OnBailCuz Aka OBC First Grow Apple Betty Herbies

Just get some basic soil nutrients if your buying new stuff.
Something cannabis specific that isn't too expensive.
Not sure what's available readily.
But get something cannabis specific with a schedule and follow it.:morenutes:
Your girls are low on nitrogen and a touch over in pk.
Judging by color and leaf shape. Or it's the light?
You need something with a specific schedule you can easily follow.
And fast.
I wouldn't be working off old bottles without instructions :Namaste:

Yeah I'll be looking into something to get asap, maybe the fox farms or something along those line, your right too I don't want to be spending a lot on nutrients unless I absolutely have to
A couple days ago I had tucked her completely under the net and today at lights on went to check up on the girls and I'm noticing a sizeable stretch of almost 5"

I'm probably gonna take the bottom drainage system I got going on and just out the fabric pot into a container to deal with run off so I don't have to stress about the hight too much and plus I have another net that I'll set up once I move a few things around and update once done




Had my old man come around take a look at her as she was looking very bushy and needed a trim, so we went over her giving her a haircut✂️

I also swapped took my reservoir out of the tent cause it was keeping the humidity levels high, I also changed the inlet fan to the bottom and opened up some of the vents at the top to let some air outs It eems to be helping out a little bit at this stage...

Got a friend that makes butter with some dried leaf so I've got some ready to give to him, look forward to see how it goes👌

Take care all ❤️





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