Perpetual Grow Among Other Things!

Finally some pics...

Ok so let's get an update going....

And yes pics will be involved.

So things are back going in the right direction. but I will tell you valuable lesson learned.
In top feed when you are running one res.. if you fuck up it kills everything.... so lesson learned.. Dont Fuck Up!

ok sorry I'm back now....

Three plus weeks on one res was stupid and just about killed everything... Back to 10 days tops.... Not quite sure what made me think it would be different. Essentially my res is the same size as my DWC set up was except they where split up.

So essentially it wasnt cal.. not mag.. nope.... not nitrogen... no not that...
IT was ALL OF IT! Add 4X the light with no proper nutes in the res and you'll see what happens ;)

Ok sorry for going there again.. must be my back round music...

So things still show the effects on all the plants but... starting to improve and showing good signs again. And of course the show must go on...!!

So Bubba Kush went into flower. It had a slight defol a few days ago but new growth is looking good so in it went....


It just may end up not stretching like some of my other plants like this


But then again this plant went through some of the same stuff....


And so did this one and it is still purple but stretch is no issue...


I am not sure why i did throw in the Bubba Kush right after the issue's other than it is becoming and always was one of my favorites.. And I am low on it ;)

So lets look at an over flushed plant.... Some of the leaves where dark green way over fed... So tomorrow will be two weeks straight PH...



I am really not sure how to trim this one.. It seriously has crystals surrounding the entire interior of the plant... It is like the whole plant is one big bud..It has sucked itself way dry of all nutes ... I am laffing as I am typing... It is FLUSHED!

So lets go take a look in Veg...


Overall pic looks like all is well...
And really overall it has rebounded nicely....


Hmm DCC in the back and TW in the front...

These both will get yanked as soon as the clones roots...The DCC in the rear took a sad beating .. leaves are looking poor but I bet I could clear it up with some chopping.. but nope...


A couple of the clones that just went in the pots.. These all had issues prior to cloning but are still chewing up on themselves some. They had good roots so I am confident they will get going soon.
I put more into the cloner as I am going through the reclone faze... Sadly I forgot to get a pic.

Ok so one of the plants that I am having issues with is the ACDC in veg. It got hit the worst really of all the plants in veg. So I had little hope for the clones but they popped roots the fastest of all of them. That strain I was told is so delicate it is hard to grow with a very good setup...Now they are slow in the pots..

But anyway there are a few that are not popping as fast but I did notice today it had burnt off half the tub of water so .. I lazily threw some 500 ppm stuff in there.. We'll see what happens....MUWAAAHAAA!! Why not they where drinking 800 ppm when i clipped their asses.....

Sorry some nights I guess the PC,WW,TW,BK combo take it's effect... I get a little animated...

So feel free to comment if you see something like a big bug on a plant I missed or something...
I'll try to get more frequent on posts but no promises ;)


Newest Members!

So I totally forgot to mention the two new recruits..

Let me introduce.. One freebie Herbie's Gift Samsara Holy Grail 69


And Sour Diesel ! Look close i think i bleached the tip.. It is half white...??


These two went into Veg right before the S**T hit the fan so I was lucky they rebounded the fastest. Plan is they will go into flower in about 2-3 weeks. Sour Diesel is a 12 week flower so that honey will test my ability to run a consistent room/ set up.

I have back up seeds of most of the strains so I want to stay on schedule of running through them all.. The only one I didn't was the Afghani so far. And they are not fem so I just may never.. (paranoid).

Just wanted to pop that in there about these two as I had forgotten. I am very excited for them...

Not so happy....

So time has given me some answers... I am pretty sure it is all root issue's causing my stunted and wacky growth.
I have never been too far out of range on anything and yet things have been struggling some still...

It's root rot... Pythium... I started treatment for it a day or two ago with h202 and more DMZ but I will definitely need to break down the system and clean it all... 4 plants in flower i hacked off most of the roots and the some of them in Veg too... everything grows great until the roots hit the NFT water and then it chokes.. normally it is where it would explode. The water doesn't look bad yet at all.. but it does have a smell or did..

I probably am going to switch to drain to waste when I go through it all... Much cleaner.. I just need to pick up some new timers for that....

So anyone want to help me out here cleaning up this mess? Idea's? help would be greatly appreciated...


Keep Hanging in there FE! Quite a few of the plants look great :goodjob:

Don't know what to say about the rot... that's what caused me to leave the bucket and go "soil style" but in reality it's just container of coco and feeding with hydro nutes. Never had rot again since then. But if you have patience and plenty of bud, you will eventually get it right Comrade

Let me know if you can't kill out the pithyum. If those basic methods don't work you can use my tea and it cleans it out in 24 hours. I can post for you a guys journal where he had tried everything and couldn't clean it out and 24 hours with the tea and all as fixed.

Tea can be found near the end of this thread that explains it all.

Tea Bag your DWC

Add bat Guano 1/4 cup in bloom for extra Phos.

Not everything in the tea is needed to clean up pithyum. That tea is a complete cannabis food so you can remove the flower boosters and some of the fertilizers if you want to just clean up the system.
Thank you both for chiming in. Yah lets hope that I can get this cleaned out well but I have a plan now that I have gotten my answers. That's a start. I am hoping I am already going in the right direction as the res stench went away with just the Dutch Masters but I did start with a heavy dose of h202 since then as well... Boy the learning truly never does end. Every reading was good so I have been struggling to find the answers.. I was checking roots daily and the plants showed poor growth etc long before the roots even showed a sign. Just in the last couple days did the roots started to really show issue's... browning and very fragile.. breaking up easy...

Converting to drain to waste tonight... All new plants will be in coco as I feel it is a better medium for drain to waste than the hydroton. Hydroton I feel is great in recirculating. I will use up what is in the res now as I just changed it a few days ago.. but I am sure it is infected still.. unless the h202 and DMZ are working.. but in a few days I will bleach and clean the entire rez. Then I will know that When I clean each tub etc from there there I should be all set. It may stay with this lot of plants until they are gone. But it should be clean for anything starting from there forward. I just need to spend the next few days dialing it in based on consumption. My feed schedule in recycle was easy I wouldn't be wasting nutes/liquid. But DTW I need to monitor it to be more accurate. I don't want to under or over water them. I will start with probably 3-4 feedings at 1 minute per daily, but I need to see if I will need to reinstall drippers if it is too much. if I do then I may need to go to 2 minutes.. well what ever... Time and dialing it in will set me straight...

Thanks my 420 friends for posting and helping me out.. Quite frustrated at this point.. I feel silly like a noob grower sort of embarrassed. Then I remember I am a noob grower and there is nothing to be embarrassed about, Just something I needed to learn and get out of the way. The only way I can effectively help others some day as I do hope to do. Is to experience this stuff I guess first hand.


None of us really exist and don't really matter. Don't ever be embarrassed to talk to us... we are all just computer servers randomly spewing words from some AI someone created long ago.
The only regret worth having is not starting sooner!

Keep on growing man, it's like art. Use up enough canvases and eventually you can paint the mona lisa.


"All new plants will be in coco as I feel it is a better medium for drain to waste than the hydroton. Hydroton I feel is great in recirculating"

Sounds spot on to me.

None of us really exist and don't really matter. Don't ever be embarrassed to talk to us... we are all just computer servers randomly spewing words from some AI someone created long ago.

Gosh thanks VI for trying to cheer me up... I am all good just sometimes when the plant is telling you and you keep walking in every other direction you feel silly when you trip over it.

And I need this old AI program to automate my grow....

The only regret worth having is not starting sooner!

Keep on growing man, it's like art. Use up enough canvases and eventually you can paint the mona lisa.


"All new plants will be in coco as I feel it is a better medium for drain to waste than the hydroton. Hydroton I feel is great in recirculating"

Sounds spot on to me.


Yah i am lucky I have a great place here with oodles of knowledge and good people and a becoming good friend at the hydro shop that has helped alot as well...

This was just silly cause when I think of it this easily and should have been avoided...

So tonights inspection was well .. it progressed worse from yesterday or I was not aware yesterday how bad it really was....

So tonights update is as follows .. all tubs in flower where cleaned not sterile but with tap water ....I ran water through every flower plant and aggressively cleaned the roots with tap as well... Poor things are looking sad all over and well we'll see what happens. I did not go sterile as I have not changed the res and I am sure it is full of baddies... That will probably be a sunday thing.. Then i will have to go through and clean the tubs again that time sterile. I need to dial this thing in first.

So I am now drain to waste... tested it somewhat and no leaks and seems to flow as needed. I don't know how much i will be wasting so far as when I cleaned and emptied the tubs.. well when I had open 1/4 hose i was using maybe 1 gallon in a 1 minute feed... well that was veg actually...but too much really ... So I decided to try the drippers again... uggg... but if it works... so...

that made it so slow that I barely drip into the bottom of the tub.... 2 minutes seems ok but it will take even awhile before the bottom of tub fills enough to drain.... it has about 1/2 gallon that remains in the tub even non feeding... no idea if that all will matter... ill have to watch it... the pythium loved the tub water pool...

Feeds are 4 times for 2 minutes a day in veg and 3 times a day 2 minutes in flower.... Seems so little ... I am
I worry the hydroton will not be good enough for such little food... no clue.. I was told it would be fine to go down to 2 a day in both...

All that of course is dependent on how many and what size etc.... wasn't really a blanket statement...

I know with Coco it would easily be enough... I just need to do some more research as I know it has micro's etc in it already so I need to adjust on some stuff...

So feel free to pop in with more encouragement as I probably will periodically need it into the near future...


I say fix the problem. Folliar is something I avoid now. I was into it before I learned how to grow right. You don't need it even with your infection. Just fix the problem. It is in the medium now. That is the real problem. So if you use like clay pellets or grow stones you need to make sure that you introduce your chems through the net pot not into the res. That should be much easier now that you are drain to waste.

Whenever I get to talking to people about pithyum it always gets to a point where running sterile has failed and then your only solution is to go living. it works overnight so when you finally are ready to give up let me know and I will walk you through the tea.

Going Drain to waste will help ... Good luck.
I say fix the problem. Folliar is something I avoid now. I was into it before I learned how to grow right. You don't need it even with your infection. Just fix the problem. It is in the medium now. That is the real problem. So if you use like clay pellets or grow stones you need to make sure that you introduce your chems through the net pot not into the res. That should be much easier now that you are drain to waste.

Whenever I get to talking to people about pithyum it always gets to a point where running sterile has failed and then your only solution is to go living. it works overnight so when you finally are ready to give up let me know and I will walk you through the tea.

Going Drain to waste will help ... Good luck.

yah foliar spraying I don't like at all but the plants are hungry as they are eating up lower leaves so I was thinking of one or two foliar feeds to supplement. But agreed most important is fixing the issue... If I can't get this fixed or signs of fixing, in the next day or two I will probably buy what I need to make the tea....

I am not avoiding it... quite opposite... I am looking forward to doing it but I am too stubborn to do it before I use up some of the nutes I had just purchased. I am in this for the long haul so there should be plenty of time for testing stuff down the road.

That being said if i struggle with he pythium too much longer I will have no choice and get it going...

Can clean/sterile nutes be the base nutes and be mixed with the tea and not kill the bennies? Is it just the dutch masters Zone and the H202 that is killing them off?

It was late when i read the link you posted and i had skimmed through it before. It mentioned that it could be run without the sugars... and seemed some people where doing a mix with other base nutes but where those live base nutes...??

Also running DTW I could make up a batch and run it through.... then go back to sterile for a bit and then back to tea... etc.. until I use up the sterile stuff...

Anyway just some random thoughts from far east buds


I recommend to the afraid all the time that you can go back to sterile after you solve the problem but they never go back once they see the results LOL. Like seriously the lat guy cut off almost all of his roots in desperation before I convinced him. they rebounded in 24 hours and in a few days had a good sized root system again.

So Fertilizers will not harm the bacteria. The H2O2 will so you don't do those at the same time. I don't know nor have time right now to read up what Dutch master Zone is. but chemical or organic...either way fertilizers wont harm the bennies.

The sugars give them some guaranteed food that will cause them to breed and flourish and give them the best opportunity to really take hold and clean up the situation. It is part of the process as you add it at least twice during the brewing process. the more you add the more bennies you get and if you add it right before introducing into the res you will give them a better chance.

Gotta run I will catch up tonight with ya. You understand you need a smallish air pump to do this in a bucket...the better the air pump / stone the better it works.
Current Sitch!

Current sitch....!

So I spent several hours last night cleaning everything in Veg. All the plants had strong h202 run through the net pots. Every hose had it pump through it for quite qwhile and all tubs cleaned and h202'd. Damn that was alot of work and I still have to do flower tonight. half a gallon of h202 used to clean veg.. Ran it pretty aggressive on stuff.. all over..

Fresh nutes in the Veg res and there is no ugly foam anymore or anything. I can no longer see any signs it even existed. So far.....

I ran a strong does of that and DMZ in the res so maybe that will help keep the baddies out.

All plants in veg I removed as much of the hydroton as possible in each pot and replaced it with Coco. For now this is my medium of choice.

So what keeps the water that sits around from going stagnant in Top feed systems. It isnt enough to even work with an air stone... Is the goal to feed so little there is not a surplus and it drinks what little remains in between feedings? To avoid pythium should I just be looking to disrupt the water surface?

Should I figure out a way that nothing will remain left behind for water? Like drill a bunch of holes in my tubs and run a flow table? Guess I should have thought of all this ahead of time but everyone I asked say a half gallon in the bottom of the tubs would not be an issue.... but apparently it is..;/ I am not running it as one but isnt that the same as a dutch pot? except that has hydroton in the thing? Do they get pythium too? I understand it is related to dead water and heat but my tubs don't get above 75... anywho...

I will have to figure something out as I know it is a bitch to get rid of pythium and if i do I need to make sure it doesn't come back...

Thanks for stopping by...


Ok so i am going to throw up an update since I am trying to rest and buzz up a little before I go tackle another work in grow room session.

So the decision today was made to get a flow table. Well I need 3 but they had 2. So here is where the fun begins.... I will set each table to drain to waste and run my tubs in the table for now... I will drill some holes in the bottom so nothing will stay in there. Waste of the tubs really as this will make them useless other than this purpose or outdoor gardening. But such as life. So the reason I say this is I am going totally coco. Like I think by tomorrow I will have convinced myself to run them in pots just like dirt but with top feed. Screw it.

So I still don't want to get started so I'll give a little of my thinking... I originally was going to do DWC. Too much upkeep to monitor all those damn tubs.... RWDC I had flooding issues... evening out issues... and one issue was an issue for all of them. So top feed in Hydroton .. well that was great but anything recirculating to me is dangerous so.. error! then top feed drain to waste.. well I have to get rid of that damn water... ok so add the drain table and stability of coco.. Then why not just run a bunch of soft pots or plastic ones with full coco?

I will be able to manage stuff even easier.... Big small clones all can be scattered where ever in the tray. So the goal will be to eliminate the tubs as soon as possible I guess...

Coco is messy like dirt and I didn't want to use dirt but coco is better than dirt from what I can read... So far I can think of no reason why not to try this for now. I will just need to figure out how to set it up so I can be somewhat clean about it. I dont want it all over the place... water dries ... Coco makes a mess.

I'm feeling it ...

off I go...

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