OnBailCuz Aka OBC First Grow Apple Betty Herbies

There's my pics of a few clones I took from apple betty she looks good and I want to see if I can keep a couple more to do next grow so I can try a few more things

Today I changed the lights around planning ahead as I can raise the light higher then the one I swapped

@Bill284 I think your right about flipping into flower, is there anything I should do in preparation for the flip? I'll flip sometime next week if you think it's time






OK, I was more thinking about FIMing too so something I want to discus also,

Little story all my other ones got topped by my old man cause he came past about 2 weeks ago and couldn't help himself but I told him not to touch apple betty lol 😂😂😭😭 he's my old man and has grown a lot and when he saw how they are pretty much going perfect he was blown away 🤯🤯🤯 lol especially because they are good strains back in his days they didn't have access to strains like we do now his eyes was on Apple Betty the most on the lot I told him I'm going to give him a clone of her if I can pull it off successfully

I've already taken a few cuttings about 5 days ago been doing a ton of research on YouTube and got an aeroponics cloner cheap one see how that goes will discuss with you more about that too
Take your clones now before you flip.
Branches on the bottom tend to root better.
Take them from below the canopy.
Shaded ones need to go anyway.
Yeah I said every other day but I'd say I was watering more on the 3 - 4 days side so I was letting it run very dry

Interesting you say that it's the complete opposite of what I was thinking but it does make sense to drip feed the nutrients and run water through by hand the only reason I went with the other way was cause I'm using that swift grow it says that cause it's got live shit in it it needs to be used within 24 - 48 hours after activating with water, but I also got given by my old man Dutch master hot coco flower A and B he's old school so he's like I just add some to water and throw it in lol I couldn't find much info on them but I've added it maybe 2 times at underchalf strength and PH tested to around 6 when I did that but I'm pretty sure its meant for when it's flowering lol figured it wouldn't hurt tho,
It's generally easier to mix a large batch of nutrients then mixing just enough daily.
Mix it without the swift grow so it will last a week or so.
Then once a week you can give a drink of swift grow by hand on feed days would work.
That way you 50 litre tank stays usable.
Just keep an eye on ph.
but do let me know if you still think I should switch it back up or keep it that way

So you think I should flip to flower soon/now ish ?
If your space is limited yes.!
They will double in size and you need room for the light.
Yeah I gave my uncle back his GG#4 cause he didn't know if it was a fem seed so I didn't wanna risk it and gave it back to him but in saying that he was telling me I need to flip them into flower asap cause they are gonna be still grow a lot,
I only pop fems now.
Regs and autos don'tgiveme a good return on my time. :Namaste:
I'm glad I got you here to discuss this with cause my dad and uncle sometimes contradict each other and being my first grow Ive got so much second hand knowledge but little practical experience, so thanks 😊
No problem anything I can help with, I'm happy too.
OK so you think take off all the leafs under the canopy and leave the top ones getting the light? Good your telling me this cause my understanding was to take the ones ocking the light so the lower ones can get some
Some people defol around buds.
We can figure that out when you have buds.
I personally don't, but some swear by it.
OK so you think flip to flower soon? If that's what u think we'll go over a few things like u said I'll do some trimming in the leafs and flip it
Branches below the net just suck energy for little return.
If it doesn't get into the first net it's not going to make the second.
So carefully removing useless Foliage is helpful.
your right about about everything you said and I'm actually a bit it short on height cause I have the IBC draining for the RO so that's definitely going to be an issue your a machine 💪for noticing that because it something I've already been doing head miles over so I need to try and keep her short and yes definitely should I get another net because I'm so close to getting one already was even thinking getting a net covering 2 x 4 so a 120 cm by 240 cm which would cover both 4 x 4 footprints but then thought better to keep separate nets so I can get around them but I'm gonna pull the trigger on getting another net so give that a few days to arrive and I'll set that up should I get a slightly bigger one cause they seem tight and curve in in the sides a lot I'd rather it be more squared out
If you can use 2 nets wit a space between it will make your life much easier.
But remember it's going to double in size.
So calculate your needed space first.
Then decide.
Thanks so much stay safe🙏
In summary
Keep feeding and watering as you were with a good dry period in between.
Think about a tank mix with swift grow by hand.
Clean anything underneath the canopy that's not needed.
Spread everything wide as you can in the net.
Check your availability space for nest level of net.
And turn your timer to 12/12.
Anything I forgot or you want to ask let me know.
Talk soon Amigo. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
There's my pics of a few clones I took from apple betty she looks good and I want to see if I can keep a couple more to do next grow so I can try a few more things

Today I changed the lights around planning ahead as I can raise the light higher then the one I swapped

@Bill284 I think your right about flipping into flower, is there anything I should do in preparation for the flip? I'll flip sometime next week if you think it's time






Here is my last Apple :thumb:

5 pounds of solid Bud.:yahoo:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Take your clones now before you flip.
Branches on the bottom tend to root better.
Take them from below the canopy.
Shaded ones need to go anyway.
Clones have been taken and they haven't got roots just yet, they are looking, they have not wilted and they are staying stiff like, so they are surviving I'll be keepojg a close eye on them because I want to make sure I have another apple betty I'm in love with her ❤️❤️

It's generally easier to mix a large batch of nutrients then mixing just enough daily.
Mix it without the swift grow so it will last a week or so.
Then once a week you can give a drink of swift grow by hand on feed days would work.
That way you 50 litre tank stays usable.
Just keep an eye on ph.

Thanks mate perfect advice, about an hour ago I have added some of the Dutch master flower A and B (in preparation for Flipping to flower) to the tank at 100ml each for around 30l, I checked the PH after doing so it was 5.84 without the need to PH up or down

You right about the swift grow I will do exactly that by hand feeding it once a week, I'll prob cut down on it since I'm adding the other nutrients in the tank

If your space is limited yes.!
They will double in size and you need room for the light.

OK I'm gonna flip to flower in a couple days maybe even tomorrow
Some people defol around buds.
We can figure that out when you have buds.
I personally don't, but some swear by it.

Yeah I'll flip to flower and I'll have a look on what to do,
Branches below the net just suck energy for little return.
If it doesn't get into the first net it's not going to make the second.
So carefully removing useless Foliage is helpfu
I was gonna leave most of them but you giving good advice and I'll look into removing what I can, the net I gonna order Tuesday should come this week hopefully
In summary
Keep feeding and watering as you were with a good dry period in between.
Think about a tank mix with swift grow by hand.
Clean anything underneath the canopy that's not needed.
Spread everything wide as you can in the net.
Check your availability space for nest level of net.
And turn your timer to 12/12.
Anything I forgot or you want to ask let me know.
Your a legend thanks for your advice it is very helpful thanks for taking out the time, we gonna get good results

Another question is about the 12/12 can I just pick any time for on and off? Or should I stick to the time its doing and decrease the hours

Also about humidity Temps, I've been keeping it pretty high up to 80% RH and 86°f and they have been loving it but I'm worries about the humidity in flower, what range should it be and what's a good way to decrease the humidity with what I have

Thanks for your reply mate you have gone into details and taken time to help me out with your knowledge so I appreciate that a lot

Thank you

Thanks for your advice I pretty much going with everything you said
Clones have been taken and they haven't got roots just yet, they are looking, they have not wilted and they are staying stiff like, so they are surviving I'll be keepojg a close eye on them because I want to make sure I have another apple betty I'm in love with her ❤️❤️

Thanks mate perfect advice, about an hour ago I have added some of the Dutch master flower A and B (in preparation for Flipping to flower) to the tank at 100ml each for around 30l, I checked the PH after doing so it was 5.84 without the need to PH up or down

You right about the swift grow I will do exactly that by hand feeding it once a week, I'll prob cut down on it since I'm adding the other nutrients in the tank

OK I'm gonna flip to flower in a couple days maybe even tomorrow

Yeah I'll flip to flower and I'll have a look on what to do,

I was gonna leave most of them but you giving good advice and I'll look into removing what I can, the net I gonna order Tuesday should come this week hopefully

Your a legend thanks for your advice it is very helpful thanks for taking out the time, we gonna get good results
Just a friendly beginner. But thank you so much.
Another question is about the 12/12 can I just pick any time for on and off? Or should I stick to the time its doing and decrease the hours
I would pick the most expensive hours for my 12 off. Electricity cost $$
But remember you need lights on for an hour or 2 before you feed.
So what hours your available may come into it.
Some go gradually.
I find the easiest and very effective way is to turn your lights off for 24 hrs COMPLETE DARKNESS.
Then start your first 12 hr lights on and run your 12/12 from there.
When you turn your lights off your ladies start producing a chemical that makes them flower.
It takes 12 hours to build up enough of it to convince them to stay in flower through the light period.
I find a 24 hr build up to start gives them a real great start out of the gate.
Also about humidity Temps, I've been keeping it pretty high up to 80% RH and 86°f and they have been loving it but I'm worries about the humidity in flower, what range should it be and what's a good way to decrease the humidity with what I have
86 is good for your temp.
You will need to get that rh down to 60's when you start flowering.
Then 50's after 3-4 weeks.
There are all kinds of charts and grafts I don't recommend you look at. 😂
Follow the feed chart for your formulas Week by Week exactly, don't add stuff just because.
Keep your temp in the high 70's low 80' and drop your rh.
Once you trim underneath rh will drop.
Add lots of air circulation under there, lots.
And you will blow your Dads and your Uncles minds.:thumb:
Don't get carried away with extra stuff.
Just watch and learn the stages as they change.
Learn that and the rest will come easy.
Thanks for your reply mate you have gone into details and taken time to help me out with your knowledge so I appreciate that a lot

Thank you

Thanks for your advice I pretty much going with everything you said
There are lots of great growers here.
Follow there threads and chat, friendly people.
But they will teach and help as well.
Here is a link you should check when you have a minute.
I'm sure there are Scrog/net tutorials in there.

Also I don't know if you have seen the contests.
You can enter pics for fun or your plant or nugs.
Prizes are incredible, we have amazing sponsors.

Lots to read in that grow link.
But remember don't complicate your first grow. :Namaste:
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I would pick the most expensive hours for my 12 off. Electricity cost $$
But remember you need lights on for an hour or 2 before you feed.
So what hours your available may come into it.
Some go gradually.
I find the easiest and very effective way is to turn your lights off for 24 hrs COMPLETE DARKNESS.
Then start your first 12 hr lights on and run your 12/12 from there.
When you turn your lights off your ladies start producing a chemical that makes them flower.
It takes 12 hours to build up enough of it to convince them to stay in flower through the light period.
I find a 24 hr build up to start gives them a real great start out of the gate.
Yeah I decided I'm going to do 9pm off till 9am on, that way gives me time to do stuff with her so I'm going to kick that off immediately, I will do like you said 24 hours complete at 9am to 9am then 12/12 well see how it goes 👏💪 so Ill start that asap,

86 is good for your temp.
You will need to get that rh down to 60's when you start flowering.
Then 50's after 3-4 weeks.
There are all kinds of charts and grafts I don't recommend you look at. 😂
Follow the feed chart for your formulas Week by Week exactly, don't add stuff just because.
Keep your temp in the high 70's low 80' and drop your rh.
Once you trim underneath rh will drop.
Add lots of air circulation under there, lots.
And you will blow your Dads and your Uncles minds.:thumb:
Don't get carried away with extra stuff.
Just watch and learn the stages as they change.
Learn that and the rest will come easy.

I called my old man around today to take a look at them and told him I was going to flip to flower today he agreed they are ready although he was grilling me for setting up the fan saying it's s waste of power and I don't really need it but it solved my humidity problem - so pretty much everything you said was spot on cause after trimming the lower leafs and since adding the fan I was able to drop the RH

I was testing my fan out today and managed to drop it to around 60% RH, it's a 10" AllVent UF310 but no carbon filter and Im not to worried about smell anyway

There are lots of great growers here.
Follow there threads and chat, friendly people.
But they will teach and help as well.
Here is a link you should check when you have a minute.
I'm sure there are Scrog/net tutorials in there.

Thank you will definitely check it out, love getting stuck in a rabbit hole, please if you have more send them

yeah I will try and engage more with others

Also I don't know if you have seen the contests.
You can enter pics for fun or your plant or nugs.
Prizes are incredible, we have amazing sponsors.

Yes I will definitely check them out, I'd love to won something that would give me a mad confidence boost so thanks, what do you think are the best ones to try out do you think??




Yeah I decided I'm going to do 9pm off till 9am on, that way gives me time to do stuff with her so I'm going to kick that off immediately, I will do like you said 24 hours complete at 9am to 9am then 12/12 well see how it goes 👏💪 so Ill start that asap,

I called my old man around today to take a look at them and told him I was going to flip to flower today he agreed they are ready although he was grilling me for setting up the fan saying it's s waste of power and I don't really need it but it solved my humidity problem - so pretty much everything you said was spot on cause after trimming the lower leafs and since adding the fan I was able to drop the RH

I was testing my fan out today and managed to drop it to around 60% RH, it's a 10" AllVent UF310 but no carbon filter and Im not to worried about smell anyway

Thank you will definitely check it out, love getting stuck in a rabbit hole, please if you have more send them

yeah I will try and engage more with others

Yes I will definitely check them out, I'd love to won something that would give me a mad confidence boost so thanks, what do you think are the best ones to try out do you think??




You can enter plant , nug and photo of the month every month.
Until you win. ;)
Entries are open 1st to 14th of the month.
Voting is from 15th to the last day of the month.
Member and journal otm are nominated by other members.
But sharpen your camera and enter all 3.
It's good fun and our sponsors are amazing, fantastic prizes.
That grow link is handy, did you find the section on scrog?
Let me think who else runs one might be able to help.
Give me a minute.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you for the tag Mel. LKA Budman grew a Apple Betty last year I think, so he will have direct experience with AB and SCROGing. His pheno had limbs that wouldn't support much weight, so if yours is the same, you'll need to help the limbs get to the 2nd screen by tying them to it. I was thinking his could have used a 3rd screen maybe. My Golden Tiger behaved similarly. Very little limb strength to support the weight of heavyish buds. Maybe LKA will chime in.
Yeah I decided I'm going to do 9pm off till 9am on, that way gives me time to do stuff with her so I'm going to kick that off immediately, I will do like you said 24 hours complete at 9am to 9am then 12/12 well see how it goes 👏💪 so Ill start that asap,

I called my old man around today to take a look at them and told him I was going to flip to flower today he agreed they are ready although he was grilling me for setting up the fan saying it's s waste of power and I don't really need it but it solved my humidity problem - so pretty much everything you said was spot on cause after trimming the lower leafs and since adding the fan I was able to drop the RH

I was testing my fan out today and managed to drop it to around 60% RH, it's a 10" AllVent UF310 but no carbon filter and Im not to worried about smell anyway

Thank you will definitely check it out, love getting stuck in a rabbit hole, please if you have more send them

yeah I will try and engage more with others

Yes I will definitely check them out, I'd love to won something that would give me a mad confidence boost so thanks, what do you think are the best ones to try out do you think??




All of them, they're fun 😊 and it's a way to share what makes you happy and allows everyone to cross paths with others they haven't met prior. The sponsors are amazing too.
All of them, they're fun 😊 and it's a way to share what makes you happy and allows everyone to cross paths with others they haven't met prior. The sponsors are amazing too.
I was going through the the contests and they are hard choices to make, even the grow journals of the month are great to read and wow what a selection, but definitely like u said it gave me a few journals to follow and cross paths with other and also see things I wouldn't have come across with alone.
2 days Into flower after getting 24 hours darkness just done some tucking under the net, my new net will be coming today so I'll let her grow up on this one after today,

Yesterday I noticed while giving all the plants a half strength dose of Swift Grow that there was a few what looked to be fruit fly/mosquito looking bugs hovering around the soil so I mixed up some swift fort in a spray bottle and gave it a spray underneath today it looks like they are gone thankfully. I'm thinking of cutting out the swift grow and just adding nutrients more focused for the flowering phase

My experiment with cloning looks like it's coming through, actually I might have gone too hard lol got about 8 cuts of apple betty and first time cloning and first time trying aeroponics seems to be doing well - when all done and through Apple Betty will live on 😂👌🍎🍏




Are you cutting the nutrients in half or just the swift grow?
What nutrients are you using?
Gnats are a pain, mosquito dunks get rid of them.
Zon has them.
Garden is massive buddy. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Are you cutting the nutrients in half or just the swift grow?
What nutrients are you using?
Gnats are a pain, mosquito dunks get rid of them.
Zon has them.
Garden is massive buddy. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

I've just been adding Swift Grow at half the recommended dosage about 25ml per 9 000ml the main reason I went that ratio was it balanced the PH in my water to around 6 PH

maybe 2 - 3 times in between I have added some Dutch Master Flower A and B nutrients I got from my old man he had laying around he said he used to use, they are labeled to use 50ml per 10 000ml also found by using it at roughly half strength it was giving me a good PH reading too so better then having to PH up and down it

At the moment in the reservoir has some of the Dutch master A and B mixed into it feeding thru the blumats which I have dialed in to keep the soil dry until every few days Ill either make up a mix of Swift Grow or turn the blumats on and let it feed through the reservoir

also with the amounts in the bottle I'm pretty sure they might run out so I'm considering other options for nutrients

has anyone tried mammoth p? Holy hell that's pricey! Does it actually work and Is there a cheaper alternative??
Just get some basic soil nutrients if your buying new stuff.
Something cannabis specific that isn't too expensive.
Not sure what's available readily.
But get something cannabis specific with a schedule and follow it.:morenutes:
Your girls are low on nitrogen and a touch over in pk.
Judging by color and leaf shape. Or it's the light?
You need something with a specific schedule you can easily follow.
And fast.
I wouldn't be working off old bottles without instructions :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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