OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

+reps omm, Ladies are lookin' good.:yummy: Nice addition of little ladies will be fun to watch them grow! Sorry for your issues the way you take it in stride is inspiring. :Namaste:

Hey ! Thanks for the reps my friend. Should be fun watching the little ones grow. Ahhhh! Bad is part of life, one just has to accept it and keep on truckin. :Namaste:
Hey OMM. I think you can make your own version of the Rick Simpson oil. I've watched some of his vids. He explains how he makes it. Looks like you're gonna have plenty of materials to make it soon. :)

Hope paradise is treating you well otherwise. :Namaste:
That's about it...got up earlier, could hardly walk I hurt so much...went back and laid down...got up again later...still hurts. The trials and tribulations of getting older:cheesygrinsmiley:

Hi Hozona. :welcome:

At least we can painfully grow our meds. That doesn't sound very good, does it?

At least we have company on 420. Other wise we wouldn't be here. All is one!
Hey OMM. I think you can make your own version of the Rick Simpson oil. I've watched some of his vids. He explains how he makes it. Looks like you're gonna have plenty of materials to make it soon. :)

Hope paradise is treating you well otherwise. :Namaste:

Hey Thanks Hiker ! I'll look him up and see what I can do.

Well, today is storm day. The sky is total gray, no wind at all. It's pushing to get over the mountains that separates us from the over side of the island. Even the birds are hiding. Going to water the girls good.

Gonna do it again either tonight or tomorrow night for pictures...they are starting to make me smile here at day 33 since flip :cheesygrinsmiley: Gotta share!

You are much tougher than I am. No wait...that's indoors, yep much tougher than me. I got pretty winded just putting the new ones out last evening. I have to remember to smoke a bit of sativa before I do any carrying.

I would start an over 70 thread, but I would be the only member.
You are much tougher than I am. No wait...that's indoors, yep much tougher than me. I got pretty winded just putting the new ones out last evening. I have to remember to smoke a bit of sativa before I do any carrying.

I would start an over 70 thread, but I would be the only member.
I'm on your tail, kinda at 63, but you are amazing! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Wonder how many there would be in an over 60's thread. :hmmmm:
Me, me:thanks:for one and I am pretty sure quite a few others:cheesygrinsmiley:Maybe it's time to do that although the over 50s journal is really kinda fun too...we could do a 60's and older so we could include OMM. Gotta love the positive attitude:circle-of-love:
Iono i have doubts I will make it to your age.

But then again when I was a lil younger I thought I wouldnt hit 30 :)

Believe it or not...I thought the same thing.
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