Mars Hydro Grow Journal TS 3000: Now Growing Original Genetics White Widows, Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush Clones & CBD Autos

Hey all.

3 feminized CBD Carmagnola seeds, after soaking for 24 hours and in paper towel for another 30 hours.


The next grow begins in earnest. Now still waiting on the original genetics White Widow seeds.

All my best,
Did you get Black Widow from Mr. Nice?
They are on the way via Italian Poste. Why italian? Probably to disguise where they are originating from.

Yes! I'm so excited about my Black Widows coming in

Regular seeds, but about 40 of them for $97CAD. Not bad, eh?
Hmmmm. Looks like I'll be planting these seeds by the time afternoon rolls around.


The clones are doing splendidly. Take a look below.





So there you have 'em. Looking fairly good so far. I cant wait for my Bkack Widow seeds to arrive, however. The Italian Poste isnt very easy to understand their cryptic notes for where my package is en route. But I'm sure it will arrive soon enough. I'm not sure how many to plant at first. I was thinking 8 or 10 since they are regular seeds. I can expect about 50% males, leaving me with 4 to 6 female plants to grow out. And I will be making as many clones as possible so as to not use up my seeds.

All my best,
Either that or make more seeds with your first grow.
Can you tell me how that would work out,Penny?

My understanding, and why I went to the source for original genetics, was that only original genetics could replicate the "real" White Widow. But if I let some or one of them go to seed, wont those seeds be just as poor and shoddy and seeds from, say, some dealer in Des Moins who sells knock offs? Or would it be that, since both male and female were original genetics then that means all offspring would be as strong and potent (the females, at least).

I have always wanted to get into breeding seeds but I'm not sure who to follow on here to learn from. I know there are some really good amature seed breeders here but I just dont know who they are. If you have any ideas as to who I can learn from, that would be ideal.

Anyway, hope you all are having great days!

All my best,
If you did a seed increase with black widow the quality will be there. White widow from other sources have been selected and watered down for so many generations it’s ridiculous
IMHO those beans were ready for planting yesterday. I like to plant them soon as they have a tap root. Less chance of damaging them.
Agreed, but my soil had been outside and needed to thaw. Took a long time to do do.
So today has been potting and repotting day. The soil was out on the deck and sonive been waiting for it to thaw most of the day. Still have one plant to repot once more soil has thawed.

It certainly is beautiful. I love it here.

Yes, the soil and a few other items have not yet found a place inside the trailer. I think I'm going to have to keep my soil in the shed where I will have to thaw it each time I want to use it. Which isnt such a bad solution so long as I plan ahead like I didnt this time. Shed was right. Those seeds should have been planted a day earlier but I forgot my soil was outside. Always before I've kept it in my grow room. But with my living room doubling as my grow room right now I just don't have all my supplies kept there too. I keep my nutes from freezing by keeping them indoors but not the soil. There just isn't room.

All my best,
It’s working well for you so far.
Yes, Penny, life is much better for me now, incredibly so. I can't believe I've finally bern able to make this move and that it has been so good for me. Yes, my home is small, but once Janice is back on her own it will be big enough for me.
I think most of us myself included just try and do the best we can and make due with what we have to work with. So if you have to keep the soil in the shed so be it. At least you have soil and a place to keep it!
I think you are right about that. And I think that, when it comes to living in a trailer, life is about compromises. There is only so much room. So you have to extend that livable space through the use of storage sheds and the like. It's just a fact if life when living in a trailer. And really, frozen dirt us no big deal - as long as you plan ahead!
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