Sorry to be cryptic above, I live in Hamilton. I'm just a little south and east of Toronto. On a clear day you can see the CN tower across the tip of the lake from the top of the Niagara escarpment which runs through the city. There's more than half a million people here, so I'm not worried about posting what city I'm in. But I don't post outdoor pics anymore. Before I moved houses I was a member on another forum and another member figured out where I was, as in what part of the city. He let me know, and I got the pics removed, but that freaked me out a bit.
Good news and bad news. The good news is the cat killed a mouse that was stalking my plants.
The bad news is she got into the dark area to do it, and Mopy is no more. Not only did the cat knock her over, she then ate part of her and barfed it up (on the tile, not too much of a mess).
There was a bit of root rot starting, so it's not a terrible blow or anything, but we're down to 3 now.
Lights just came on, and I do have another bit of good news, BBx number two has pistils! They're too small and in too tight a space to take pics (I tried) but they're there, and they'll be visible soon enough!
HKx number two was thirsty, and has now been watered, the pics are from right after that, so she's drooping. I expect her to be back to normal shortly.
Doug's Varin 21 Dec 2021 Family Portrait.jpg
Doug's Varin 21 Dec 2021 Family Portrait 1.jpg

Lol, and as you can see I have not yet reset that clock.
Well, here we are on day 23.
Doug's Varin 22 Dec 2021.jpg
Doug's Varin 22 Dec 2021 1.jpg

I'm glad I started resizing the pics from above. They really do look better when you're looking at the plant, rather than an expanse of pot stands, lol.
Lol, Southern Ontario, a town known locally as the Hammer, or to people in TO as Greater Cracktown. I got Melville from Sherlock Holmes, and Hobbes from the Calvin and Hobbes comics. I have more than 60 notifications right now, and I've been drinking so this might take a while.

Sorry to be cryptic above, I live in Hamilton. I'm just a little south and east of Toronto. On a clear day you can see the CN tower across the tip of the lake from the top of the Niagara escarpment which runs through the city. There's more than half a million people here, so I'm not worried about posting what city I'm in. But I don't post outdoor pics anymore. Before I moved houses I was a member on another forum and another member figured out where I was, as in what part of the city. He let me know, and I got the pics removed, but that freaked me out a bit.

I technically live in Hamilton, too. ;) And, I worked for the city for 30 years.
Good news and bad news. The good news is the cat killed a mouse that was stalking my plants.
The bad news is she got into the dark area to do it, and Mopy is no more. Not only did the cat knock her over, she then ate part of her and barfed it up (on the tile, not too much of a mess).
There was a bit of root rot starting, so it's not a terrible blow or anything, but we're down to 3 now.
Look I’m not gonna lie. I actually lolled at the mental picture of your stoned cat then nearly died coz I almost aspirated on my coffee while laughing.

So for me good news, I got to lol and I didn’t die, bad news your plants fucked.

Now back to me… 3 is one of my lucky numbers. I have every faith it’s about to become yours too. 3 plants is a perfect amount.

And watch that cat, she is showing drug seeking behaviour.
Look I’m not gonna lie. I actually lolled at the mental picture of your stoned cat then nearly died coz I almost aspirated on my coffee while laughing.

So for me good news, I got to lol and I didn’t die, bad news your plants fucked.

Now back to me… 3 is one of my lucky numbers. I have every faith it’s about to become yours too. 3 plants is a perfect amount.

And watch that cat, she is showing drug seeking behaviour.

Oh she is definitely banned from the growing area. Learned my lesson when she was a kitten, she was always trying to nibble on the plants when they were inside. Sneaky little bugger too. I was relieved, first when I got the plants outside in the spring, and second when she absolutely hated going outside with us. Probably had something to do with the harness we made her wear, but she was too small to go out without it. Would've slipped through the fence too easily.
Cats are so mischievous!

My dog Frank had a leaf nibble last year. I was so scared he be poisoned and I’d have to come clean to the vet that he ate my weed. Thankfully he just got the munchies, giggled for a bit then fell asleep. He didn’t really, he, like your cat, actually barfed it up and had no after effect.
Sooo, what's the opposite of a sausage party? Because that's what we've got here.
Both crosses are showing pistils :)
Doug's Varin 22 Dec 2021 Family Portrait.jpg

Doug's Varin 22 Dec 2021 Family Portrait 1.jpg

I mean, you can't see them in these pics, but they're there.
BTW, @Trala that dirt has now been cleaned up. I promise. I didn't see it until I uploaded the pics.
Sooo, what's the opposite of a sausage party? Because that's what we've got here.
Both crosses are showing pistils :)
For you?

I think it means a fucking good time!

I mean, you can't see them in these pics, but they're there.
BTW, @Trala that dirt has now been cleaned up. I promise. I didn't see it until I uploaded the pics.


Coz you recognise your failure, I will let your tent filth slide, just this once.
And bruv, you are making my heart sing ;)
Good news and bad news. The good news is the cat killed a mouse that was stalking my plants.
The bad news is she got into the dark area to do it, and Mopy is no more. Not only did the cat knock her over, she then ate part of her and barfed it up (on the tile, not too much of a mess).
There was a bit of root rot starting, so it's not a terrible blow or anything, but we're down to 3 now.
Chilled out cat

Things are keeping warm here, despite the cold outside. We've got more snow coming, so maybe there will still be some on the ground for Christmas. We haven't had that very much since I was a kid. People always told me that I wouldn't like the snow so much when I was older, but I still love it, despite it being too cold to grow anything. Gives me a chance to rest and plan the next outdoor grow, lol.
On the indoor side however...
Doug's Varin 23 Dec 2021 1.jpg

Doug's Varin 23 Dec 2021 .jpg

Recovering well, and ready for slightly higher feeding.
It's also time to start thinking about training, as in whether or not to do it.
I usually top around the third node and tie out the side branches. Quadlining of a sort I guess. But I've read varying estimates of DV's flowering time and if the longer ones are correct I'm going to want to flip her around mid to late January to have the tent free to start the seeds for next year's outdoor grow. I'm starting them a bit later than I did last year, as those plants got a bit larger than I was planning near the end.
And trimming was absolute hell, lol. I do it all myself after all.
I guess I'll decide in the next week, but I am open to suggestions. Just note that I've only successfully LSTd one plant. I have a habit of snapping them.
Anyway, hope everyone's well today.
Well I like to top at node 4, and I train using Carhooks™️ And they have literally changed the way I grow.

There is a poster called Carcass, go look at his grow. It’s like watching magic.

I love training them. But when it comes to the flippity doo dah, I unshackle them and let the gooooooo.
Well I like to top at node 4, and I train using Carhooks™️ And they have literally changed the way I grow.

There is a poster called Carcass, go look at his grow. It’s like watching magic.

I love training them. But when it comes to the flippity doo dah, I unshackle them and let the gooooooo.
I saw you mention them in your journal, and I think there was a video too. Hmm.
I usually use two dowels or straight sticks to spread the branches, using soft rubber coated plant wire to strap them in. Smart to change things up every once in a while though.
Evening Update
I don't really understand why the plant in the back is so droopy. I'm going to hold off on watering her for a bit. See if I've managed to overwater her somehow.
Doug's Varin 23 Dec 2021 Family Portrait.jpg

Doug's Varin 23 Dec 2021 Family Portrait 1.jpg

Maybe I need to come up with a different cover for the cup.
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