Probably a really really stupid question


Well-Known Member
...but when a seed company says, for example, 9 weeks to finish flowering, is that the total time it takes from seed to harvest or are they saying 9 weeks to flower as in 9 weeks after veg?
I have seen many autos advertised incorrectly, and many confused new growers thinking that their entire grow was only going to take 9 weeks. Even an auto has to start out vegging, and there is at least 2-3 weeks before flowering starts, with some varieties taking even longer. Look for the point of "budstart" when the pistils start to explode from the growth tips instead of new leaves. That is when flowering starts.
id guess with autos, just plant em and forget length of time, theyre done when theyre done, dont plan around a set time.

photos are easier in this regard, you can predict them little easier, you have slight more control
Put it this way. Today is day 32 from sprout. They’re looking strong and healthy and bud sights appeared a few days ago. So basically I’m wondering if I’m half way there or if I have 9ish weeks to go lol
I have found when my environment in my grow space is absolutely perfect I can usually finish a strain off on there time scale or in some cases up to 2 weeks earlier than they say on there data sheets, I have just ran 4 strains and all were 9 week strains and finished at week 7 with a good selection of cloudy trichomes, they had already started maturing at week 6 and by week 8 the buds were all swelled up and hairless, so I think sometimes some seed banks do get it right, but when my conditions in my environment were off then I was never finishing by there time scale always needing a week later.
So this pic is almost a week old but here they are


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