Hope all is well bro! life has its hurdles and we do what we have to to get past them!

Glad your back though I have been wondering how my girls are doing 🤣🤣

Them roots look beautiful! Their all growing well especially the sip!! Nice going bud welcome to the veg life where I have been a lifetime it seems 🤣

When you emptied the sip could you see roots inside?
Sorry to hear things have changed Lootz, but at least you're still up and growing! I hope all is going to be well on your side as soon as possible :)

Update looks great and I'm floored at how big everything is. It looks like you've only fed them twice now at full strength, right? Absolutely awesome growth for sure. You're doing it right!
Thank you @AspenCultivator Things could always be much worse! In time it always seems to work out this time will be no different!

Thank you! Yea considering how things have been a little neglected with the sudden turnover I'm happy everything is looking as good as it is!
To date I have only fed 1 time at full strength.
I have to get back on my dates and schedules again I will do that sometime tonight
But they've been fed 1 time. Every other time has been R/O water and sometimes SNS is added to fight the gnats
Sorry to hear things went a bit sideways for you, lootz. Hopefully they'll turn in the right direction soon.

Yeah, no chance. :laughtwo:
Thanks @Azimuth Better sideways than upside down! I'm confident that it will!

And yea I know its a stretch (Pun intended) :laughtwo:
But a guy can dream right?
or are you implying I should be on my way to the hardware store already?
Hope all is well bro! life has its hurdles and we do what we have to to get past them!

Glad your back though I have been wondering how my girls are doing 🤣🤣

Them roots look beautiful! Their all growing well especially the sip!! Nice going bud welcome to the veg life where I have been a lifetime it seems 🤣

When you emptied the sip could you see roots inside?
Thank you @greenvein This time will be no different!

:rofl: This comment literally had me cracking up! Yes YOUR ladies are fine :laughtwo:

Thank you Yes, I hadn't checked on them for a day or so, so when I took a peek, I was happily surprised!
Its about time! I can finally breathe a sigh of relief! Now the fun really begins 😈

To be totally honest everything was happening so fast I didn't even think to check.
Ill take a peek when I get a chance for you
I don't want to disturb them too much It's been stressful for all of us.
Last thing she needs is me poking too much right now.
But I am curious myself
And yea I know its a stretch (Pun intended) :laughtwo:
But a guy can dream right?
or are you implying I should be on my way to the hardware store already?
We all arrive at the end of the journey at our own pace. :p

But yes, since I'm pretty confident that you will arrive at the same conclusion most of the rest of us have, you might as well get a head start on building the rest of the buckets you're going to grow in because it's unlikely you'll be going back to your old ways any time soon. :cheesygrinsmiley:

But a couple of things. First, these SIPs grow bigger plants so you may need, or be able to fit, fewer of them at one time in a given space.

And second, rather than the hardware store, go to the dollar store and build one of my 'dome' versions (p2 of the SIP Club thread). Look for a food storage container where the widest dimension is slightly narrower than the bottom of your bucket. I get better roots with that design, and it's easier, faster and less expensive to build. Then all you need from the hardware store is a short section of pvc pipe for the fill tube (and if I remember correctly you probably still have some left over from your first version).
We all arrive at the end of the journey at our own pace. :p

But yes, since I'm pretty confident that you will arrive at the same conclusion most of the rest of us have, you might as well get a head start on building the rest of the buckets you're going to grow in because it's unlikely you'll be going back to your old ways any time soon. :cheesygrinsmiley:

But a couple of things. First, these SIPs grow bigger plants so you may need, or be able to fit, fewer of them at one time in a given space.

And second, rather than the hardware store, go to the dollar store and build one of my 'dome' versions (p2 of the SIP Club thread). Look for a food storage container where the widest dimension is slightly narrower than the bottom of your bucket. I get better roots with that design, and it's easier, faster and less expensive to build. Then all you need from the hardware store is a short section of pvc pipe for the fill tube (and if I remember correctly you probably still have some left over from your first version).
Yea I've already been finding parts everywhere!
I've been looking at so many SIPS lately I see ideas for it everywhere!
I can't look at a bowl or pasta strainer the same!
I find myself looking at everything like "that could be a sip, so could that. I could use this for this part. I should've bought that last part for use with this part" :rofl: It can't be healthy!

I did consider that as well (sizing of plants in it)
Tho I'm loving my current build I do think I will experiment in the future builds with a few different designs
I'm sure our friends in the SIPCLUB won't mind me tinkering with their designs along the way
(giving due credit of course)

My original plan was to find my favorite phenotype from each strain I'm currently growing.
Narrowing it down to only 3 strains and then beginning the perpetual cycle from those clones.
This way there this isn't so many different plants at once and we can narrow it down to keep it within size limitations.

Ideally if I could squeeze 3 of my current builds in my 2x4 that would be perfect but seeing how big this plant is at only a couple of weeks above ground I may only be able to fit 2
I had thought if I could fit (squeeze) 3 in my 2x4 that possibly 4 maybe even 5 might squeeze in the 4x3.
Obviously flipping sooner rather than later or tho I know you're not a fan of it scrogging to keep height low and maximize footprint.

All of this is dependent on finding the right phenos for our cycle and seeing what the plants tendencies are when growing. This first cycle is a lot of trial and hopefully less error.

Also, a SOG of smaller SIPs is intriguing as well
So many ideas.

oh, and yea I have some extra pvc laying around
(It may still be on the bucket can't find my damn cutter to do it cleanly)
I had thought if I could fit (squeeze) 3 in my 2x4 that possibly 4 maybe even 5 might squeeze in the 4x3.
I flower in 2 gallon buckets in a 3'wx1.5'd space. While I can cram 3 buckets in there for a monthly perpetual, I've now gone down to two after switching to SIPs with a 6 week perpetual harvest, so each plant gets 1.5'sq and it's much more comfortable in there.

I would think with 5 gallon buckets in your 2x4, you'd be in a similar situation depending on veg time, so two plants each with 2'sq would probably work better than trying to get 3 in there but you'll have to try it and see. I veg mine for 6 weeks (2 weeks of transition and 4 weeks of growth) so the 6 week harvest cycle slso matches up nicely.

Obviously flipping sooner rather than later or tho I know you're not a fan of it scrogging to keep height low and maximize footprint.
I'd say try the scrog and see how it works for you. I tried it and didn't like it for a number of reasons so I settled on quadlining (link in my sig) which accomplished mostly the same thing while eliminating what I didn't like about the scrog.
I flower in 2 gallon buckets in a 3'wx1.5'd space. While I can cram 3 buckets in there for a monthly perpetual, I've now gone down to two after switching to SIPs with a 6 week perpetual harvest, so each plant gets 1.5'sq and it's much more comfortable in there.

I would think with 5 gallon buckets in your 2x4, you'd be in a similar situation depending on veg time, so two plants each with 2'sq would probably work better than trying to get 3 in there but you'll have to try it and see. I veg mine for 6 weeks (2 weeks of transition and 4 weeks of growth) so the 6 week harvest cycle slso matches up nicely.

I'd say try the scrog and see how it works for you. I tried it and didn't like it for a number of reasons so I settled on quadlining (link in my sig) which accomplished mostly the same thing while eliminating what I didn't like about the scrog.
The SIP is actually only 2.5 gal but with the reservoir underneath it. It is slightly lower than a 5 gal in height.

I did a dry fit with empty buckets to see how they would fit, obviously without plants it fit nicely even with drip pans underneath.
I figured I'm in control of the shape above the bucket rim, so I'd just have to be aware of space and when to flip.
I am growing all short flowering indica dominant plants so hopefully the stretch isn't too bad but again scrogging keeps me in control.

I have the quadsquad page open in another tab I was just looking over it.
I've done similar in the past, the mainline technique where 2 arms eventually split into 8

I think once the other plants bounce back fully and put on some more growth in these new pots we'll have a better idea of our next moves.
It's just hard because the SIP is now so much further along than the others their not even the same grow anymore :laughtwo:
The SIP could be topped any day now.
Even without topping the side branching is already coming up very nicely on its own.
This plant is on full auto pilot and THRIVING!

I have to make a decision soon so stay tuned.
Once you flip, the plants will also grow out a little as well, not straight up, so you should factor that in.

And your training should be based on the plant itself not the others in the grow. If you let the SIP get away from you it'll be more work later to bring it back in line. And the limbs on the SIP plant will get much beefier than the others and be harder to train the longer they go.

Better get on it. :laughtwo:
The SIP is actually only 2.5 gal but with the reservoir underneath it. It is slightly lower than a 5 gal in height.
It's more the width than the height for most growers, at least in tents. Height matters to me because I only have about 22" of height in my veg space so a 5 gallon bucket wouldn't even fit, so that's why I went to a 2 gallon.
Once you flip, the plants will also grow out a little as well, not straight up, so you should factor that in.

And your training should be based on the plant itself not the others in the grow. If you let the SIP get away from you it'll be more work later to bring it back in line. And the limbs on the SIP plant will get much beefier than the others and be harder to train the longer they go.

Better get on it. :laughtwo:
When I've done it in the past usually that first week of stretch, I am constantly tucking.
The second week I let them go and my previous efforts should pay off in a shelf of bud.
I've also had it stop stretching before we could get over the net as much as I would like.
IMO that was much worse than having it all above the net but uneven.

Yes Thank you for snapping me out of that thinking. I think getting back into it and for new growers especially, everything is in attempt to "keep on schedule" and then you get amazing situations like this where a plan must be adjusted
The SIP is already so much beefier than the others!
Its honestly mind-blowing to see the staggering difference in plants that both came up from the ground and have had the exact same conditions the ONLY exception is that after a RR it went into a sip while the others went into a solo cup.
The plants in solo cups as the pictures above show have healthy roots and are progressing along just not like the SIP
The gears are turning now for sure.
It's more the width than the height for most growers, at least in tents. Height matters to me because I only have about 22" of height in my veg space so a 5 gallon bucket wouldn't even fit, so that's why I went to a 2 gallon.
So as far as width goes. I could " fit" 4 of those 2.5 gal buckets across the floor of the 2x4 but then the plant has very little room to grow wide without growing into the lady next to them it would be very uncomfortable.
But with 3 of those sized SIP buckets they would have to share some room but if we kept them maintained going into flower we should be good.
I have never flowered these tho so I'm not sure of their stretch or characteristics
Height shouldn't be an issue I don't think so were good on that front

Also having seen the growth so far in a 2.5 gal SIP idk that a 5 gal is even necessary for what I'm trying to do at least right now.
As big as it is already and healthy as she's been I think a 2.5 g bucket will be more than enough to produce what a 3 gal plastic pot can do easy.
Thank you again for the subtle push to check it out put me in that satisfied column indeed!

Day 16​

Today will be day 17 but here are some pictures and an update meant for yesterday.
Everything has recovered from transplant and relocation shock and is looking happy in their new situations!


I adjusted the lights using Photone to get about 400-450 par on the plants.
It's on the higher end for the SIP that light is a little closer to the canopy than the little ones.
Now that they've recovered well increase par as they can take it.

I installed the R/O system at our new location. 2 things to note.
  • Due to Increased water pressure, we get much more water much faster!
This alarmed me, so I had to test it to make sure it was truly cleaned. Which led me to my next discovery
  • The PPM is 6. :oops: Even better than the 18-20 we had before
We'll pay even closer attention to our Cal/mag situation than we already were.

There's not much going on other than letting them readjust which they have and do their thing.

As Azi pointed out the SIP is on its own time it is doing so good, she is making me consider starting her own journal!
I tucked the larger fan leaves on it for now to expose those lower arms that are already reaching up.


My hope is that I can clone those bottom 4 branches. They are almost at a length I can work with without having topped her.
I have considered a quadline for her. In this instance I would be removing the bottom 2 nodes anyway.


Tho I know it is recommended in the original write up to remove those prior to topping so not to stress her too much leading up to it but I think I will do this step backwards just for the sake of clones.
I should end up with the same result none the less.


The other little ladies are still a week or so from topping yet at least.

The next watering should be a feed according to the recommended feed water feed as suggested by the schedule.
I will be continuing this schedule after some more conversation with my local shop owner he suggested that now I maintain this to keep feeding the soil. not the plant. so that's the mindset well be taking into it.

support your local shops and especially our sponsors we would be so much worse off in the grow community without them.
I hadn't realized that SNS is actually a sponsor so a BIG shout out to them because I've been using them for yeas and love their product.
The 203 is a staple in my grow room and it's been HUGE in this grow getting rid of the fungus gnats our soil had after opening the bag. I don't want to think about what we'd be dealing with if I didn't already know and trust their product.

I say this because the SIP has no more gnats but the newly planted 1g pots now have some popping around.
I may not be able to feed at the next watering because I'd like to do another soil drench to really kill off anything left after the last time it was applied.

But that’s a couple of days away at least as the plants don’t need anything since transplant.

The PBK in the SIP seems to be stealing the show. These other ladies are not being neglected I promise you



CC 1


CC 2

Still think the others are gonna catch up?? :rofl:
NO CHANCE! :laughtwo:
I seriously am considering starting another journal for her because it's just simply not the same grow anymore. 🤨
The results are so staggering!
Damn Lootz, everything is looking absolutely perfect here. Hard to believe we popped at the same time and yours are at least 5 times bigger than mine. Incredible.

Whatever you're doing, it's right, for both the sip and the dirt. It's cool to see.
Yeah, it's really not fair to your other plants. Maybe even put them in a diferent tent so they don't get an inferiority complex. :cheesygrinsmiley:
It is not fair and if things continue on this path, we will be adjusting accordingly ;)
Damn Lootz, everything is looking absolutely perfect here. Hard to believe we popped at the same time and yours are at least 5 times bigger than mine. Incredible.

Whatever you're doing, it's right, for both the sip and the dirt. It's cool to see.
Thank you, Aspen! But honestly, they are doing all the work. I've been trying to let things coast as much as I can.
I appreciate the compliments nonetheless :Namaste:
How are yours doing have they gotten on track?

DAY 17​

I went and stopped by to check on the plants just after lights on and they were doing very well!
I didn't have much time, so I had to work quickly.

I installed a camera to monitor remotely so I can peak in while I'm away or in the other room without disturbing them and tanking the humidity by going in for nothing :rolleyes:

After discussion here I chose to act on my plan of a quadline on the SIP.
Ill chop the first 2 nodes after she recovers from the topping and the defoliation of 2 large fan leaves
and hope to get clones from them.
Shes on her own schedule things will probably be shifting around soon.




Every time I look at her, I'm amazed!



I almost hated to do it; she's growing so perfectly! But I topped her.

And also took 2 large fan leaves from a node lower than the top to open her up.


Then the leaves at the top node i tucked away to get more light down into the canopy

Other than turning these around a 1/4 turn they are finding their way

Group shot before I Zipped the tent.

I will be back to check on them tomorrow and will take pictures to check on the SIP.
I really should name her at this point shes earned it :laughtwo:
As always Thank you for your time and thank you for stopping by!

Photo dump




So much easier to upload pictures on mobile and go back and finish the post on PC
These were some I had on mobile that I wasn’t sure if I uploaded already.
When lights come on today I will have more
The first 2 are from the WiFi camera I took this morning while away
How are yours doing have they gotten on track?

Nah, not really lol. Growth is stupid slow, to the point I may order fresh seeds and start a new run but the Mrs keeps saying "but you have seeds, try those first". On-going battle I suppose.

Lesson learned, don't buy $100 worth of seeds with bitcoin, get a ton of freebies, then let them sit for 2 years before doing anything with them.

In your phone dump, the first pic, is that the image coming from the wifi camera? If so, that quality is super nice. What cam is it?
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