OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Haha point was that a little cultural mix is fun every now and then. Havnt been to the opera or ballet yet except for swan lake a bunch of years ago and I remeber it as being my most peaceful beautiful nap ever, lol.

Hey Bass I used to think NFL running backs had strong legs. Guys in Ballet have some strong ass legs.

Hey put on Swan Lake, take a few tokes and there you are :ganjamon:
While on the sibject of culture I may as well mention my visit to see the Da Vinci Machines Exhibition. That guy was one smart cookie. Well before his time. Tanks,subs and helicopters in the 1400's. Pure Genius.

How's things on this glorious Saturday night(that'll mess with ya).
I think i've got my root rot sorted. Hope so anyway.:thumb:
Gonna go take a look at some cameras tomorrow. See if I can strike up a deal at one of the shops. Because people aren't spending as much, all the retailers want that sale and are being super competetive so it works out better for me. Bartering in department stores is becoming quite acceptable. Even if I buy one on the net I can still go and try them all out.
I think that Fuji is pretty hard to beat though. I want to get a bag, screen saver and SD card too so I should be able to strike a good deal somewhere.
How you doing mate?:peace:

Evening groover Da Vinci was unbelievable. To do what he did when he did it boggles the mind. In fact he still has us guessing.

Good luck on your camera bargaining. You'll also need a tripod to do good macros. Give's ya more barging space too.

Doing good, about ready to hit the sack. :ciao:
While on the sibject of culture I may as well mention my visit to see the Da Vinci Machines Exhibition. That guy was one smart cookie. Well before his time. Tanks,subs and helicopters in the 1400's. Pure Genius.

How's things on this glorious Saturday night(that'll mess with ya).
I think i've got my root rot sorted. Hope so anyway.:thumb:
Gonna go take a look at some cameras tomorrow. See if I can strike up a deal at one of the shops. Because people aren't spending as much, all the retailers want that sale and are being super competetive so it works out better for me. Bartering in department stores is becoming quite acceptable. Even if I buy one on the net I can still go and try them all out.
I think that Fuji is pretty hard to beat though. I want to get a bag, screen saver and SD card too so I should be able to strike a good deal somewhere.
How you doing mate?:peace:

Da Vinci ----> all inventions---- mechanical
Hi sisco My hands mostly:grinjoint:

Bout time you started getting a bit of culture! Even us po people can join in the "cultural explosion." :cheer: Well, the hash might have made it better, but it was probably good anyway. Glad you enjoyed it.;)
I love to see live performances by real people doing something so different than any thing I could do.

Used to take my sons to the SF Ballet at least once a year, They didn't care too much for opera back then. One of them turned out to be a real opera buff as he grew older. I did mix in a few A's, Giants, Raiders, and 49er games so it was a good mix.:cheer: Used to take allot of dates the local playhouses. :ganjamon:

Take care Buddy
Yeah, my kids are going to have more than my brothers and I had.. I'm taking my son fishing with me this year! He turns 5 in the end of Dec. but I think fishing for sunnies will be a blast:slide: and for our next show "Grease" QUOTE=BassBong;1037697]As much as it kills me working in NYC living nearby has given me the opportunity to see many broadway shows as well as ballgames and museums.
You should come by sometime Sisco. Housatonic is not far if it's the same as the river I fish.[/QUOTE]
I really need someone that knows the city, cause I have a cousin that is thinking of visiting me this summer but I don't want him to spend it out here in the woods cause he's a soldier and the last thing he would want is to be walking up more freaking mountains on his leave.. ya know.

Haha point was that a little cultural mix is fun every now and then.
Yes, a variety of everything!;)
Havnt been to the opera or ballet yet except for swan lake a bunch of years ago and I remeber it as being my most peaceful beautiful nap ever, lol

I wonder how that Opera thing would be like, I'm game for anything.. at least a one and done.

Ha, you had a good nap!:bravo:
Hello OldMedMan and company, I truly miss hanging out with you all and will be around much more as my H/C administrator took a new job so I have a woman now who is not with the program. I was out as I needed to be but she called in the troops trying to reign me in. I offered to stand on my head and spit wooden nickels if desired.
Anyway sorry to rant but as you know I was busted and have been busy with attorney, I would love to drop by and hang out sometime if ok with you.
OMM, the Best in the West :passitleft: take a hit of this, from Wingman580 in the East
Hey, OMM! I just went to a Jr. High School musical and it was wonderful - what these kids can do! I swear i'm going to the Jr and the High school productions every year - the kids deserve the support and it's a great night out with the neighbors.

Here is an interesting question - could a stick of cinnamon in a cure jar prevent mold?
Hey oldmed, Hope all is well with you..Just got back online and hav'nt had a chance to catch up on whats goin on. I will post my intentions in the forum. Looks like I will be in my green house again....woooowhoooo
That is a progressive school district.....:smokin: Times sure change....kids throwing around mother fudger.....:rofl:.

Around here, the teacher probably would of been tarred and feathered...and ran out of town on a rail...after a stop at the dispensary....:grinjoint:

These times they are a changin.....:smokin:

:peace: and Aloha my friend, hope you are having a great Saturday night.
Cool on the boy going fishing with you sisco Getting a little man thing going between you is great for you both.:cheer:

I wonder how that Opera thing would be like, I'm game for anything.. at least a one and done.

Try and pick one thats easier to understand the first time...better digestion:grinjoint:

Went I was in Italy, they had neighborhood outdoor Opera's in the summer. The theaters were built hundreds ago and most were in operation all those years.
No electronics just, great voices echoing off of very old stone. Stars and moonlight only. Perfect!:cheer:
Hello OldMedMan and company, I truly miss hanging out with you all and will be around much more as my H/C administrator took a new job so I have a woman now who is not with the program. I was out as I needed to be but she called in the troops trying to reign me in. I offered to stand on my head and spit wooden nickels if desired.
Anyway sorry to rant but as you know I was busted and have been busy with attorney, I would love to drop by and hang out sometime if ok with you.
OMM, the Best in the West :passitleft: take a hit of this, from Wingman580 in the East

Hey Wingman Was thinking about emailing you. Was getting worried about you. Anytime you want to hang out is very OK with me. Man, good luck straighting all that sh*t out. You know I'm pulling for you.:cheer:
Hey, OMM! I just went to a Jr. High School musical and it was wonderful - what these kids can do! I swear i'm going to the Jr and the High school productions every year - the kids deserve the support and it's a great night out with the neighbors.

Here is an interesting question - could a stick of cinnamon in a cure jar prevent mold?

Hello Tiger Good to see you!:cheer:
You know it!!!! The local High School has great plays and musicals too. I go when I can....these kids sellout every year.:grinjoint:

It's Merry Monarch Festival time here in Hawaii. It's on Maui. The local TV broadcasts it state wide. It's all about Hula and Traditions. I had to go out to get some RO water earlier tonight and was driving through the neighbor hood and (remember Hawaiians love the outdoors) and as I passed by house after house there were crowds outside eating and watching the whole thing on they're big screen TVs they had moved outside. I love living here!:hippy::hippy:
Hey oldmed, Hope all is well with you..Just got back online and hav'nt had a chance to catch up on whats goin on. I will post my intentions in the forum. Looks like I will be in my green house again....woooowhoooo

HEY JJ:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:
Good to see you!!!!
YaaaaHoooo! I was about to email you and here you are! It is good to see you Brother! Great news...... in the greenhouse again too.
We'll talk more later Buddy. Curly and I were just talking about you.
I'll keep an I eye out for you in the forums,. Fantastic!:bravo:
Day 17 of Bloom
Day 46 of Bloom Bubblelicious

Group Picture 1 :grinjoint:

Another Group picture :grinjoint:

The recovering Bubblelicious:grinjoint:

Bubblelicious Bud:grinjoint:

Bubblelicious Bud 2:grinjoint:

Kandy Kush looking very good:grinjoint:

Lockrock putting on Buds:grinjoint:

Lemon Skunk Being Gorgeous :grinjoint:

A Lemon Bud:grinjoint:

Continued in moment
While on the sibject of culture I may as well mention my visit to see the Da Vinci Machines Exhibition. That guy was one smart cookie. Well before his time. Tanks,subs and helicopters in the 1400's. Pure Genius.

How's things on this glorious Saturday night(that'll mess with ya).
I think i've got my root rot sorted. Hope so anyway.:thumb:
Gonna go take a look at some cameras tomorrow. See if I can strike up a deal at one of the shops. Because people aren't spending as much, all the retailers want that sale and are being super competetive so it works out better for me. Bartering in department stores is becoming quite acceptable. Even if I buy one on the net I can still go and try them all out.
I think that Fuji is pretty hard to beat though. I want to get a bag, screen saver and SD card too so I should be able to strike a good deal somewhere.
How you doing mate?:peace:

Don't forget parachutes man. I've tried that invention out a few times and it works like a hot-damn I'm here to say! lol

Any mention of bungee cords there as they work pretty good too tho I got a hell of a headache about an hour later! Worth all $69 and the headache disappeared in a puff of smoke! :bong:

Ever jumped out of a perfectly good airplane with a head full of brown mesc? It's been 35 years but I'd do it again tomorrow if I could! Floating a half mile in the air with the sunset glinting off the Pacific ocean and the only noise your own heart beat and a slight flapping of that slip of rip-stop nylon that holds your life in it's cold uncaring grip really makes you think. Like holding a gun to the pilot's head and making him take you back up in the dark! Eight miles high like the song says with a free-fall down to 2000 ft. Wadda rush that would be!

With commercial space flight available in my lifetime I only hope that I win the lotto big enough to blow it on a first-class ticket to the moon or beyond. Hell, I'd blow it on low earth orbit if that's all they got before I'm done. Big trip for a guy that's never been out of North America. I hope I can speak the local lingo when I get there tho I think the shit-eating grin permanently affixed to my mug would communicate much more than mere words! :rofl:

Good luck with the camera man. My old man taught me to barter when I was 12 and got a 20% discount on a 12" B&W TV that I made $5 monthly payments on from my paper route money. Wosk's furniture it was and I don't even know if they're still in business. Didn't get rich off of me that's for sure! Us Scotsmen make other cheap bastards look like real chumps!

How does a Scotsman tell you to piss off?

He just says . . . "Have I got a deal for you!" :rofl:

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