MassMedMan's Hi Brix Perpetual Featuring 600W LEDs

Hey MMM, I apologize for missing your journal all these pages! Ack! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I guess I didn't realize you were actually running the Kit. But I'm subbed now!

I was reading the discussion between you and Growlow (hi Growlow :cheesygrinsmiley:) and I wanted to fill in a little background on the Kit - you're right - a lot of growers are using it now and the facts sorta drift and hype sets in ... you know. :cheesygrinsmiley: The HiBrix method isn't something that Doc Bud developed. It was developed by an agricultural soil lab for hobby and small commercial outdoor gardens. Doc was following a path with mineralized soil and this was one of the groups working on exudate manipulation in mineral-rich soils with hardy biota populations. The Kit uses foliars to alter root exudates, which feeds the desired biota and its desired nutrients.

So Doc had several long conversations about using it for cannabis, and they were able to break down the ingredients to suit micro-gardens like ours. After several months, he got the rights to market it for cannabis. The lab doesn't need/want to be involved in the industry. And over the past year, Doc has worked out a couple of improvements specifically for our plants, and will keep doing so.

The method itself wasn't developed for cannabis. :cheesygrinsmiley: We're basically using the tomato formula. :laughtwo: But it works pretty good. And y'know the best part? Seriously? It's really tolerant, really hard to screw up. It's very basic stuff. In essence, it's a simple soil formula, with precise proportions of minerals, and little humus.

I joined the forum about the time Doc was first trying it out. I had read through his earlier journals, using Osmocote Plus, and the 6-5-3 mineral formula. In fact I used both of those soils before going with HiBrix. The HiBrix is better. :cheesygrinsmiley: If anyone reading this thinks they need a couple more long journals to read through, :laughtwo: Doc Bud's earlier journals are very informative.
Thanks for stopping Graytail, and the info. Those plants in the bloom room right now are in Coast of Maine Stonington Blend. Four are being run with House and Garden, two LOS style (teas and water only) I do have some plants in veg, five, that are in Docs kit, currently in 1.7 g cans. Those will be in bloom in about fifty days or after those ones in there. After that Ill always use Docs for my photos,, so itll bepepetual on Docs by summers end.

Appreciate the info on Docs kit, ive read all his journals, at least once, and yours,, i do tend to confuse things at times, so thanks!

Hey MMM, I apologize for missing your journal all these pages! Ack! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I guess I didn't realize you were actually running the Kit. But I'm subbed now!

I was reading the discussion between you and Growlow (hi Growlow :cheesygrinsmiley:) and I wanted to fill in a little background on the Kit - you're right - a lot of growers are using it now and the facts sorta drift and hype sets in ... you know. :cheesygrinsmiley: The HiBrix method isn't something that Doc Bud developed. It was developed by an agricultural soil lab for hobby and small commercial outdoor gardens. Doc was following a path with mineralized soil and this was one of the groups working on exudate manipulation in mineral-rich soils with hardy biota populations. The Kit uses foliars to alter root exudates, which feeds the desired biota and its desired nutrients.

So Doc had several long conversations about using it for cannabis, and they were able to break down the ingredients to suit micro-gardens like ours. After several months, he got the rights to market it for cannabis. The lab doesn't need/want to be involved in the industry. And over the past year, Doc has worked out a couple of improvements specifically for our plants, and will keep doing so.

The method itself wasn't developed for cannabis. :cheesygrinsmiley: We're basically using the tomato formula. :laughtwo: But it works pretty good. And y'know the best part? Seriously? It's really tolerant, really hard to screw up. It's very basic stuff. In essence, it's a simple soil formula, with precise proportions of minerals, and little humus.

I joined the forum about the time Doc was first trying it out. I had read through his earlier journals, using Osmocote Plus, and the 6-5-3 mineral formula. In fact I used both of those soils before going with HiBrix. The HiBrix is better. :cheesygrinsmiley: If anyone reading this thinks they need a couple more long journals to read through, :laughtwo: Doc Bud's earlier journals are very informative.
Let's do this...

Tea time

Gave my Doc Five (6th one won't make the cut, it's not dead yet and actually improving, but something went wrong my guess is heat stress,, next) their first drench -- post new pots. Started with four gallons of RO, added 28 mils GE, 12 transplant, 4 tea. Should have started or made five gallons because for the fourth and fifth I was struggling to give them a full drench. Ended up adding half gallon RO to batch towards the end.

I like the drench method. Soaks the soil. :morenutes:






Meanwhile, something is brewing there for some other plants,, warm temps help,,, :hippy:


This Candy Kush Auto is at day 69. Got ten gallons of RO water ready last night, get another ten tonight. Thursday morning she'll be chopped, washed and hung.




That auto looks amazing. You will have some great end product for sure.

Thank you. I'm very happy. Water, tea,, great soil.

Wait till I show you the other two. They are,,, still growing.

This one is by far, way frostier and I think I'm seeing a pattern with that can I used there. I also layered that can with hydro stone... In the middle and on bottom. Thank you for noticing. ;)
Stripped the fan leaves from the auto I'm harvesting Thursday morning. Checked trics this am,, I saw some clear, mostly cloudy with about 10% Amber.

Day 69 water and tea only in Coast of Maine Stonington soil.






Updating a few plants, these have been vegging since May. They'll flower and finish in my greenhouse.

All females, all Coast of Maine Stonington soil with water and teas only.

Been topping, cropping, and doing as much as I can to stop them from going over five feet in veg,, two are four feet already..

Stink Bomb in five gallon smart pot I'm considering upping to a twenty gallon..


Afghani in plastic seven gallon can


Chocolate Lighting in seven gallon smart pot

been thinking of trying Coast of Maine worm castings in my next hibrix soil mix :D

stuff is looking great, medman.

Thank you.

Hmm, I'll be honest. I'm not in love with their EWC,, seems dry to me, that is the only reason why, I use it, but, as compared to other castings that I've used,, it seems dry. I don't know if that matters or makes sense. But I love the Stonington soil mix....
Well, decided one auto will get another day, was going to chop in the morning, but, I'm attached to it,, lol. No, after cutting the fan leaves last night I noticed some new growth/ flowers, today. Plus, having supply makes those decisions much easier. I can see why some people's plants always look perfect and ready to harvest while others, like myself, rush it. So, that one goes Friday day 72. The other two from that, guerilla grow, that never happened are still bursting. Amazing those ones are. I think I can go ten days.

Now, the plants in my bloom room under the P600s. Wow. Today was a water day, all six took down 14 gallons of RO. Pigs, oink, oink!!

The four on house and garden got about twenty percent runoff, and then I vacuumed up the saucer. The two hippy plants, or LOS, I didn't water to as much run off, and let the plant have the run off.

Been hot in there, in the nineties during the day,,, they don't care. AC gets down in sixties at night,,,, you should seeeeee the frosty buds building.:party:

I'm going to have to get in there one night and do pics. Best plants I've ever grown, hands down. No questions. I'm, amazed. I'm convinced the lights are a huuuuuge factor. I seriously could not be happier with them, or that room.

Today is day 25. Next feed for the House And Garden Four will include bloom nutes...... Almost at the halfway point.

Amazing plants,, too bad you guys can't see them... Yet!!!
Meh, do it tonight,, sleep in tomorrow. Don't think a few hours will make this one more potent.


After a wash first:



They'll hang here for the night to drip dry, tomorrow they go to the drying chamber,, bwahahaha


Finally got a few from the boom room.

Day 25 flower







Very very nice! Much nicer looking than that frothing bucket of nasty you were brewing. I'm pretty sure that one picture cured me of any living organic attempt. Then again, I might invest in a hazmat suit if I could get plants to look like yours!

Haha,, if you look at the pics,, the one with the tip burn, 5th down, is a LOS plant...I think I hit them too hard with some guano.... Haz Matt suit,,, that makes me smile. Good soil, water, tea with occasional suit for the bucket of nasty, ;) and you are good to go... Haha
Thanks ;)
Next autos up:

Candy Kush 72 days

Candy Kush 72

Fast n Vast Day 55

Northern Lights 55

THC bomb 55

Looking for some piece of mind, and a little security I picked up a four camera security system for my bloom room. I have an existing system for my property but I'm maxed out on camera's, this will tie into it eventually. Once I find time, and I need to partition some space on a drive on my server. That's for redundancy, the system in reviewing here has a onboard 500gb hdd

Anyway, anyone looking for some piece of mind, for me it's mostly to be able to stay out of my bloom room and maintain a constant environment. I recommend this system. Comes with a one year warranty and is built and supported in the USA!

I like what I'm seeing so far,, very good reviews of this system. Hope it helps someone make a decision...

I'll be moving the camera's to the bloom room later this week and I'll do another update.


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