getting our initial results then checking every six hours or so to watch for swings.
I will be back with a more in-depth response to this later tonight let me hit the lab and see what we see

If you're only on day 10 I wouldn't worry too much. It's a pretty consistent 2 weeks for me to see much topside growth. My supposition is that the roots need time to morph over to the fine-like hairs we get in these pots. Then it's another week or so of slow topside growth before they take off.

And I'd agree about the mud. I wouldn't put that down in the reservoir except for an experiment to see how it worked. Geoflora nutes are spread on the top and watered in, but that's a feeding only every two weeks. How often are yours applied?
I was referring to @AspenCultivator with the slow growth my plant in the sip hasn't skipped a beat actually!

There's been no transition period as of yet, when compared to my plants in solo cups it's actually further along than any of them.
The SIP PBK 1 is as old as the PGC 1 and only a day older than both the PBK2 & PGC 2, but it looks like it's had a way bigger head start already!
Can't say it's the SIP just yet tho it likely has more to do with the pot size from a RR vs the solo cups everything else is in, but we will see.

The feeding schedule is a weekly schedule and Roots Organic's whole deal is the bottled organic and feeding the soil.
I think I may try to top feed and water from the res. This too I will respond to this further later tonight with the small update I have and results of initial testing of nutrient solution

O.K. UhM yea IDK​

Well, I had a plan and then the scientific method and some thread surfing threw it all out the window.

Anyone ever find themselves in that weird area of researching where you can find all the right questions but never the EXACT answer you're looking for. 😅

So, our aerating mix of full-strength nutrient solution bubbled for about 25 hours.
Here is a reminder of our original numbers yesterday when we mixed everything up

RO water out of tap:
PH 7.0
PPM 35
EC 70

I then added
5ml/g of Grow
5ml/g of Trinity
10ml/g of Ancient Amber

Nutrient solution:
PH 4.9
PPM 245
EC 492

Numbers after aerating
PH 4.3
PPM 245
EC 490

Uhm... Excuse me?!
Ok so normally like I said I don't even bother with the ph. other than to check runoff every now and then.
But I've never used this stuff before and so following the instructions on how to prepare it makes some sense.

Here is what they say on the feeding schedule

If possible, mix the solution in water around twenty-four hours in advance. This step is not necessary, but it can be helpful because it allows the pH of the solution to rise to a more appropriate range. We don’t recommend storing the mixed solution for more than two to three days unless the aeration and mixing are aggressive. Use an air pump and air stones and add a circulation pump for the best mixing results. Any pH adjustment should be done just prior to feeding your plants. We suggest a pH range from 5.5 to 6.5 for our potting soil. Water to a light runoff. (If the soil is particularly dried out, quickly pre-water a small amount and then return a few minutes later to begin your feeding.)

Does anyone else see the open-endedness with these instructions.
  • Aerate for 24 hours (tho it's not necessary)
  • It can be helpful because it allows the ph to rise to more appropriate range
  • Any adjustments should be made just prior to feeding plants
  • Suggested range in 5.5 to 6.5 for their soil which we are in
So I did what was "unnecessary" because PH was clearly out of any range I've ever heard for growing plants in before even for hydro!
Not only did it not raise the ph to the suggested appropriate range but uhm... it lowered it!

OK it gets better tho just follow me

I get home open the tent after a while to check and after all the talk about not feeding well it looks like they need it.
But I recognized INSTANTLY what they want CAL/MAG!

No big deal good thing we have a gal of acid mixed up right? :laughtwo:
Let's correct things...

I know the nutrient mix is for seedling at full strength and the ph is crazy low
I know I didn't put Cal/mag in that solution
I first considered only watering like normal with 5ml/g of Cal/mag nothing else.
Then I thought "but it hasn't aerated tho it's not necessary" so in this situation tho not ideal we may have no choice

I mixed up 5ml/g of Roots Organic Cal/Mag and these were the results
PH 6.3
PPM 395
EC 790

I put the air stones in and cranked them up to see what would happen for an hour.
I took a break hit the bong :bongrip: and thought about it some more.

Cal/mag after aerating 1 hour
PH 6.4/6.5
PPM 443
EC 900
Ok adding this Cal/mag solution at this ph to our acid nutrient solution at that range should land us somewhere in the ballpark right?

I took 1Qt of Cal/mag solution and mixed it with 1Qt of nutrient solution.
(I was on the phone and didn't pay attention I should have mixed half a Qt of each here)
But here are the results of that mix
PH 4.1
PPM 383
EC 762


Ok so then well add 1Qt of plain R/O water out the tap at these measurements
PH 7.5
PPM 13
EC 26

And the results of that mix
PH 4.2
PPM 276
EC 556

Well surely adding another Qt of Plain R/O water out the tap will do the trick...
PH 4.3
PPM 280
EC 590

This mix is now aerating and has been for about the past hour. But it won't be going for 24 hours I am going to FEED the plants in a few I just wanted to see what aerating this mix for a bit would do if anything at all.

I do not know what to make of this other than the Nutrients are buffered as well as the soil to create the right range.
I will be aerating the solution as suggested but I will not be fussing with PH other than to check in on runoff every now and then. the schedule calls for alternating water to feeding and that water will not be adjusted either.

We're going to mix aerate feed water feed.
I am planning on feeding the SIP today top feed just a tiny little bit maybe half a Qt from the top and then I will be filling the res with plain R/O water to fill her up.
I have let the res go about dry so as to see how the soil responded and to make sure we are wicking and drying properly it seems all systems are a go and there's no better way to learn than to get in there and just do it.

I have also raised the lights just a little bit in response to the plants coloring don't want to confuse something for burn which is possible since my lights have been so high.

The solo cups need some water for sure they've increased their water uptake noticeably over the past couple days. What took them 5 days to drink only took 3 this time.
The roots are exploding in the soil and the PGC 1 roots even started poking through the bottom of the solo.

I still have some of the original full strength nutrient solution that I will be monitoring the ph on as originally planned as to continue on with how the solution will react in the res and to see what the solution does in general at this point.
I will try to post picture tomorrow!

Kind of a long one this time and I think I covered everything So as Always Thank you for your time and thank you for stopping by!
Aaah mate sounds like you've had fun playing with ro water 🤣 I noticed you didn't add the calmag then see you realised.
I don't trust the stuff if not used correctly it will take from everything it touches! I have no idea if it's ok but I'm scared of it being in your res. 😩
Unless your doing a batch mix of nuts to last a couple of days I wouldn't air it also unless your using city water I wouldn't air it either.
I mixed up 5ml/g of Roots Organic Cal/Mag and these were the results
PH 6.3
PPM 395
EC 790
I would have went straight in with this.

This is why I have 25l of city water constantly airating so I can do 50/50 with ro to get it stable then I still add more calmag to compensate for ro and led.
Aaah mate sounds like you've had fun playing with ro water 🤣 I noticed you didn't add the calmag then see you realised.
I don't trust the stuff if not used correctly it will take from everything it touches! I have no idea if it's ok but I'm scared of it being in your res. 😩
Unless your doing a batch mix of nuts to last a couple of days I wouldn't air it also unless your using city water I wouldn't air it either.

I would have went straight in with this.

This is why I have 25l of city water constantly airating so I can do 50/50 with ro to get it stable then I still add more calmag to compensate for ro and led.
Yes we definitely had a fun night of experimenting 😅
Think I may need to invest in a lab coat 🥼

I understand where you’re coming from with the R/O water. But in the past and even now more so I think than previously my tap water is so gross.
People in my city don’t even drink it and it’s known that the source it comes from is wildly contaminated with the unthinkable!
I can’t trust that water or what is in it.
I like R/O for the fact that it is indeed a blank slate that will take on what you put into it.

Are you thinking that the R/O in the res will leach nutrients from our soil?
My thinking was that if it was being soaked up into the soil we could avoid that being the case?

After mixing up the Cal/mag its consistency is much better than the nutrient solution.
The Cal/mag actually breaks down and is a solution as opposed to the mixture of the nutrient solution.

Going forward now that I’ve had this revelation Cal/mag will be added to all of our R/O from now on.

This should help our water avoid leeching if it should be an issue.

Hello and Welcome Back!​

Without going into personal details. A bit of tragedy has stuck in life. Which is why I've been absent.
But thankfully with help and support of family and friends THE GROW MUST GO ON!

I'm going to do my best to remain on brand and true to this journal going forward.
So please excuse me while I try my best to pick up where we left off. The info may come out scattered but it'll come back into focus as we go.

So, the biggest most heartbreaking and drastic change is that we had to move the entire grow!
It was in a spare bedroom setup ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY! Even tho I should be thankful to even be able to have the opportunity to keep growing. It pained me as I set it all back up knowing how perfect it had been.
We will set this new environment to be just as perfect in time.

Luckily, I did not have to downsize, and was able to continue with the 3-tent setup.
Unfortunately, the new grow area is a garage that isn't insulated. Temps can get pretty cold in there at night so we installed an oil radiator to knock the chill out and get temps where we need to be.

Cable management will be done today :laughtwo:

Luckily for us and fortunately for the ladies, the environment and temps are a just within our set ranges.
So, temps and humidity have not been affected too much albeit a tad bit cooler than before.
lights on temps reach about 74F
light off temps are only 68F
So, to be in a garage and move everything in less than 24 hours we couldn't have asked for a better stroke of luck!

After setting up our system and bringing the plants I noticed a major difference in our plants.
The SIP is so much further along than the others and it's the same age!
The results and ease of use in the SIP are astronomically different.
This was the major factor in why I decided to up-pot to 1 Gal plastic pots.

The roots on all the solo cups were bound in the bottoms of the cups and they were drying out within a couple of days.
I could have waited another day to transplant but with everything going on as of late, it's better to transplant now and let them bounce back over the next few days that I'm completely busy and can't get to them as easily.


Introduced to their "new" home.

Up pot was done just like any other. I dusted the soil generously with GW myco.
I Mixed up 6TBSP of SNS-203 in a gal of R/O water and PH'd to 6.5

Without scrolling back, I can't remember if I noted it before but at last water, I did actually feed with the full-strength seedling solution that I made.
Prior to yesterday I was not supplementing Cal/mag or PH'ing the water so the water going in was above 7.
When I fed the PH was below 6 but it did not cause any issues that I could tell.
Roots Organics suggests for their soil a range of 5.5 - 6.5
My guess is we raised that up a bit with the previous waterings (tho I didnt check to confirm this)

After the up pot the very slight runoff i did get was the following:

PGC 1 5.9
PGC 2 5.8
PBK 2 5.9
CC 1 6.0
CC 2 6.0

Which would mean according to the feeding schedule its right where we want to be.
Next watering will be at 6.3 and hopefully that keeps everything were it should be.

I hope to not monitor PH so much tho and am only concerned as it's been a while since growing last and I'm trying to find and tune my methods again. (Coupled with the fact it's a new nutrient line I've never used)

Of course, all of this is dependent on the needs of the garden.

For the SIP I added a 1/4 of a mosquito dunk to the res at the last watering and to transport I had to empty the res.
So after watering for the transplants I filled the res with our PH'd SNS water and its just doing its thing.
I know I'm only a couple weeks into using it and the difference in growth has a lot to do with being in a bigger pot than the rest of them. But for the most part this thing is on auto pilot. I don't worry about if the plant needs water or if I've overwatered and the extra air to the roots is clearly helping in terms of the plant growth.

It will be interesting to see how the plants respond to bigger pots and if they can catch up to the SIP because it has thrown off our schedule to some degree.

As far as the general setup tho not much has changed except, I added the heater to raise temps in the new "grow room".
Everything will run the same as planned.
Here are a few pictures I took while transplanting as well.





After Transplant


The SIP Clearly Flourishing



So, as you can see things have been busy to say the least.
But every day on this Earth is a Blessing and if I'm able to continue growing, doing something I love through hard times then I'm truly Blessed indeed!

As always Thank you for your time and Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry to hear things have changed Lootz, but at least you're still up and growing! I hope all is going to be well on your side as soon as possible :)

Update looks great and I'm floored at how big everything is. It looks like you've only fed them twice now at full strength, right? Absolutely awesome growth for sure. You're doing it right!
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