PCaddict's 1st Grow Journal

The mats can get to hot, without a adjustment.... just pay attention I usually place a peace of cardboard or two to adjust heat between pot and mat or if u got a mat that has a thurmastat
Even better.
The matt I bought has an adjustment on it I glad you told me they can get too hot otherwise I would have put it out there on full blast Thanks :thumb:
Preston you showed me how to get the promo seeds from Seedsman and now I am hooked and I have an addictive personality so now I'm a seed addict too. Dam it Lol :snowboating:
Preston you showed me how to get the promo seeds from Seedsman and now I am hooked and I have an addictive personality so now I'm a seed addict too. Dam it Lol :snowboating:

We've all got our part to play in the seed game. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
There are no nutes to wash out in Doc's kit or any LOS.

Yes there is. There's calcium, phosphates, nitrates, ammonium, magnesium and micro nutrients in Doc's kit amendments. I presume these things are also amended into other LOS blends.
There are no nutes to wash out in Doc's kit or any LOS.

PCa is running three (?) different organic soils, so no salts or debris.

Does this qualify?
Yep 3 soils Coots , Supercools Super Soil and Docs mix I also have one 10gal. pot with the Oly Moutain Mix and two 10 gal pots of a Fox Farm Ocean Forest/Happy Frog with a few amendments added in But for this upcoming grow I will only be doing DBHBB soil and kit, I will use the LOS in the spring in my greenhouse where I can have more then 4 plants. This first round indoors I wanted to keep it easy so just the DBHBB this time around but the others are coming up this spring....:D
Organic growing and salt based chemical growing are definitely different from each other. With the kit the goal is to end up with high brix produce. Brix levels are just a refractometer reading that tells the amount of dissolvable solids present in our plants. The higher the reading the more minerally and nutrient dense the plants are. Doc’s kit accomplishes this by creating an environment in the soil that allows the microbial life to thrive. With everything in balance they do all the work and provide the plant with everything it needs. So our drenches are just giving the microbes what they need at any given time. So dunking doesn’t cause any kind of flushing effect. It’s just a way to saturate the soil with what keeps the microbes thriving and allows oxygen to be pulled down into the medium as well. As long as we aren’t drowning the herd by leaving them submerged too long, we are good. Lol
I've just finished my first run with super soil. Water only, not pH, no tea's, no drench's . Just water and I couldn't be happier with the results. I'm sold on organics :snowboating:
I will have a chance to experience that this spring I wanted to try docs kit so this round will be all DBHBB. I think it would be easier if I was doing all the same thing this grow
I can’t compare the high brix blend with any other organic growing either. I’m sure they are all great. I’ve only grown in foxfarm soil and the kit. Had good results from both. The organic bud tastes much better and there seems to be a “clear” feeling to the buzz compared to any other weed I smoke. I enjoy it so much that I don’t even smoke from a bowl anymore unless it’s really clean and I use hemp cord to light anything I smoke. Lol. The difference in the quality of the smoke is enough that the lighter fluid bothers me now. Lol. .....I mean I ain’t such a snob that I’m gonna turn down a puff when given the opportunity. Lol. But I’m thinking about the difference every time!
I'm sure docs kit is awesome too. I'm just getting into organics. So I really don't know crap :laughtwo: I'm not saying SS is better than anything else. Just happy with my first run. Fingers crossed it will keep clicking :rofl: I've got bugs now, so we'll see how this round goes :laugh:

How much did it cost to get into the SS? Is it reusable?
I can’t compare the high brix blend with any other organic growing either. I’m sure they are all great. I’ve only grown in foxfarm soil and the kit. Had good results from both. The organic bud tastes much better and there seems to be a “clear” feeling to the buzz compared to any other weed I smoke. I enjoy it so much that I don’t even smoke from a bowl anymore unless it’s really clean and I use hemp cord to light anything I smoke. Lol. The difference in the quality of the smoke is enough that the lighter fluid bothers me now. Lol. .....I mean I ain’t such a snob that I’m gonna turn down a puff when given the opportunity. Lol. But I’m thinking about the difference every time!
I wouldn't call you a weed snob! You just know what you like :) I've been using FFOF for years with good results. Just wanted some tastier erbs and I've found it :high-five:
I spent $125 USD on Amazon for everything I needed for 50 gallons of Subcool's supersoil, back a few years ago, plus the cost of 2 bags of good organic soil. Like Dankman said, I had enough leftovers to make at least another batch, and I have been adding back these raw components over the years to amend that soil and have kept it going for at least 6 years now. So lets see what my cost per grow for this soil has been, 3 grows per year for 6 years... for $125. That's pretty cheap.... Its still going strong too; using 30 gallons of it in my current grow.
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