Outdoor Growing With BeezLuiz

Hey, could you put a "belt" around the whole plant? (probably about halfway up)
Not really a belt, actually a piece of twine or something with a slipknot in it..then snug it up a little to take up any slack, and pull the branches inward just a little bit.
Then the plant supports itself...
That's a pretty good suggestion. I might try something like that today. :thanks:
It makes me think of when FelipeBlu lost a big branch like that and stuck it in water. If I remember right, it did root; maybe you could have it grow separately?
That might be a world record clone! :D
Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise and will lighten her unending thirst?
Actually, it did seem to drink a little less water yesterday. The patched-up shoot is just a smidge droopy yesterday. It probably can't get quite enough water through the remaining material that didn't get severed. We'll see how it goes in the next couple of days.
Hey, you were the one lamenting how big that plant was getting. She musta heard you. :laughtwo:
Indeed, it showed me not to complain about lush growth! :straightface:
Well, today the plant still seems to be holding up ok. I decided to do a little more support work on the lower branches and the two mains.
I grabbed a couple of wooden shims and notched out the tops so that the branch would sit neatly into them. Then shoved them into the soil beneath the two lowest branches to help support their weight. This includes the one that broke a couple days ago (the one on the left in the first picture). In addition to the shims, these branches are also supported by bamboo stakes.

Next, I tied together the opposing branches from the next two nodes like this:
This way, they should help each other balance the load from the soon-to-become flowers. Sorry if I haven't explained this very clearly. Kinda difficult to capture with photos.

Anyway, here it is this morning. I can hardly tell something bad happened to it. :)
Monday update time. :snowboating:

The plants are doing well here in the dog days of summer. It's been hot, but not excessive so that's a good thing. I gave both plants a pretty good pruning a few days ago.

Sensi Cheese:
Sensi Cheese finally has started flowering and I decided to remove some of the larger lower branches.
I took this off on Friday:
And then I decided it needed a few more branches removed on Saturday. The arrows point to the branches tagged for removal.
These branches were more than 3 ft long. I pondered for quite some time whether or not to remove them, but finally pulled the trigger.
I feel much better about Sensi's shape and health. The mended broken branch still looks plenty healthy as well.
Here's what it looks like now. Still hardly looks like I removed anything.
Sensi Cheese has finally started flowering. I'm afraid this plant may go to November before being ready for harvest. :nervous-guy:

China Cat
China Cat has been pretty much "hands off" so far this grow. All it has needed is water/nutes every couple of days and a little pruning here and there. #nolarf
I'm really happy with the canopy shape. All top colas seem to be pretty close in height.
And the buds are starting to build.
Monday update time. :snowboating:

The plants are doing well here in the dog days of summer. It's been hot, but not excessive so that's a good thing. I gave both plants a pretty good pruning a few days ago.

Sensi Cheese:
Sensi Cheese finally has started flowering and I decided to remove some of the larger lower branches.
I took this off on Friday:
And then I decided it needed a few more branches removed on Saturday. The arrows point to the branches tagged for removal.
These branches were more than 3 ft long. I pondered for quite some time whether or not to remove them, but finally pulled the trigger.
I feel much better about Sensi's shape and health. The mended broken branch still looks plenty healthy as well.
Here's what it looks like now. Still hardly looks like I removed anything.
Sensi Cheese has finally started flowering. I'm afraid this plant may go to November before being ready for harvest. :nervous-guy:

China Cat
China Cat has been pretty much "hands off" so far this grow. All it has needed is water/nutes every couple of days and a little pruning here and there. #nolarf
I'm really happy with the canopy shape. All top colas seem to be pretty close in height.
And the buds are starting to build.
Them are some BEASTS! 💪💪💪
First buds Beez! Beautiful!
Seems like these plants took forever to start flowering this season.
Them are some BEASTS! 💪💪💪
Thanks P! :thanks: And the Sensi Cheese is still stretching.
Good thing it's on wheels!
A very good thing! No schlepping is gonna happen with that Cheese. :laughtwo:
@BeezLuiz has been lugging those carts around forever LOL!
Indeed, I have been. So good to see you around again BeanTown!
The flowers on the China Cat are really moving along nicely,
It took awhile to start flowering, but once it did, it seems to be moving along quickly. Hopefully maybe an early October harvest. 🤞
The best flower trim is one you can't see but for all the detritus in the ground!
Thanks, Shed. I try to take only the shoots and leave as many leaves untouched as possible, unless they turn yellow, which so far has not happened on either plant.
Happy Friday to you all, I hope your day is going well. :goof:
The plants are doing well for the most part, but a possible issue may be on the horizon.

China Cat
The China Cat clone so far has been hassle-free and building up buds very nicely. I purchased it from a dispensary 87 days ago and has been in its 20 gallon home for 76 days now. It started flowering 32 days ago.
The top canopy remains relatively even across the colas.

Sensi Cheese
For the most part, Sensi Cheese is looking ok, but something a bit strange is happening. This is my first SIP grow, and I'm still in the learning curve for how these things are supposed to grow. It's been in the Earthbox for 76 days now and has grown like a beast ever since. It is now 78 inches tall (6.5 feet / 3 meters). During it's peak growth rate, it was drinking as much as 6 gallons each day! Now that it's pretty much stopped growing any taller, the drinking has drastically dropped to barely 1 gallon each day. :hmmmm:
The plant has never looked droopy, and the soil in the Earthbox is damp all the way to the top, so I don't suspect any issues with the SIP. It just seems weird that it has really slowed its drinking down. The leaves are starting to yellow now as well.
It's mostly the older, lower leaves that are typical for this stage of flowering, but a little concerning none-the-less. I've been adding some cal-mag to the reservoir the past several days, and added a bit extra of the Core B nutes (higher in N). I haven't seen much improvement, but there's nothing alarming yet.

It finally started flowering 18 days ago and is progressing well.

Here's the growth chart for both plants:
Chart 03.jpg
Great looking plants, Beez!
The leaves are starting to yellow now as well.
When mine do that, (almost all of them do) I wonder - is that normal, or is there a problem?
If it doesn't progress any higher than the bottom third of the plant, I'll call it normal, but if it starts to go higher on the plant, I'll start adding stuff to try and stop it- but that has only worked once out of about 10 plants... 🤔
Your yellowing leaves seem to all be very low on the plant- as long as the yellowing stays low, I don't think it's anything to worry about...and that plant looks so good, that I wouldn't of even noticed the yellowing if you hadn't pointed it out...👍

Both my SIPs are flowering, and they both use about half as much water now than they did while they were vegging- apx half a gallon each per day now, instead of the gallon+ that they drank in veg...I thought it was odd too, but they're both doing it, and they look fine...
It's also been in the high 80's here for the last week or so- I thought their water usage would go up accordingly, but nope, still just half a gallon per day...
That's real interesting Beez! One of mine in SIP now has taken of so fast I had a hard time keeping up with cal/mag amounts. Being in LOS that's all I'm adding at the moment. So i'm thinking that plant while being auto watered was drinking a ton and still is. I'm giving 5 ml a day of cal/mag in the rez. I might have needed more or have caught it earlier to have perfect leaves. Almost but I can see not to back off. When stretch is over I may want to though! Or I may up it then go back to 5 ml for the duration which is what I fed a plant that took a gallon a day through the whole grow it seemed.

Your yellow leaves look normal to me buddy. NIce flowering going on! You're still ahead of mine by a lot! I have some yellows inside too.
All caught up. Really like the updates beautiful ladies in here! Great work! :yummy:
Thanks Don, it's always nice to see you drop by!
They're both looking gorgeous! I'm thinking that now that the Sensi is done stretching it's probably taking a break before gearing up for packing on the flowers.
Thank Shed. I guess it makes sense that the plant will need more water/nutes during the heavy stretch period. I was just surprised that the change was so drastic once the stretch stopped.
Then you be back to watering way more than you want to!
I just need to worry/complain about something... "it's drinking to much"... "it's not drinking enough"... :laughtwo:
If it doesn't progress any higher than the bottom third of the plant, I'll call it normal, but if it starts to go higher on the plant, I'll start adding stuff to try and stop it- but that has only worked once out of about 10 plants... 🤔
That sounds about right. So far the yellowing seems ok, and yeah, doing stuff to fix it never really pans out most of the time, but you gotta try. :morenutes:
Both my SIPs are flowering, and they both use about half as much water now than they did while they were vegging-
That's reassuring for me. :thanks:
It's also been in the high 80's here for the last week or so- I thought their water usage would go up accordingly, but nope, still just half a gallon per day...
Originally I thought the plant's water usage drop was due to higher than normal humidity, but the humidity has dropped back down and temps have been hitting 90F, with no change in the drinking rate.
Your yellow leaves look normal to me buddy. NIce flowering going on! You're still ahead of mine by a lot! I have some yellows inside too.
Thanks for the input, Stone. It'll help me sleep better tonight. :circle-of-love: Flowering seemed to take longer than normal this year for me. I'm not worried about the China Cat - it looks like it'll be ready by early/mid October. The Sensi, though is taking its sweet time with the flowers. I'm afraid it might go until November. I purposely choose this plant because it was advertised as 80% indica, and figured it should be ready by October. The plant really looks heavily sativa dominant, though. Maybe the description had a typo, or the seed company didn't send me what they described.
Being in LOS that's all I'm adding at the moment. So i'm thinking that plant while being auto watered was drinking a ton and still is.
I think LOS sounds pretty ideal for SIP growing with auto watering - no worries about adding nutes to an "always full" reservoir. I'm pretty sure I'm going to purchase an auto watering system from Earthbox for next season. Maybe I'll try Growdots with it. I'm not smart enough to make LOS. :hmmmm: I have tomato plants in my other Earthbox, and it needs filling twice a day as well.
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