My Room - Perpetual LED Soil

so now yall can send me some good vibes!
all I wanted to do is grow some grass. and you know the seed isnt cheap:)
how about a GreatGoogleyMoogely:)

How's That Fishee?
a before and after shot... actually I have not cured yet and they will go light brown after that



Just had to :bump:

so now yall can send me some good vibes!
all I wanted to do is grow some grass. and you know the seed isnt cheap:)
how about a GreatGoogleyMoogely:)

Are you ready?

I wrapped a newspaper 'round my head,
so I looked like I was deep,
I said some mumbo-jumbo,
then I told him he was going to sleep.
I robbed his rings and pocketwatch,
and everything else I found,
I had that sucker hypnotized,
he couldn't even make a sound.
I proceeded to tell him his future;
then, as long as he was hanging around
I said "The price of meat has just gone up,
and your old lady has just gone down!"

And I said "Look here brother-who you
jiving with that cosmik debris?
Zappa Rules:)
but I have the crystal ball!
but I have the crystal ball!

… well then

Wrap a newspaper 'round your head
So you look like you are deep
Say some mumbo-jumbo
And wake those seeds out of their sleep
Take your lights and nutes
and everything else you find
Have those suckers germinate
and tell those others to kiss your behind
Then proceed to tell them their future
As long as they are just hanging around
You are a gonna grow 'em up right
and then just cut 'em all down

And you say “Look here ladies-who you
jiving with that cosmik debris?”
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